Chapter Five

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*Still Peters POV*

She stops and I don't know why. She looks settled when she says "You're Gay... That's cool. Have you ever dated a guy?"
I'm suprised. She didn't say anything mean or anything that she know would be hurtful. I'm considering asking questions like why she didn't say anything, but I answer the question instead.
"No, I haven't but I... I really like this guy from the older years..." I want to say more but she might ask a question.
"Who is it exactly?" She's kept her tone light and I feel she is just curious... Purely for knowing about me. I feel... fuzzy inside...
"It's Lee Rhino from grade 12... He's leaving by the end of this year, but I don't have the guts to ask him out." She stares blankly and I know what she's thinking; There are only three Korean students in the school. Her, Rhino and me. The fact that I like Lee Rhino is a big coincidence, as well as the fact that I may have a chance with him.
I feel so much more assured as we're walking to school and I really just want to say something but I'm scared. As we walk, though, I get the feeling that she is trying so hard to not say some things and make herself say other. I'm never going to say that I'm good with facial expressions or any of the, but I can Kinda feel it. She has something she's not wanting to say, but I won't push. I'll only ask when she's more comfortable. For a second more, I think on wether to say it or not, but... Why not?
"Thanks for not saying anything. You're really nice." I see something spark in her eye and I don't know if I've upset her. She looks like she's remembering something painful. I think I've crossed the line.
"Well... Thanks for saying that. It's nice to have a friend who will say that. I've never heard a lie so beautiful."
That's super sad. I make a meantal note to make sure I compliment her, at least once, everyday.
"Hey, don't worry. I don't have to lie. You are super nice." She blushes and I feel like she might have more than one secret. She may not know this but, whenver the word "lie" comes out of someones mouth, her pupil dialates. It's kinda funny watching her pupil dialate becuase of a word.
She's still blushing, and I'm still awestruck by how she doesn't mind that I'm Gay, by the time we reach the front gate of the school. As we walk into class together, we hear the bell ring for us to be in class. We have English, first. As we sit down, I realise that English is the only class we technically have assigned seats. I can sit next to Yoo anytime. I need to think of a nickname for her, calling her Yoo seems to formal. Well... Often, people give friends nicknames that are particularly funny because it's based on what they look like. Well... Yoo is around 5'2, has pitch black hair and a pale complexion... Like a ghost. Her name suits her, then. It really only suits her because "Yoo Ryung" means "ghost" in Korean. The unlucky person named "Ghost". Hang on a sec... She's pale... A pale as in a "pale and spade" to play in the sand. But it wouldn't be nice just to call her "Pale", now would it? What's close to a pale? Pale.... Pale... Pale.... Bucket... Pale... Bucket... Pale... BUCKET... PALE... I CAN CALL HER BUCKET! HAHA, go me.
I look over at her to see if the nickname will suit her, and I see she's in somekind of... trance. Her eyes look unfocused, she is more pale then usual, Ha! pale, she is breathing rapidly, and she looks like she'll faint.
"Miss, I need to take Yoo to the office, she doesn't look well!" I interupt the the teacher, but I don't even feel queasy. I need to make sure Yoo is alright. I (not so)-easily pick her up and start jogging to the office. It doesn't even cross my mind that I am missing the one time in the day that can see Rhino.
When I get to the office, I see a person in my peripheral vision, as they sit in sickbay, but they're too blurred, and I can't recognise them. Yoo hasn't woken up from the trance. The nurse looks at her for a second, then tells me to lay her on the bed in sickbay, while she goes and calls her Mum. When I get in the actual "Sick" part of sickbay, I see the person a lot more clearly, but I'm still not fussed about them until I lay Bucket down, and sit. I still only care about Bucket, right now, but I can feel the icy feeling that is there when someone's staring you. I glance at them, but I still barely look at them.
"You seem to care about her, even though she's knew. How is she?" That voice... My head snaps around and I see him. Lee Rhino. Oh gosh, he doesn't know I'm Gay.
"Yes, I do care about her, she's my only friend at the moment. I'm not sure if she's ok or not, but I hope she will be, soon." My voice sounded harsh at first, but now, he knows I don't mean it. I'm just worried about Bucket.
"How much do you care for her?" He sounds a bit... I don't know, concerned? But about what?
"Well, as I said, she is the only friend I have, she listened to me and know, she's going to help me get more friends and a boy- I mean, someone to... care for me..." I trail off and my face turns tomato red. He laughs, but doesn't ask. He seems more relaxed, now.
"So... How come you're here?" I don't want to sound nosy, or even like I'm trying to get to know him more, I just know he's supposed to be in sport.
"Oh, nothing much. I just sprained my ankle and then pulled a muscle. Kinda sucks, but I've gotten out of sport. Wasn't feeling it, today."
We kinda leave the conversation there, but I'm fine with that. I need to look after Bucket.
After about five minutes, I see a very pretty woman who looks like a (completely) less pale, older version of Bucket. It's her Mum.

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