Year 7

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There she was, in her new uniform, in her new school. Jess was scared but felt better when she went into the building.

She went to her form group with her 2 friends from primary (Katie and Tilly) and they made a few new friends.

Jess was still in touch with Ellie and Poppy and the others but they all rarely spoke as they were all getting ready for school.

It was the first day and they were only there for a half day, they also had to wear face masks due to the pandemic. Other than all of that, Jess liked the school and didn't want to leave. Ever.

After a week, Jess was already threatened and was getting cyber bullied, she fell into a dark place and she started to gain a few habits.

A boy said he was going to make her bleed because she didn't like him in a relationship way and she wasn't ready for an actual relationship. After that incident, the boy got suspended and Jess lost all respect for boys.

About half way through year 7, Jess got lots of certificates and praise for being good. Jess decided to be careful at this school and not get into any trouble so she did as she was asked at all times.

Her favourite lesson was science because she could actually do it and she loved her 2 teachers. Sometimes Jess simply couldn't see so the teacher let her take a picture on her phone to see it and copy down. Sometimes, Jess was upset or angry so she put her head down and her teacher always knew why so he never bothered her about it, but tried to get her to do some work at least.

Jess was offered to skip her lessons many times but she always declined, god knows how mad the teachers would be. There was one teacher who Jess absolutely despised as she didn't give her the chocolate for doing 3 pages of work and that really pissed Jess off.

Jess then got feelings for a boy, a boy that she never even spoke to and wasn't in his class but she really liked him. His name was Ben, he was beautiful.

Outside of school though, Jess was stressed and angry and sad. So many emotions filled her body so quickly and she didn't know how to deal with them.

She then found a way to release her anger but it wasn't a good way. It was hitting things or people.

She would constantly hit and kick people and walls which would leave her knuckles bruised for a few days, she would hurt people and herself.

Jess found comfort in her dark place, she hated it but it never changed so she attached to it. She was always sad and she just learnt to deal with it and not let it get away with important things.

Year 7 was ending in just a few weeks and she was excited to not be the youngest in the school anymore, she was a bit upset of how quick the year went but as long as school was okay she didn't really care.

The past few months went a lot better for Jess as people began to find her quite funny and she got a new little friend group.

It was now the last day of year 7 and everyone, except Jess, was crying like it was the last day on the earth! Jess found it odd but stopped worrying about it because it was almost time to go home.

The bell rang and everyone sprinted out the building. Jess and Tilly were best friends now and they walked home together like they had for the past year.

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