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Warm rays of sunlight wove their ways through leaves, leaving gold stepping stones across the forest floor.

A rabbit, a netherland dwarf, hopped along the undergrowth, enjoying the sun on her soft fur.

The crickets sang a comforting song to her, one that let her know it was okay to continue onwards.

Beside the little bunny, a chestnut coloured squirrel scaled up the tall oak trees with a number of nuts in their mouth.

The bunny hopped towards a meandering stream, edging closer towards the refreshing crystal-clears water. Ducking her head down, she began to take small sips.

Unbeknownst to her, she was the only one who needed to satiate their thirst.

Silent, slowly, salivating: a wolf stalked towards the bunny, concealing its large body behind and even larger tree trunk.

Golden eyes were glued to the oblivious rabbit, pupils smaller than the guilt it knew it wouldn"t feel. Hunger gnawed at its insides, urging it forward.

Round blue eyes scanned the area for any threats, closing in on the beast that hid itself in the foliage.

Her ears flattened to the back of her head, heart racing but body unmoving. Instincts rooted deep into her DNA forced her out of shock, and she began to sprint.

With a fierce growl, the wolf lunged forward, its powerful limbs pushing it forward. The rabbit ran, breathe becoming heavier with every growl from the wolf.

She wove in between trees and under bushes in a desperate attempt to get the wolf off her trail. But it just wouldn"t shake.

Adrenaline and fear pushed her forward even though she was growing tired.

But it was no use. She had over estimated her knowledge of the area and got herself stuck between two logs.

The beast approached the trembling rabbit, its sharp teeth reflecting the sunlight and blinding its prey.

Neither of them knew if she would die between its powerful jaw or a heart attack. It didn"t matter much to the wolf after all.

Not when it had a bullet in its side.

A deafening crack ran through the forest, silencing any and all forms of life. The wolf paused its advance, flinching at the unfamiliar sound.

A searing pain flooded its senses as thick, warm blood dribbled out of the bullet wound. It had been shot.

At this realisation, the wolf let out a high-pitched whine that was cut off by a thud as it fell to the floor.

Now, the little rabbit had another kind of predator to worry about.


AN: How exciting a new story!!! Let me know if there's anything that needs correction. There won't be anything too bad, but even a worm will turn. <3333

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