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Wow, wow, wow.

How did this happen?

One moment, Viridity was sat with a child helping him find his colouring book. And the next, the whole room was covered in glitter.

So much that it covered the entire lens of her glasses.

The children ran around squealing at the glitter that fell from the ceiling.

Maybelle gasped in disbelief and sputtered because of the glitter she inhaled. “Outside! Everybody outside!”

Slamming into the walls of the nursery, children spilt out like elephant toothpaste, leaving destruction in their wake.

Standing at the door to the playground, Maybelle and Viridity stared at each other for a short eternity before discussing how they were going to clean the wreckage.

“We build a new nursery.”

Viridity shook her head, building a new nursery would take a lot of time and a lot of resources that they didn't have.


“Can't you build something to get it all cleaned?” Maybelle asked.

“I've already done that, I knew it wouldn't take long before they did something.”

“Thank goodness…”

The playroom was looking better than it was before. Much better. There were still patches of glitter on the ceiling and a couple of chairs missing..

But that was not their problem anymore, Maybelle had said when she found Viridity on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. That couldn't have been good for her health.

Now the sky was pink, and the sun was playing hide and seek, meaning the parents would be coming to pick up their babies.

“Home time everybody, pack up your things and line up.” Viridity's soft voice rang through the cafeteria.

A knock alerted the pair, letting them know that there was someone at the door. Maybelle left to go and allow the parents into the nursery.

Leaving Viridity alone. Before anything outrageous could happen, the children rushed into their parents' arms.

“Phew, my back is killing me, and I'm only 23!” Maybelle complained for the sixth time that hour.

“23 years over 1,000!”

“Haha, very funny…”

Elle looked at her laughing friend and blushed. She must have been embarrassed. Being caught complaining again…

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