Therapy Part 2

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More warnings for dark and possibly triggering content here.

I split it into two chapters because otherwise it would have been just too long.


Poppy and Branch moved the curtain back over place. Poppy gave Branch a quick smile before disappearing behind the curtain. She didn’t see the one Branch gave back, but she felt it. She joined Bramble and Viva to resume their game of rummy. At the front Moon and Tiny resumed driving, now keeping an eye out for the redwood trees.

Branch took his spot again, right next to John. Everyone was in their original spots, though, they seemed closer than before. They were a smidge closer together. It made Terra smile internally. They were beginning to heal.

“Thank you all for coming back. Now, I would like to remind everyone that while we have made a ton of progress already and will make more progress as we continue today, it will be necessary to seek therapy even after you are finished with the mission.” Terra started off. She really wanted to empathize the idea of seeking more therapy. She knows it would be beneficial to them and maybe even harmful if they don’t go. “What’s going on here is a no handles crash course that doesn’t allow much time for individual thinking and processing. And while I know that complete honesty is essential here I also know that Several of you are holding back on some things.

“This is okay. Not everything can be solved in a day. Not everything can be approached in a day. It’s just not feasible, and that is okay. There will be plenty of time later. So for now we are going to try and focus on some of the things that have already been talked about. If something pops up that is of relevance, feel free to mention it.

“This is, above all, a safe space for healing. If you have something that needs to be said; say it! If you have questions that have been bugging you for years; ask away. If you feel like you are being overlooked or unheard or even attacked don’t hesitate to get my attention and I will make sure you all get your piece.

“Now, the room has been mostly aired at this point. So let’s start focusing our attention a little more here.” Terra shifted in her seat to reach the wall. Carefully she pulled a framed poster off the wall and held it up in front of her. “This is the poster from your last concert. Who would like to talk about BroZone?”

“I think John should. It was initially his idea.” Bruce spoke, looking at his older brother. His voice was soft and full of mixed emotions.

“Actually, Brozone wasn’t originally my idea.” John started, getting surprised looks from his brothers. He chuckled at them, one hand coming up to play with the fuzz of his jacket. “I originally started singing about, oh lets see, ten? Wall, I was actually eight, but I was ‘ten’ to everyone else. It was just a way to bring in some extra cash. Floyd was three and was old enough to listen when I would tell him to stay in one spot.

“I did solo gigs at first. They didn’t pay much, but people seem to really enjoy the music. Well, one day I had a gig, but school was out for, hair, what was it? A cootie bug breakout, I think? So I had to take the bros with me. It was the dinner I normally worked at, they needed an entertainment position filled as someone had canceled.

“Well, I was singing and dancing when Floyd, who had seen enough of my performances by now to know the show, joined in. Even then he had the voice of an angel. He jumped up and started singing with me and trying to dance along. The crowd loved it, they thought it was so cute. And then I guess Bruce and Clay didn’t want to be left out, so they jumped in too.

“Floyd was singing his heart out. Bruce was rialing up the crowd. Clay was busting out all these crazy dance moves. It was so much fun I forgot I was working. We did the rest of the performance like that. It wasn’t long, an hour or two maybe, but it was great.

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