Chapter Two

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As I walk down my front steps, I go over my Mums and mine conversation and I wonder why she's so set on homeschool. She used her most urgent tone. She is the only erson, so far, that I can't fully decipher. I taking a turn around a corner, and I see him. Peter Han. I forgot about him. He glances at me, and I know what comes next.
*Flash back to the start of school*
As I walk into the classroom, I see everyone look at me immediantly. Almost everyone. I see a guy in the back looking out the window. He must have died his hair, becuase it's a nice, soft blonde. Sort of. From what I can of his face, he has a wide closed mouth smile. He has big puffy cheeks, but they're not fat. They're a kind of inbetween that you don't think they're fat.
He looks over at me now. He looks Korean, like me, although it's a littler more obvious with me. As though he has one Korean parent. I stop myself there. Why am I assessing one kid, when I have a whole classroom full of them?
I turn to look around the room while still in the doorway. "What are you doing, silly girl? Come sit down. This is English, not sport. You can sit in the seat next to Peter. The boy with the black hoodie and jeans." I stand still for a second. I knew this was a school without a dress code, but I didn't realise there was no dress code. As I walk to the empty seat next to Peter, I see a kid with a shirt that a popular p*rn star on it. She has a blue, thin gown that covers all, but, man. I that kid ever lucky he won't meet my mum.
I sit down to the left of Peter. He's in the back row, so I want to kinda distance myself. I want to go under the radar, not become the chick everyone fears just becuase of where I sit... Along with my face. My Mum says I have Resting Bitch Face, with a kind of soft look. I see out of my  peripheral vision, that Peter is looking at my through his. I get kind of nervous with his upturned eye shape and double eye lids looking at me. His dark eyes make it look like he has black iris'. After a second, I realise, he has a very calm looking face, with his soft smile and laid back look in the way he sits and dresses.
*In and out of flashback*
The reason I get uncomfortable, is because when I walk into the room, his face is always the same smile and soft, dreamy almost, look on his face. I've read everyone elses faces like the pages of one big book about a classroom, but his is different. His is just always happy. No-one's always happy. Although, sometimes I catch him glancing at me with a sympathetic look on face.
*Out of flashback*
 I stand still but I know he's seen me. As he comes over, I remember all the times I saw that sympathetic look, but I don't have to, because it's the look on his face as he walks over to me. I don't want his sympathy, or his... kindness? Why am I saying this? I want to make a friend very much. What's wrong with me. I'll see what he has to say. He's closer, now. He stops about three feet away from me.
"Hey, I'm um...-" He just kinda stops. He starts to turn red and I know what's wrong.He has anxiety! I should try and make friends with him. He seems nice enough and it might make me a bit more likable.
"Hi, I'm Yoo Ryung, but you can call me Ryu, for short. You're Peter Han, right?" I know I have anxiety as well, but he seems to really struggle.
"Um... Yea, I'm Peter Han, but you can call me either Peter or Han. It's uh... Really nice to meet you." He gives a sweet smile and I know that we'll be great friends. I start to ask why he kept giving me sympathetic glances, but he cuts me off with the answer to my question.
"I'm really sorry about the glances, I just... I know what its like to be alone and I was trying to gather the courage to talk to you, but I always got too scared. Please tell me you're not mad." I look at him for a second. He bearly knows my personality and is already scared of me. Back in my old school, I wished for that, now... I want nothing more than to be friends with this person. I put on my most encouraging smile, that I didn't even know I had, and say "Hey, I'm not going to be mad at you, I just thought you pitied me, and now I know you don't, I don't mind." I try and sound reasuring, and I must have, 'cause he gives me the biggest smile.
"Can we... walk the rest of the way to school together? I don't like walking into school alone. Usually, I just get my older brother to walk me, but he's sick with the flu." He sounds sad. That happy, cheery voice of his has deepend into an abyss of saddness.
"Hey, yea sure. I don't mind... We can even make a routine out of it." I see his face light up and I want to see his smile, but his head is hung low. "So, howcome you're always lookign out the window, in English class?" I try to lighten the mood up a bit more but he starts getting flustered and I see I hurt him somehow. He doesn't seem angry, though. he has more of a... pained look on his face.
" I ummmm....-" "No, it's ok. You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable. I know we just started being friends-" his eyes glimmer at the word friends, and I can tell he hasen't had many before- " But, I've noticed  you don't seem very social and I want to help. I'm, also, not the most sociable person, but you can come to me with anything. Remember, you're my only friend. Who am I going to tell secrets to?" As I look at him, I know he's got a big secret and I want to help him keep it.
"Well.. Here goes... I'm Gay and I have a crush on this odler guy who's in another class and when we have English, his class has P.E. The English classroom has the best view of the oval and I get to see him with his althetic duality."
I am awestruck.

Can anyone guess who Peter Han is based off of, and who his crush is based off of?

The Insufferable Pain of LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz