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The weirdo shook her head and exhaled. "Yes, I'm okay…" she didn't really look okay, but Viridity dismissed it as she was more interested in her english accent.

Another pained cry left the blonde's lips when the disinfectant touched her leg. Viridity mumbled words of comfort as she wiped the area clean and wrapped her leg.

"I think it should be okay. You don't need stitches." Looking up at the stranger once again, Viridity sensed something was wrong again as the woman was making that weird face again. "Hello?".

"Oh umm… thank you…" the blonde whispered, continuing to stare at Viridity like a creep. "My name is Alexandra. What's yours?".

"…I'm Viridity." Alexandra"s staring was starting to make her uncomfortable so she packed up her medkit slowly to drag out the simple task, afraid that if she made any sudden movements, the larger beast would feel threatened.

"Can you walk?" Viridity asked. She needed to know if she should get the creature crutches or if she could make it home on her own.

"I think I can walk," she muttered before slowly standing. She was definitely taller than Viridity had originally thought.

Alexandra was about foot taller than Viridity, so to look up at her comfortably, Viridity had to take a step back.

"Oh, you are… short." Alexandra had to hold back a giggle as she didn't want the woman in front of her to feel offended.



"I haven't seen you around here before." Viridity asked to change the subject. In her eyes, she wasn't necessarily 'popular', but she did know a lot of the creatures from her part of the forest.

So, as she hadn't seen Alexandra before, she assumed it was because she was from a different part. She hoped she wasn't.

"My parents are visiting for business, they most likely won't stay for too long, but I'm liking this part of France so far." Alexandra replied, as she gazed at the oak trees with a far away look on her face, as if she was trying to decide something.

"Do you think you can make your way home?" Viridity asked, remembering how she was going to make her fruit pie.

Every other time, she tried to make it something would go wrong. The oven was too hot, she didn't add enough flour, the baking tins would be half eaten. This time, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"I can, and we should meet up again. Meet me here at midday overmorrow." Alexandra said. It wasn't a really a question, but how was Viridity supposed to know that?


"The day after tomorrow." The blonde clarified with a straight face.

"Okay, I think I'm free then!"

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