Miss you, mon amour

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As I was walking home, I had my head down, my mind slowly becoming filled with him again.. was I grieving way too much? Was it normal for me to still love someone so much even if they're dead?
Before going home, I went to the store and bought some blue roses and went to Gregory's grave. I stood there before the tombstone.

"Hey.. it's me again.. Lils, y-your childhood friend.." I began to tear up again. And closed my eyes.

"You have no idea how badly I miss you.. and how I wish you were here with me.. school has been awful.. your ex girlfriend Wendy has became a slut and dating Stan again but cheating on him and has been picking on me for still grieving for you, I beat the holy hell outta her.. so I guess that's a plus." I laughed to myself and sat in front of his grave. Placing the roses against his tombstone gently. Tears formed more.

"Tell me... is it wrong.. for me to still be in love with you after you've been gone for so long? To..." I clutch the fabric of my dress accidentally scratching myself. And I break down and cry.

"To wish I could cast some spell to bring you back? I don't know how much longer... I can take... this neverending pain. They tell me to just let you go... and move on.. but they don't understand.. you were the only one.... I felt so close to.. that always was there when I was hurting, or when I was afraid of my father, the way you would hold me and tell me that everything would be ok.... and now.. You're gone... out of my reach... in the underworld.. I hope you're in heaven... my love.." I put my head to the ground now sobbing. The pain in my chest increased.

"Why... why did God take you away from me?! Did I anger him or something? Why couldn't he have taken me instead?! If I had it my way... I'd go to hell for you to come back to life... I'd sell my soul to the devil himself... G-gregory Goddammit... fucking come back! I need you here! I can't fucking live in this fucking world without you! Dammit dammit! dammitdammitdammitdammit!!
Gregory Wolfgang Bellarose the fucking third!!! I can't... I hate this! I hate living without you! You were my everything! COME BACK DAMMIT PLEASE!!!!" I screamed out my throat began to hurt from crying so hard.
I stayed on the ground sobbing.

"P-please..." I cry out softly.

I then felt a hand on my back, rubbing gently. Shivers went down my spine, and I turned my head only to see that no one was there. I swallowed hard and drew in ragged breaths. I closed my eyes and turned my head slowly to the tombstone where the roses were delicately placed before it.
I began to lose consciousness, and before I fully did, I spoke my last words.

"I love you so much.. I promise it'll never change."
And I passed out.

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