
248 9 8

Requested?: no
Mascot or human?: Human.
*S/O on her period*
Sheriff toadster
Queen bouncillia

-He tries to do anything in his power to make you feel better.

-is super concentrated about your mood swings.

-gets you a blanket and a ton of cuddles!,also some ice cream because well he thinks it might help.

-is literally running around panicking not knowing how to deal when you get those painful cramps.

-the smell of blood dose get him slightly exited...

-gets you pads or tampons whatever you use.

-is literally clingy and by your side like a little puppy. Trying to distract you from the pain.

-once again Banbaleena has to do the cooking. Not like she minds though.

-he be treating you like a queen!

-"hey (y/n)?" "Hmm?" "Can i taste your tampo-" "THE FUCK?!"
"Are you though?😑" "😶"
"You wanna eat my pancreas while you're at it too?😒" "Well since you so graciously offered 👀" "BANBAN!😡"
-this boy is so gentle! Asking if something hurts you too much.

-unlike ban he knows to at least give you painkillers in hopes of making the pain go away.

-cuddle master! Clingy as fuck but he don't care all that matters is that you feel better.

-bro is treating you better then he serves Queen Bouncillia! I mean like he gets everything for you and makes you rest.

-If you cry he cries!

-never let's a second pass whithout telling you how much he loves you and ask you if you are alright.

-also gets you supplies like tampons and pads.

-OH! would you look at the time! How about A JOKE to cheer you up?

-will be over the moon if you laugh. But if it causes an explosion in your underwear he like 'oh fuck'.

-will stroke your hair and hold you close to try and make you feel better.

-"Bittergiggle?" "Hmm?" "Why you hogging my legs?" "🤭" "FINE- but only cuz you're cute!" "😚"
Sheriff toadster 🐸🤠:
-my guy is literally husband material in all situations. Especially when you are on your period.

-he with circle around you like a guard dog.

-cooking you the best meals you have ever eaten in your life! (Nothing beats mom's cooking though am i right?)

-like the rest will make sure to tend to your every need! Bro is like a superhero saving the day when her kicks the door open while holding some painkillers.

-will constantly as you questions on how are you feeling and such.
"Darling you okay?" "Dose it hurt sweetheart?" "Baby girl you alright?"

-if it makes you happy will take off his tiny hat and put it on your head for fun.

-will be really sad when he has to go guard the kingdom but won't show it though. But a few minutes of cuddling together never hurt right?

-forced Bittergiggle to sit on a chair next to your couch and tell you jokes.
If the jokes are boring you sheriff will proceed to beat the ever living shit out of him- but if you find them funny good! Bittergiggle won't suffer then.

-pads and tampons are a must.

-"you having fun on my back partner?" "😊 Mhmm!" "Okay but it's time for you to get off..." "🥺" "Okay maybe 5 more minutes..." "Yay!😆"
Queen Bouncillia👑🦘:
-yay a girl! Probably knows what to do best right? Well...kinda???

-since stinger flynn and Banban are the only ones know to have human genome she doesn't really get periods.

-but will gladly listen to all you have to explain about it and the process and blood and cramps and mood swings etc.

-she will try her best to understand and when she does she does understand she will do her anything in her power to help you.

-gets you supplies.

-lots of snacks and sweets too!

-is a bit disturbed by the fact that humans bleed from their private part and it's normal.

-will hold you close to her big fluffy body! If the naughty ones weren't trapped inside her pouch she would put you inside it for fun.

-lets you climbed up her and play with her crown.

-"why is (y/n) on your head your majesty?" "Because they need to rest sheriff." "😆😆😆 Happy!"
As mentioned this wasn't requested i just wanted to add something to this book and i thought this was cute!

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