Never felt this free before

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And here was Lart outside the palace with his luggage, taking a deep breath. )

Prince Lart - Wow...I don't think I felt this free before. Even though I was cherished and cared for solely because of my gender, it was suffocating to live in my enemy's wings all this years. Howdid Lily even tolerate to be locked up in a room for thirteen years? Okay Lart, this isn't what you are supposed to think of now. I should---

Princess Veronici - Elder brother! Panting 

Prince Lart - Nini? What are you doing here?

Princess Veronici - I-I got your letter

Prince Lart - Dont tell me you running as soon as you received it.

Princess Veronici - I didn't have a choice. Anyway, have you decided where are you going to stay now?

Prince Lart - I will have to look for and inn first before I find a proper place to stay.

Princess Veronici - You can't probably stay in this Kingdom, right? 

Prince Lart - Yes. It's a risk to stay in this Kingdom.

Princess Veronici - Then why don't you come to my Kingdom? I can assist you in your search for a place and your source of income too.

Prince Lart - No Nini. That will be even more risky. Did you forgot our Fathers are best friends? 

Princess Veronici - I suppose you are right...well done, where will you go? Moreover, we have to find Lily too. She hasn't blown the whistle yet.

Prince Lart - That's another concern too...well, why don't I do this? Father is associated with the kingdos of the South and the North, That is the Musa and the Luxana Kingdom. But he doesn't has any connection with the East. So I can live in the Olwyn Kingdom. The Kingdom is completely opposite of Aynur Kingdom too. 

Princess Veronici - Olwyn.....that's where he lives. So that means I will have more chances to meet him? )

Prince Lart - Nini?

Princess Veronici - H-Huh? Oh yeah. That's a good Idea. But what about your income?

Prince Lart - Oh. Don't you worry about that. I have enough savings to buy a cottage and yet survive a year without working. I have been working and saving up for this day afterall. It's not that I won't work, but I can take my time to settle well.

Princess Veronici - That's great! Then I shall accompany you.

Prince Lart - No Nini, you should head back. It looks like you had to sneak out again, right? 

Princess Veronici - Ah you caught me, elder brother.

Prince Lart - Brother knows everything. Now go before it gets darker. You must be tired. And tomorrow we will go to the land behind the Aynur palace to find traces of Lily. We need to know the way she took.

Princess Veronici - Elder brother, okay right?

Prince Lart - Trust me. She is more than just just. I have faith in her. She is a wise girl.

Princess Veronici - I hope so too...well then, let's meet up tomorrow!


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