𖤓 14 𖤓 A woman needs no man

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Katherine was strolling through the streets of the capital of a strage country, Adarlan. She had never been in this country, in fact she had never left Erila. But then Katherine had never even left my village or the forest near to it until she met Adofo. Incredible how much can change in one month.

Adofo. Where might he be? How might he be? He dropped her off at a nice inn in the capital and paid for her room for two weeks in advance. He said goodbye before he disappeared, but left her behind, clueless. One week has already passed.

Lost in thoughts Katherine was wandering through the streets when a man caught her attention. He was leaning against the wall of a house and clenched his side while panting heavily. He was dressed entirely in black. Even though his clothes were simple, she could see at the first glance that they were expensive. His hat hid his eyes and his scarf was pulled up over his nose.

The man wore black gloves. The hand that was pressed on his side was covered in blood. The blood wasn't visible on the black leather but Katherine was sure of it. Even though he was wounded his movements were smooth so he was warrior. His physique was also fit for a warrior. All in all, he looked a lot like Adofo. He dressed like him so maybe just maybe he was like Adofo. That man might very well be a dangerous criminal.

Katherine walked towards the man and threw her hands in the air while sighing loudly, "Darling, don't tell me you got into another pub fight!" Confused about the unexpected confrontation the man pushed himself off of the wall exposing his wounded side. Katherine quickly seized the opportunity and takes her place right beside him. She wraps her arm around him supporting his weight like the wall did before. She placed her hand above his and applied pressure to the wound on his side.

She whispered to him, "I'm a healer and you're wounded. Go with it. I'll help you. I promise." The man was too weak to protest.

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