I Was Brought To This Universe To Love You🥰🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

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When Spock went back to the Bridge he kept Avilasa's guesses to himself Christopher might easily believe her and what she believes to be true but everyone else may not plus Aspen was there and he most certainly didn't want HER to know what the woman he loves is truly and fully capable of.... "I hate to sound like a mother but, becareful over there"  Christopher hears Avilasa say as he, Una and La'an walk towards the Transporter Room he turns to face her with a smile then sees her expression and asks "you think it's a trap!?!"  she nods then says "sensors can be fooled you know!?"  he looks at her curiously "just be careful and give them a good show!"  she says he nods with a smirk then continues on his way once he and his Away Team teleport into the colonist ship he begins to understand what Avilasa meant by "sensors can be fooled" for there were no captives on it what was worse his Communicator was jammed mid conversation with the Enterprise.... Chapel watches Avilasa fight every pirate that came near her and sees just how efficient she is in a lot of different fighting styles though it all started with her "making" her tails "dance" which distracted the pirates "it's always the tails!"  she hears Avilasa whisper with a slightly playful tone just before she (Avilasa) fights them and she (Christine) lets out a short soft chuckle "the ship's on Lockdown and it may not be wise to walk through the halls at this particular moment Chapel"  Christine hears Avilasa say after all the pirates were knocked unconscious "right!"  Christine whispers then she rushes through the corridor away from where Avilasa stands.... Avilasa walks onto the Bridge once again hiding her tails and normal fox ears as Aspen aka Captain Angel of the Serene Squall says to T'Pring who was on the Viewscreen "T'Pring, you made a very logical decision keep Spock alive I sympathize with your predicament now let's get those Transporters hot and trade lovers"  she chuckles then says as she looks at Spock "not that mine cares at all about logic"  Spock says softly revealing a little of what Avilasa had guessed the very moment Angel came aboard the Enterprise to Christine "of course I believe I have deduced who this prisoner is"  Angel says to T'Pring "this is me waiting"  T'Pring replies "preparing to send the...."  she stops when she hears Spock say as he walks towards the Viewscreen "T'Pring, do not do this you cannot give them a starship you must destroy this vessel"  Avilasa rushes towards Angel and knocks the phaser out of her hand just as she raises it "if you want to live to see Sybok ever again I suggest you do not do that!"  she whispers through her teeth with a threatening tone Angel looks at her with a shocked expression on her face "apparently you've never dealt with a Betazed they're telepathic.... in other words they read thoughts"  Avilasa whispers Angel's eyes widen as Avilasa lets her wrist go taking the phaser Angel had with her "Spock"  she says as she walks Spock turns to face her "I was brought to this universe to love you and only you!"  she says softly with a sensual tone as she stands before him and slides the tips of her fingers up the edge of his earlobe from the lobule to the helix and he closes his eyes to the soft delicate feeling of her touch as she continues  "and though you are with another I fear that I no longer have the power or control to fight what I feel...."  she doesn't get to finish for his lips rush to meet hers it's a sensation he's been wanting to have the pleasure of felling and now he has the chance to for once again she is breaking her own heart to save his and if no one could see the love in the kiss he passionately gave her then they're blind for there was a hunger in it as well one only a fool would not be able to see Spock comes up for breath then says as he stares at T'Pring "I owe you an apology for so many things one is you were right"  he slides Avilasa's hand into his own another sensation he's been waiting to feel especially in the way it is now being conveyed as he continues "I have been giving in to my human side more so than I wish to admit I cannot deny the emotions within me any longer I am in love with K'diwa"  T'Pring raises a eyebrow at Avilasa's fake name and asks "what?"  she looks at "K'diwa" who slides her hand out of Spock's but does not move away from him from the woman's posture she believed it was to protect him from the woman who sits in the Captain's Chair and quite possibly the rest of the crew on the Bridge minus Nurse Chapel "oh, you guys are fun T'Pring, feel free to beam over here I feel like you could probably straighten things out in about a minute"  Angel says "in light of this new information, Spock it is only logical that we terminate our mating bond"  T'Pring says to Spock who replies "I understand and I agree"  Angel asks "wait, what are you doing?"  Spock raises his hand with his pointer and middle fingers lifted and T'Pring copies his motion "T'Pring parted from me and never parted"  Spock says "never and always touching and touched"  T'Pring replies "I sever what was"  Spock says "with these words, Spock, you are freed from our bond"  T'Pring replies then she lowers her hand with a quick flourished movement "I hold it broken, T'Pring"  Spock says then he lowers his hand with a flourished movement "you know I'm still going to kill him"  Angel says to T'Pring "I'd love to see you try!"  Avilasa replies with a threatening tone Angel smiles at her "do you know that not only did I kill half your crew Spock knew exactly who you were and why you were here from the very moment you entered this ship!?"  Avilasa tells her she stares at her in shock "Spock is one of the few people I trust wholeheartedly on this ship and when we have a moment of peace I tell him everything I sense from a "stranger", heck sometimes even someone he's known for much longer than I have seeing that I am quite new on this ship, and I've never known him not to believe my word especially when it comes to what I sense whether it be about a person, a "alien" or something we have only just encountered the same goes with Christopher but he isn't here, the thing about Starships and I'm sure it's the same with ships such as yours the crew becomes your family, your friends and in some cases your lovers yes I said lovers for we spend 5 years sometimes more together we learn all about everyone's flaws and what we find so annoying we wished we no longer were anywhere near them but we're stuck unless by some miracle we can transfer to another ship you probably just kill off or banish to some forgotten unhabitable moon whoever annoys you so you never have to deal with that sort of idiocy again.... speaking of banishment I found the real Aspen and her crew and sent a message to Starfleet so I'm pretty sure Aspen and her crew have been rescued by now"  Angel's mouth gaps open "they say you catch more flies with hunny but you're more like vinegar aren't you sweetheart!?!"  Avilasa asks with a sarcastic tone Angel's mouth closes and her crew tries their hardest not to chuckle at the "Vulcan"s words....

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