Chapter Four

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*Peters morning*
"Why can't you walk me to school, today?", I ask with audible histeria in my voice. I glance over at my brother, Christopher, who's lieing in bed, with a red face and drowsy eyes. He looks... hasseled, maybe.
"I can't walk you because I have the Flu and am unable to walk. You know this, I told you last week."
My brother is convinced that he's a phychic, that he can predict the future. Now, I may be gulible, but my own brother being a phychic isn't possible. I mean, he is right, though. He did tell me he would be sick, but I just thought he was being a big baby.
"Fine! I'll walk by myself... I can do it. I... I can't do, can Mum do it?"
"No, sorry, Peter. I have to leave right at this moment, so then I get to work early. I have an important meeting at 2:00 PM."
"What does you have a meeting in the afternoon, have to do with you not walking me to school."
"It has everything to do with it. I need to go, so I love you both, Bye!"
"Love you", me and Chris yell as she shuts the front door. I start getting my bag on, and heading out the door, when Chris says, "What are you doing? Are you going to school?"
"What other choice do I have? I need this education. See you later, Chris!"
I run out before he says anything back, if he does at all.
I usually like to talk to Chris while I walk to school, but today, Since he's not here, I'll just think. Come to think of it, that poor girl, Yoo Ryung, I think her name was. She must be so lonely. Maybe I can help, somehow- Oh, speak of the devil, she's just around that corner. What do I do, I'm not mentally prepared to talk to her just yet. Well, it'd be weird not walking over to her. Fine I'll go over and talk to her.
As I walk over, I see she looks concerned. I know that look all to well. I see it on my mothers face when she's on a conference call.
I'm closer, now. About three feet away. I hope I'm not too close, but I'm really nervous about talking to her. Her face is hard like a rock.
"Hey, I'm um..." I fade out... I'm not ready. I'm trunign as red as a tomato and I know I've messed things up.
"Hi, I'm Yoo Ryung, but you can call me Ryu, for short. You're Peter Han, right?" She knows my name. Don't mess this up, Peter.
"Um... Yea, I'm Peter Han,  but you can call me either Peter, or Han. It's ugh... Really nice to meet you." I give her a small smile, to let her know I'm not doing it on purpose. I see thatb she knows about the looks...
"I'm really sorry about the glances, I just... I know what it's like to be alone and I was trying to gather the courage to talk to you, but I always got too scared. Please tell me you're not mad." She looks... upset... Have I done something? What's she going to say?
"Hey, I'm not going to be mad at you, I just thought you pitied me, and now I know you don't, I dont mind". She sounds really nice and reassuring. I think she's trying to do it on purpose, to make me feel better, but I don't mind. I give her a really big smile, to let her know that I really appreciate it.

I want to ask to walk together, but we just met, although...  her smile said I can ask, so...
"Can we... walk the rest of the way to school together? I dont like walking to school alone. Usually, I just get my older brother to walk me, but he's sick with the Flu." I notice her face darken, then lighten,
"Hey, yea sure. I don't mind... We can even make a routine out of it."
I'm over the moon. Not only have I had a (half) conversation with her, she is being so... nice and sweet. I try not to look too excited by not looking up, but she knows I'm happy.
"So, howcome you're always looking out the window, in English class?"
I sort... freeze. She's noticed... Of course she has, everyone knows that I look out the window.
"I ummmm....-" "No, it's ok. You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable. I know we just started being friends-" My eyes are starting to water... When did this happen? Wait- did she say 'friend'? I haven't had too many friends. What if I mess up?
"- But I've noticed you don't seem very social and I want to help. I'm, also, not the most sociable person, but you can come to me with anything. Remember, you're my only friend. Who am I going to tell secrets to?"
She gazes at me as I wonder if I should tell her. She did say I could tell her anything...
"Well... Here goes... I'm Gay and I have a crush on a guy who's in another class and when we have English, his class has P.E. The English room has the best view of the oval and I get to see him with his althetic duality."
She looks... Did I say something wrong?

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