☾ 1 ☾ The Deadly Duo

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A servant broke the silence, "May I announce Orpheus Lakaris and his companion." The big door opened and a duo stood on the threshold. Both lowered their dark hoods simultaneously before entering, walking in lockstep.

The man was broad shouldered and muscular. He wore a silver armor, a dark cape and countless weapons. His face was angular and his hair pitch black. His name, Orpheus, fitted him since it means dark of the night or midnight, which describes his appearance perfectly.

At his side was a woman in a flowing white dress. Her facial features were a lot more gentle than his and so was her expression. Her hair was nearly white and reached over more than half of her back.

The captain of the guard ran towards her and reached out to her, "Kat-" He was cut off by Orpheus holding a dagger against his throat, "Don't come too close to her." A second member of the guard had also run towards her and steeped now slowly closer saying, "Katherine-" He stopped because she had taken one of her hairpins out of her half up-do which was sharp as a knife and held it right in front of his throat. "I advise you to also keep your distance", she said while turning her head slowly to the man to look him in the eyes.

The Captain gasped, "It's me, Matt. Don't you remember me, Kate?" "I'm not Katherine. You're of no importance to me. You're merely a stranger.", she answered cold. Orpheus watched her closely searching for a reaction and decided to push the Captain back.

The king slowly nodded, "As always you have made your point clear, Orpheus. None of my men will come too close to you or her without viable reason. Known not just by Orpheus but also by two members of my guard, even by the Captain at that? Who is she, if she isn't Katherine as the Captain suggested?" Both members of the royal guard backed away at least a bit.

The woman lowered her hand and put her hairpin back in her half up-do, "I am nobody, your majesty." Her voice was melodic nearly godly, incredibly warm and hypnotic. "Explain yourself", the king demanded slightly confused. Orpheus puts his knife away and she gave the king a slight smile, "We are both members of the Faceless guild. Every guild member is nobody which means we're both nobody."

The duo walked past the men only to stop right in front of the king and bow. The king clicked his tongue, "Who is that woman? Why are you suddenly teaming up with an other assassin after insisting on being on your own for so long, Orpheus?" "You'll notice soon enough that she is unlike anyone else", Orpheus just smiled mysterious. "Have not you heard the rumours, your majesty?", she asked smirking slightly. The king shook his head but the crown prince answered, "I believe, I have. Since five years it's being rumoured that Orpheus is accompanied by a healer called the flower of life and death." "I am undoubtedly blessed to have her by my side", Orpheus grinned first at the her then at the king..

The king now asked, "What's her name?" "Selene Lakaris", Orpheus answered. The king scoffed amused, "Another Lakaris? One Lakaris kept us always more than entertained. But two Lakaris'? That might just seal the end of the world." Both, Orpheus and Selene, smirked like they were already planning on how to end the world.

The crown prince now interfered, "Tell us about yourself, Selene." "I'm the flower of life and death because I'm a healer and the potions I give my patients could either kill or cure them, the decision is all mine", she smirked mysteriously. The prince furrowed his browns, "What-" Selene took a step back, turned around and stepped to the side. Now she stood back to back to Orpheus and was facing Matthew and Stephan. Both had silently drawn their swords and approached Orpheus from behind, but due to Selene stepping in, they were now holding her at sword point. "Get out of the way, Katherine. We'll make Orpheus pay for whatever he did to you!", Matthew hissed.

Selene took a small step towards Matthew and Stephan. Their swords were now pricking her skin right beneath her collar bone on each side. She calmly explained, "My name isn't Katherine. My name is Selene. If you hurt Orpheus, you might as well hurt me too." She took another small step towards towards them and the swords pricked deeper into her skin making her slightly bleed. A bit of blood slowly flowed out of the wounds and stained the hem of the neckline of her white dress. Selene smiled sinisterly at them, "To you two, I will be hell." She punched against the flat side of their swords which not only ripped her skin further open but directed the blades away from her.

Matthew and Stephan were taken aback, but as the soldiers they were trained to be, they didn't need long to react. Once again they held Selene at sword point. After all three stood still for a few moments before Stephan realized his chance and launched at her. She quickly took a step to the side to avoid the blade but they came rather close to each other. The guard turned around towards her and held his sword tip to her throat gloating.

Selene just gently smiled, "Don't be scared. The paralysis will leave your body rather shortly. That's what you get for attacking me. You should've known better." While she was still speaking Stephan passed out and fell against Orpheus who just took a step back and let him fall on the ground.

Selene turned towards Matthew who looked at Stephan in pure shock. "Will you attack me some time soon or will you just stand there looking like you've seen a ghost, Matthew?", she asked calmly and tilted her head. Stephan frowned and lowered his sword while stepping closer towards her, "You're Katherine. Why can't you remember who you are?" "I know exactly who I am. I'm Selene Lakaris", Selene just turned towards Orpheus who was now kneeling beside Stephan.

Orpheus scrutinized Stephan and pulled a hairpin with a pearl out of his left arm. While launching at Selene Stephan had swung his left arm around so it has been rather easy for her to put her hairpin in it and since he had been so focused he hadn't noticed. Orpheus silently handed the hairpin back to her which she took with a smile and put it back into her hair.

Selene looked at the king as she said, "I'm tired from all the traveling and the wild accusations from your Captain of the Royal Guard. I will, if your majesty allows, go to my chambers to retire." The king nodded and she turned to leave as a member of the royal guard offered, "I can accompany you, Miss Lakaris." She tilted her head  and smiled at the guard, "I can walk on my own." "Of course but some of the hallways are rather dark and scary", the guard warned her. She only smiled patiently, "I've been Orpheus' companion for five years, it takes more than dark and scary for me to be afraid, pretty boy."

Now once again the Captain of the royal guard made a couple step towards her, "I will accompany you." "As a stranger you should ask to accompany me instead of demanding. Regardless, Matthew, I neither need nor want your company", she stated politely but distant and walked away.

The king chuckled, "She's quite amusing. I never thought anyone could dislike the royal guard more than you, Orpheus, but she proves me wrong." "I don't dislike the royal guard. I dislike being mistaken for someone I'm not. I also dislike men who don't know how to properly act around a woman, especially an unfamiliar one", Selene turned towards the king smiled and bowed before continuing to walk towards the door.

Orpheus looked at the king, "We are both tired from the journey and I would like to rest as well." The king nodded and Orpheus turned around to walk after Selene. She didn't stop or wait for him and just kept walking. But she'd walk slower than she did before and so he was able to catch up to her rather easily.

Matthew got restless the moment she had turned to leave. The king tilted his head and demanded while leaning forwards, "Step closer, Captain!" Matthew did as he was told and the king asked, "Why so troubled, Captain? What connection do you have to her?" "Your majesty, Selene might just be my little sister, Katherine. I'm not quite sure, since she acted entirely different and didn't seem to recognize me", Matthew lowered his head.

The king raised his eyebrows, "You are telling me, my guards captain who rose to this position due to hard word and dedication is the big brother of a assassin traveling with Orpheus?" "Your majesty, it seems that way. But with her you never know. She always had a talent for making things seem like something else than they actually are", Matthew chuckled slightly thinking of memories of their common past.

The king smirked, "Are things the way they seem to be?" "Your majesty, I honestly do not know", the captain seemed entirely lost. The king scoffed with a smile, "You should try to find out then." "I will. I will find out what happened to my sister and how and why she became what she became", Matthew nodded, his mind already on his sister.

The king leaned back and chuckled loudly, "Orpheus returned but not alone. His companion just knocked out the second in command of the royal guard with a hairpin. Things never get boring with him around and it seems like she only makes things more interesting."

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