island day 3.

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Inuyasha and Serena were able to find an old village on this island. From the looks of things, Serena suspected that this might have been a secret island home to very old Pirates. Probably had ways to navigate the waters and found ways to find the island or leave it too. Inuyasha wasn't one hundred percent sure about that, but he especially wanted to check around for more clues to figure out where they were.

So, let's continue where I left off at enjoy.

So, the very next morning, Inuyasha and Serena came to inside the hut they stayed in last night. As soon as the sun rose into the sky. Inuyasha was really ready to get some answers today to find out more about this island. So, they woke up, and they had headed out at first light. They finally managed to make it all the way to the top. where that tree was at as well.

Serena saw everything alongside Inuyasha. There was a castle here on the island or look like an old castle, more like old ruins now by the looks of things, but the tree was coming out of the top of the building straight above the castle actually, right over it.

"Wow, it's like the tree is built inside the castle or it's like surrounding the whole thing or what used to be a castle, but it looks like the tree is in the center of the castle and the castle is built into the tree, spoken up Inuyasha" honestly.

"It appears that way, Replied Serena" keeping her eyes open. As she moved in closer and looked over the whole castle. She was curious. "Something wrong? Asked Inuyasha" Noticing her facial expression. 

"No, it's just something about this place it feels old, but familiar, like an energy source I have experience before, perhaps in my past life as Princess Serenity, Said Serena" thinking it but feeling something familiar to her old home's kingdom's energy.

They both tried to get insides a few steps broke a few times from her walking on them. As Inuyasha caught her right away easily. 

"Careful, this old walkway is pretty old. The stones are weak, barely holding this place up, Say's Inuyasha" holding her. Thanks, we should carry on, Said Serena" hiding her blush on her face.

As Inuyasha sort of noticed it, though this time and saw her lightly blushing. As they got inside finally. There wasn't much to see since the place was such a mess, and some stairs were blocked off, and a lot of the roof looked to have caved in. Inuyasha told her to stay close by to him, don't wonder off. As she said, she'd be fine. As he walked up to the wall there was written letters near the old wall, but he could not read it, it led to a glass box or something of the sort surrounding written words even longer than the wall.

"Man, what kind of language is this? I cannot read it, said Inuyasha" confused and unsure. As Serena looked down next to him. But the strange thing was that it was written in the old Moon Kingdom language, a language that was lost thousands of years ago.  No one alive would be able to read it expect for her people.

"Well, no wonder you can't read it, it's not written in Earth languages, I am not an expert like Amy is on Human earthling languages, it's not written in human or demon or even monster, it's a lost language, but it makes sense to me...! It's a message and a note to anyone who finds this island, Said Serena" Seriously explaining to him.

"Wait...! not human or demon? wait, not Earthling? language Wait...! You can read that chicken scratch...!? Asked Inuyasha" confused. 


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