Ch. 35 Fish in the sea

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Chapter 35

"Arthur?" Meera's voice sliced through the stillness of the woods, her call echoing amongst the overgrown trees and tangled underbrush. The wind, a constant companion in these dense woods, carried her words away like whispers. It sang through the branches, causing them to sway and dance in rhythm with its song, while the leaves above rustled and murmured secrets to each other

"I need to speak to you," Meera called out once more, her voice carrying a newfound determination. With each word, her resolve strengthened, echoing through the dense foliage that surrounded her. She scanned the area, her senses heightened, acutely aware of every movement and whisper of sound that stirred in the woods.

"I found the books you told me about," she added, her voice tinged with excitement despite her growing impatience. The wind, relentless in its dance through the treetops, continued to rattle the leaves overhead, its whispers carrying secrets untold. The wild grass, a silent witness to her plight, swayed gently in response to the invisible rhythm of the forest.

Meera's heart quickened, a tumultuous mix of frustration and hope churning within her chest. She had been tirelessly searching for Arthur, hoping to unravel the mysteries he held. Yet, despite her efforts, he remained elusive, evading her grasp like a wisp of smoke in the night.

"Arthur," Meera clicked her tongue in frustration.

Just as the arms of sleep began to loosen their grip on her consciousness, Meera felt a feather-light touch brush against the edge of her face. Startled, her eyes snapped open, her breath catching in her throat.

"Arthur!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with desperation. But instead of the elemental, it was Eryx who kneeled before her, his steady hands catching her before she could fall from the chair where she had unknowingly drifted into slumber.

"No," Eryx replied calmly, his voice a soft in the darkness that surrounded them. "Just me."

Confusion clouded Meera's mind as she struggled to shake off the remnants of sleep, her senses slowly returning to her.

"What's going on?" she murmured, her voice thick with sleep as she attempted to piece together the fragmented moments leading up to her awakening.

Her eyes adjusted to the dim light provided by a solitary candlestick positioned before her. The rest of the library remained shrouded in darkness, an impenetrable void that seemed to swallow everything in its path. Meera's gaze fell upon the pile of books scattered across the table, their pages open and illuminated by the flickering flame of the candle.

"I've been searching everywhere for you," Eryx said. "How long have you been here?"

"I..." Meera shook her head and cleared her throat. "I must have fallen asleep....."

"What were you dreaming about?"

Meera's eyes lifted, "Why?"

"You sounded distressed," Eryx explained. "You were muttering and scowling."

"Were you watching me?" Meera asked, feeling her belly clench as she worried about what he may have heard.

"I was trying to read," the corner of Eryx's mouth curved up. "But you were very distracting."

"How long have you been here?" Meera shivered.

"Just long enough to hear you calling out Arthurt's name," Eryx let out a sigh and rose to his feet. He stared down at Meera as she looked up through her lashes.

His eyes were impossible to read as he reached out and took hold of Meera's chin. "Have you been dreaming with him?"

"You mean about him?" Meera tried to keep her breathing even as she looked into his gaze.

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