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"Leave him on the bed."

"Yes, Mr. Yai."

The thud of a man's body being thrown onto a bed rang out in the room. It was a large king size bed in a luxury suite on the top floor of the Sunrise pub, a famous trendy pub constantly frequented by young night owls.

Naturally those young people able to afford such a suite must have belonged to a high class like. for example, being the owner or at a minimum an exclusive VIP customer. Who was "Big, the magnificent Singha Watthana", to allow himself to use a room like that? Well he was the son of the bar owner. The previous month, Yai Big had just turned 20 and his father had recently entrusted him with the management of the bar, one of the main family businesses, which allowed him the right to enter and exit the luxurious suites whenever he wished.

Taking care of a place wasn't difficult: you had to check everything, detail by detail every day, just like his father had always done, whose aim was to ensure a suitable job for his son, without him even having to try to look for it and avoiding so that Yai Big would get into trouble or fights elsewhere. Fortunately, Yai liked that job, thus not creating any problems for his father.

Well, he was like a simple tourist in a museum there.

He made himself comfortable on a chair in the monitor room outside the club and, to avoid getting bored, he went to watch the girls dancing, moving their hips through the glass. If he saw someone, he liked he would go downstairs to meet her and if she agreed with him then he would take her to his suite to play and ease his heart, having sex all night.

Therefore, the luxury suite was not exactly a room to just sleep in, but rather a room to enjoy yourself exclusively with beautiful women. That day, however, the intent with which he went up to the suite was different. When he had seen a new customer using the pub bathroom, Big had remembered who that beautiful face was and the great charm of that person whose entire right arm was covered by the tattoo of a dragon, the arm that in that at a precise moment it was Yai

The man was nothing more and nothing less than "Akirah 'Dragon' Chitsanupongkul", heir to a famous banking entrepreneur in the country. A rival that Big had clashed with countless times in just a year. Every time the two of them met they had to resist the urge to fight.

Many times, they ended up in fights and with bruised cheeks, split and bleeding lips. The reason why they had such a relationship was because of their competitive nature because they challenged each other every time, they had the same adventures and it was known, "Two tigers cannot coexist together".

Once, for three days, Dragon had dated a woman Big was flirting with and even though he pretended to be unaware of it, Big knew he was shamelessly faking it.

Clearly this had been a declaration of war.

Big hadn't yet chosen how to take revenge, but when Dragon had suddenly appeared in his pub alone, without friends or bodyguards who usually buzzed around him like a pack, Big had immediately suspected that there was something behind it, but not he didn't care at all.

Now Dragon should be ashamed.

"You're done with me!"

Big, the young playboy, was so excited that he felt goosebumps all over his body, his revenge was clear in his mind. He immediately ordered his subordinates to add sedatives to the alcohol Dragon was drinking and then take him to his suite once he was unconscious.

Even though he found it somewhat annoying to let his arch-enemy into his suite, Big found it a necessary evil for the success of his plan, since no place would have been more suitable than that. In that room he could have recorded his rival naked with a woman and then uploaded the video to all the most viewed porn sites in the country.

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