Chapter 3 - Underwear Thief!

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"Mister Yai, the architect from G Design Studio has arrived." Big nodded before dismissing his co-worker. It was time for him to take responsibility. During the last two months of vacation from classes, Big had canceled his trip to Hawaii to meticulously plan the entire Sunrise renovation, just as his father had announced.

That day he had set up a temporary office in a hotel room, then contacted a renovation company and finally examined proposals from many architectural firms, but had yet to find a design that had impressed him. In the end he decided to hire G Design Studio, one of the best architecture firms in the country.

"Hello Mr. Alangkarn. I'm Rat." The young architect offered his hand to Big first despite being ten years older than him.

Big greeted him back and gestured for him to sit in front of him. In the office, in addition to Big, there was also his father, Borom, who from Germany would have taken part in the meeting, even if through the large screen of a computer.

"Just a moment, my device had some problems and I contacted the intern to have a new one brought to the studio for presentation." Rat said as he nervously wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Big nodded and pretended to look at his wristwatch, aware that such a gesture would increase the nervousness of his interlocutor.

After a few minutes the door to the room opened and a large, burly figure appeared in the doorway. Big, who was sipping his tea, was surprised. He remained staring at that figure from head to toe.

The new arrival was in fact Dragon, who smiled mischievously at him seeing how the future customer's jaw had dropped open at the sight of him.

Dragon came over and sat next to him, placing his MacBook on the table, while the young Rat architect breathed a sigh of relief.

Dragon was a third-year architecture student and had decided to use his free time as an intern at an architecture firm to gain experience. The person who introduced Dragon to that studio was Boss.

"Rat, everything is ready. I'll start the presentation whenever you want." Saying this, Dragon turned on his Mac and then started the program where he had previously loaded the presentation and only then turned the screen towards the client.

"You're better off letting one of your companies handle this." Big tried to convince his father not to hire G Design Studio, but to no avail. The work presented by that company was very good indeed.

After arguing over the entire cost of the job, Rat, the lead architect on the project, excused himself to go to the bathroom as Big's father had left the meeting moments earlier. Only Big and Dragon remained in the office, sitting opposite each other in silence.

"You have to demolish the entire building. Feeling so charming, huh?" Big clenched his jaw when he realized that his heart was beating strangely, the mere presence of Dragon in the room was tickling his heart, but he was aware that he had to take advantage of that unexpected opportunity, so he asked: "That video..."

"It is still in my possession. I didn't give it to anyone or publish it anywhere." Dragon replied by raising an eyebrow while Big, while remaining silent, clenched both fists.

Dragon then continued: "Besides, I watched it until the end. For him it was pure hot sex. I can't believe you were a virgin."

Those words made Big's cheeks pale and he didn't dare make eye contact with the person in front of him before swallowing dryly and replying.

"What happened that night, we can leave it alone. Now you can delete the video."

Dragon's thick eyebrows raised: "Why would I delete that video?"

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