Year 6

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Year 6 started horribly for Jess. She was getting stressed about SATS and not even a quarter into the year she got a cough and got send home for 2 weeks to isolate. 2 weeks quickly turned into 6 months as COVID became a global pandemic and everyone had to isolate.

During the 6 months, Jess was talking to her still boyfriend and had a little friend group with Ellie, Jess, Harley and Josh (Josh and Jess were dating) and they called every single day and played Fortnite. Jess was addicted to her console and spent an unhealthy amount of time in her room and over eating, she also would wake up at 3pm and sleep at 5-6am which was extremely unhealthy for a child at her age but she wanted to have fun.

The summer was the best for Jess as she would spend most days in the garden with her family in the blow-up swimming pools and music, sometimes even a bbq! Jess was having tons of fun until something changed.

Jess used to love change, she lived for it but now she hates it. She had been diagnosed with anxiety and it was getting quite bad, she would have panic attacks and occasionally throw up due to them over a slight issue or change.

The new change was a lock on her parent's door. On the first night, Jess had a panic attack because all she would be repeating to herself is 'what if someone breaks in and they don't wake up and i cant get in' or 'what if they need help and i cant get in' and it really made her unsettled.

The poor girl felt dreadful everyday after not sleeping and she felt horrible knowing her parents had to constantly cancel plans because she was throwing up in the night.

After a few months though, Jess went to buy her new school uniform and she was really excited as she'd make new friends and have a good time.

"Is this the tie?" she asked her mom. Her mom nodded and looked for the blazers.

After a good 3 hours getting everything, they finally left and went to SMYTHS where her and her sisters got toys. Also, Jess now had 3 sisters! Her mom gave birth to her sister about a year and a half ago and she was really happy! She was a bit disappointed that she didn't get a brother and was now stuck with 3 more girls but she didn't care too much.

The end of the 6 months was coming up and Jess was getting really worried about her new school. Yes she would make new friends but what if people hated her?

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