The plan : Lart

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Lart had reached Olwyn Kingdom by evening. Before looking for a room at an inn, he met the mayor of the town, hiding his identity ofcourse, who would help him to look for decent cottages in the evening the next day I that he could move in the day after tomorrow. He booked a room at an inn nearby to the mayor's office for one day and two nights stay. )

Prince Lart - I should freshen up a bit. Seems like I don't have much of an appetite. Should I just go for a croissant and a glass of warm milk? Yeah, that will do.

After freshing up and having his meal, he sat down at the study table. )

Prince Lart - Now, let's make a timetable of what I need to do the whole day tomorrow. 

The timetable:-

★ Wake up early, bath, get breakfast and set out by 8 a.m.

★ Meet Nini on the outskirts of the Aynur Kingdom.

★ Travel to the back of the palace.

★ Find traces of Lily and make a report.

★ Visit the cottages with the mayor later in the afternoon and get lunch. 

★ Make some other reports and a plan. 

Prince Lart - Huff... tomorrow is going to be a long day. Now, let's make the first report. My intuition is strongly telling me that after tomorrow's research, some pieces will definitely come together.

The report (#1) :- Lart's prospective

Their are six of us to come together.

Two out of the six, i.e., me and my sister were together, in the same Kingdom as siblings.

I suspect Veronici to be one of us too ( reason to be written in the second report. )

Now if I were to use this logic,

Me and Lily were born as siblings again, given that we are actually siblings in our actual form.

Veronici ( if she really is one of us ) born as single, just like her actual form.

So the possibilities of other three are:-

★ For Letalis and Vernon to be born as siblings again, given that they actually are in their original form.

★ Herbert to be born as single, just as Veronici.

★ And if we three from the six already know each other and were close to one another from the beginning of our rebirth, the same might be for the other three.

The report (#2) :- Lart's prospective

When I was born, I didn't have any memories of the past. However, as the time passed as I learned and was trained about my powers, I started to remember everything about my past and my existence.

Lily was unknown about her powers and hence doesn't know about herself till date. 

I am born with the same face as my  original self. And I remember the other there's face too. Yet, the face of the other two was hazy in my memories because one doesn't know about her powers and the other didn't get her memories even after knowing about her powers. As for Lily, when I learnt the truth I could remember her, and so did her past became clear.

Veronici, on the other hand, knows her powers, can manifest them and yet doesn't remember anything. The reason I suspect her because of her genes to be the same as her...and also because her manipulating powers are ' different '

If a royal is born with manipulating power, they can control only one thing or being. But she can control them all. Hence, she might be Rafiyan, I doubt.

And now that I am in Olwyn Kingdom, maybe one or two of the other three are here.

Prince Lart - I am kind of confident that my predictions aren't wrong. The time for us to near right? Are we going to meet soon, Letalis?

Hope you like the characters! See you in the next episode!

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