Chapter Three

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"YOU'RE...-" I think about how hushed he was. He obviouly doesn't want people to know.
"You're Gay... That's cool. Have you ever dated a guy?" He seems suprised by how easily adapted I am. He looks like he's considering pressing it like he wants me to be more prejudiced towards him, but I know he is just surprised. I never really cared for the drama of people being shit heads over sexuality. I'm Pan, myself, but I'ver never felt the need to tell anyone. In despite of his want to press, he answers my question.
"No, I haven't, but I... I really like this guy from the older years..."
"What year is he in, exactly?" We're 16 now, I wonder who from the two older years he'll tell me it is.
"It's Lee Rhino from grade 12... He's leaving by the end of this year, but I don't have the guts to ask him out." I stare at him blankly for a couple seconds. I know for a fact that there are only three Korean students in this school. Me, Peter and Rhino. There is no way this is a coincidence. The only Korean guys in the school may have the chance for a thing... That's still kinda cool, but a huge coincidence. He looks reassured when I say nothing bad and I feel like he feels more comfortable, now.
As we're walking the rest of the way to school, he looks like he wants to say something. I want to make him feel more comfortable and not treat him like he's some pet needing my assistants, so I look at him with the same smile my Mum gives me when I am in the same position, and he looks more confident but still he looks like he needs a minute. I walk quietly until I here his voice say, "Thanks for not saying anything. You're really nice." I look at him with astonishment. Out of all the things I'e been called, 'nice' isn't one of them. I've been called selfish and a bad friend, but that is normal, for me.
"well... Thanks for saying that. It's so nice to have a friend that will say that. I've never heard a lie so beautiful." I might've let slip too much, but... I really don't care and I have a really good feeling about this guy.
"Hey, don't worry. I don't have to lie. You are super nice."
I'm still blushing when we reach the school gates. I hear the bell as I walk into my first class with my new friend, Peter. It's English. It's the only class that we have assigned seats. Since me and Peter loners, we can sit together everyclass.
As I'm sitting in English, and I start to think about my morning.
Such an eventfull day, I've had. I feel glad, that I now have a friend, but.... Why do I still feel this empty-ness? I noticed it, earlier, too. I have all I wanted... A friend. Why am I still not happy? I need to go home.
"You alright, Ryu? You look like you've seen a ghost."
I jump at the sound of His voice.
His voice that haunts my nightmares.
His voice that made everything not worth it.
The voice that belongs to Beom Seok, my Ex-Boyfriend.

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