☾ 27 ☾ A Siblings Squabble

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Stephan broke the silence, "So, Katherine, where did you even stay for the night? There are no chambers assigned to you after all." "None of your business", answered Adofo disinterested while continuing to eat.

Stephan angrily glared at him, "It sure is. It is rather my business than yours." "Then how come I know and you don't?", Adofo slowly looked up to the captain. Stephan jumped up from the bench, "You-" "Keep quite, some people are trying to enjoy their meals in peace", Katherine clicked her tongue but kept eating peacefully. Stephan didn't even think about calming down and kept shouting, "Adofo, stay away from my-" "I'm not yours, by far", calmly Katherine looked up to the captain and put her fork and knife down.

Stephan didn't understand her, "But Alexandra!" "I'm Katherine and it really is none of your business", she leaned back before standing up while excusing herself, "I've lost my appetite." She left without hesitating or looking back.

Stephan glared angrily at Adofo, "She isn't yours. She will never be yours." "She belongs to nobody. Not to you, to me or any man, she belongs only to herself. Besides it wouldn't be your decision anyways", Adofo kept eating unbothered. Again Stephan shouted, "You-" "Don't push it too far, you know my patience composure is short", Adofo put his fork down with a loud clatter.

Suddenly the royal guards second in command, Michael, spoke up, "I was already wondering why you kept your composure for this long. Not only that, but answering when somebody talks to you? It's both very untypical for you. But you're trying because you know it'll make her happy, right?" Adofo didn't answer and only looked at Michael.

Stephan scoffed, "You're a selfish mercenary! As if you would care about anybody, about her." "Whether I do or I don't is none of your business", now Adofo also put his knife down. Michael clicked his tongue, "You do. You didn't get physical although you are annoyed. You usually get physical but you don't want to make her sad by hurting her brother." "You think she'd care if I hurt him?", for the first time Adofo looked Michaelin the eyes.

Slowly Michael tilted his head clearly thinking about those words, "She probably wouldn't but still it's somewhat of a principle, isn't it?" Adofo clicked his tongue, "Think whatever you like as if I would care." He stood up and left in the same direction Katherine had headed to.

Adofo looked at Stephan, "If you care about it that much, I can reassure you, we didn't fuck. As a matter of fact we never fucked. For as much as I know, she never fucked anyone." "You don't even believe that yourself", Michael scoffed. He just shrugged his shoulders, "Believe me or don't. Why would I care?"

Stephan asked, "Exactly, why would you care?" "Because I care about her. And so do you. That's what we have in common. It might just be the only thing we have in common." "You don't care about anyone", Michael scoffed.

Stephan agreed, now growing angry again, "Yeah, you're a selfish mercenary." "I've personally never met a selfless mercenary, have you?", Adofo tilted his head now beginning to seem slightly annoyed. Another member of the guard asked, "How come you care about her?"

Adofo was about to leave when he looked back around, "When we met, we both had nothing in this world except ourselves. Now we have each other. She is more important than any women I've ever fucked. Our bond goes deeper. She is my other half, arguably my better half. But she completes me."

I was a man looking for a purpose in life and someone to protect, she was a woman looking for someone to care for and to protect her. We were just what the other one needed at that moment. Nothing has changed since." "You'd normally never speak of your emotions", Michael scoffed.

"Stephan, you two clearly have a past, no matter how often she denies it. You still care for her and she hasn't forgiven you. You should focus your efforts on apologising rather than worrying about stuff which doesn't concern you either way", Adofo said calmly while walking out of the room.

"Alexandra!" "I'm Katherine Depuis." "No. You're my little sister Alexandra Beauford." "No. Your little sister is dead. She did with the rest of your family." "No. She was the only one to survive."

Katherine stepped closely to him, "She didn't. She died when she stood in front of her burning home. She died when her brother walked out of the flames and died in her arms. She died when she dragged her dead parents out of the ruins of her home. She died when she dragged each one of her dead family members through the village. She died when she dug their graves and buried their bodies. But she waited. She waited many seasons for you to return to her but you never did. You've left your little sister behind on her own. You've abandoned her."

"You left her behind on her own. Now leave her alone. You made your choice. Stick to it."

"Alexandra had no place in this world. She just never fit in, no matter how hard she tried. She was too insecure and scared to follow her dreams so she just did whatever was expected from her."

"You think I'd try to fit in? Do I seem insecure or scared?"

Katherine stood up with a sigh but smiled, "Should any whores arrive at the palace, sent them to the garden and inform me." Everybody looks shocked at her. Especially because she spoke so openly about the whores she was meeting. Either she didn't perceive their shocked or just ignored it. Her smile stayed the same as she turned around and left the royal guard flabbergasted behind.

Stephan was about to storm after her when Adofo stepped into his way hissing, "Keep it in your pants, Stephan." The later was enraged and started shouting, "You shut-" "They're her informants. They know a lot more than one might think. That knowledge saved us more than once", Adofo explained patiently, "She treats them like actual people and they appreciate that. They tell her whatever they know or she wants to know and in return she puts them under our protection."

Stephan slowly but surely calmed down recognizing his over reaction.

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