☾ 3 ☾ Only a warm up training

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Selene entered the training grounds wearing black trousers and boots and a white tunic. The White Knights were currently training but she didn't care. The White Knights were a imperial order of knights notorious for their brutality but efficiency. The only order of knights that was more feared were the Black Knights. They were known for been even more cruel and word had it that they were more assassins than knights.

As soon as they noticed her all knights stopped and the commander looked around to find the reason his knights were distracted. When his eyes met Selene's he walked towards her. "This is no place for a Lady", he stated in an emotionless military tone. She just smiled calmly at him, "I just want to train a little bit. We wouldn't want me to get out of shape while staying here, would we?" "We are currently training here and you, my Lady, can play here once we're done", he stated in the same tone as before.

Selene's smile grew, "Oh, I don't play around. I noticed you're not training, Commander. Why don't we do a little training session together?" "You want me, the Commander of the White Knights, to fight you, my Lady?", he chuckled and other knights failed at containing their laughter.

Selene was now grinning at him as she tilted her head, "Yes, but if you're too scared to lose in front of your knights it's fine. I can understand. Oh and I'm no Lady." "Fine but don't cry when I hurt you", the Commander's voice and expression turned angry as she hurt his ego in front of his followers.

Selene laughed, "Why are you so sure you'll be able to hurt me?" She pulled out a dagger from the sheath strapped around her thigh.

Selene kicked this sword out of his hand.

"If I were you, I'd remove that hand", Selene said calmly. The commander looked at his hand resting on her chest and quickly pulled his hand back.

Selene sat on top of the Commander pinning him to the ground.

Orpheus had approached the training grounds unbeknown to everyone on the training grounds as they were focused on Selene and the Commander. Orpheus scoffed, "That was barely a warm up." "You know, I was beginning thinking you've stood me up", Selene turned her head to him to smile at him. He smiled back, "You know very well that I'd never stood you up."

Orpheus scoffed at the Commander, "Get up! She's as light as a feather. You can lift her with one arm." "I can't get up no matter how hard I try!", the Commander breathed heavily. Katherine crossed her arms, "Wait a minute. Are you calling me fat?" "You better just be quite if you value your life", Adofo laughed.

"But how can you be so light and still pin me on the ground like that? I used all my strength and couldn't get up!" "Because I placed me weight above your body's gravity center. So regardless of how much I weigh or how mich strength you have, you won't be able to get up."

"Adofo, be a darling and lay down." Adofo laid on the ground and Katherine pointed at the middle of his chest. "There is his gravity center and if I place my weight above that point, he'll be unable to get up no matter how hard he tries." Without skipping a heartbeat she sat down on his chest right above the point she had just pointed out. Adofo tried getting up and failed just as she predicted.

She got up and laid down herself, "It's the same for me." Adofo knelt beside her to point out her gravity center on her lower abdomen right above her hips. "If I use force above it, she won't be able to get up either." He placed his hand on her upper abdomen and pushed down. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get up. Adofo removed his hand and offered it to her to help her up.

When they were both standing again Katherine took a step towards the Commander. "It's really just simple science. But if used correctly in a fight it can be extremely helpful", she tilted her head and smiled slightly. The Commander asked confused, "But why is your gravity center so much lower than his?"

Katherine furrowed her brows and looked back at Adofo who just crossed his arms and scoffed, "Because she's a woman. Haven't you noticed yet?" "But why didn't you just sit down on her just like she did?", the Commander asked again. Katherine was still looking at Adofo obviously dumping the responsibility of answering on him. Adofo just chuckled, "Are you serious? If I'd ever sat down on her she wouldn't be breathing anymore."

Katherine turned back to the Commander and smiled, "As much fun as that was we came here to train not to teach you science."

They fought and everybody present watched them in complete awe.

Word travelled fast and as Katherine and Adofo were leaving the castle that evening Stephan and Michael stopped them in one of the hallways.

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