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Jessica was a bright child and came from a loving family and household. It was now 2014 and she was just starting reception! There she was, walking through the doors and onto the playground, making new friends and all sorts.

Jess was always told she would have a good future ahead of her, even though she was 5 years old and more dedicated to Peppa Pig than her future. At that time, Jess wanted to be a vet alongside her best friend Elaine, who had been her friend since nursery.

Jess was a few months into reception and she was still as bright as ever, she was playing with the playdoh along with some of her other classmates and not long after, the home time bell rang.

She always told her Mom everything that happened at school, not missing a single detail. Jess never showed any sorts of learning difficulties or issues, she just got on with what she was doing and be great at it.

At home, Jess lived with her Mom, Dad and 2 sisters and she got on with her family members and loved everyone dearly. She was from a family which wasn't rich but wasn't poor so she was in a rather average family which was perfect to her. However, she lived in a rough area but it wasn't as rough as where she used to live.

You see, Jess used to live with her Nannies and her parents but soon after her parents got a house and they lived there until Jess was 3. Her parents realised it was too rough around there and moved a bit further away.

She then started nursery, finished and moved to her current school. Jess was always a 'little angel' and she always did as she was told, she was a golden child.

For the rest of reception, Jess was an angel and did extremely well in class.

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