Year 5

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Ive decided to skip to year 5 as i don't remember anything from the previous years. Enjoy!

Jess was now in year 5. She was no longer the golden child as she used to be, she was now becoming a little problem child. Her behaviour turned and she started shop lifting and being rude to her parents.

School was an escape from home, where she would get ridiculed for things she can't control. School was boring and she was getting bullied but she didn't care.

It was now the middle of year 5 and Elaine is moving away, to a different school and place. Jess couldn't help but blame it on herself, they were arguing loads and as a year 5, she thought that was the reason.

Jess was sad. Angry and sad. She started keeping her head on the desk and rarely socialise. No one knew what was happening to the golden child.

Jess would constantly get called names and be talked about. She was trying to be good at school but trouble seemed to follow her, she'd get shouted at for things she didn't do and got in arguments with all her friends and 'boyfriend'.

She couldn't wait for the school year to end and she just wanted to start secondary school. It was the time of the morning where the class would eat fruit and watch newsround.

The news talked about something called 'Covid-19' and it scared everyone. They were informed that if anyone had a cough, theyd have to 'isolate' whatever that was. Jess was worried but she didn't think it'd be too bad so she didn't let it affect her.

After Elaine left, Jess had been hanging out with Poppy and Ellie. The trio became close quickly and they'd call every night and play roblox or minecraft. Poppy and Ellie were the reason why Jess was calm.

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