🌠✨Keeper Of The Stars 🥰😻Lover Of The Moon🌚🌕

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Spock had to wait half a month to even get a kiss from Avilasa but it was well worth it after their first kiss as a "couple" she allowed him to sleep at her side and cuddle with her they would take turns staying in one anothers quarters and spent ...

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Spock had to wait half a month to even get a kiss from Avilasa but it was well worth it after their first kiss as a "couple" she allowed him to sleep at her side and cuddle with her they would take turns staying in one anothers quarters and spent as much time as possible together Chapel was the only one "in the dark" about their relationship mainly because she refused to see it for she couldn't imagine the fact that the woman Spock has known for half his life aka the woman he loved long before she loved him is her "replacement" and she is still trying to rack her brain and figure out who it is that he loves everyone noticed that Spock seemed happier than he's ever been and they were all happy for the both of them (Spock and Avilasa) and not all that surprised Chapel refused to see what was in front of her as a matter of fact they all found it quite amusing that her so called enemy truly did become her so called competition though everyone also knew Chapel never really had a chance especially when they saw how Spock felt about Avilasa which became apparent everyday from the moment she became a member of the crew and they all saw how he acted around her they all thought he was foolish and she was foolishly brave it seems that ever since Avilasa and Spock became a couple her abilities became stronger.... she was always known as a happy person so her personality didn't change much.... Spock became worried about Avilasa for ever since they reached the Emission Nebula known as Bannon's Nebula she would whimper in pain in her sleep and hug him a little tighter everytime she did so and when she woke up she could never remember the dream that made her feel pain though she didn't think it was a dream she just wasn't sure what it could be that was trying to communicate through her and she told him so and though he nodded he still seemed worried "we'll figure it out! but first....!"  she whispers as she slides her hand up his cheek and he closes his eyes to her gentle touch then feels her kiss his lips and he smiles as he feels her lean forward and he lays back down on the bed and they make love for the first time in their reality which he found to be a even better experience than all the ones they had in their dreams which he knew were shared for they both remembered not only what it felt like but the conversations they had in them what he loved the most about the dreams was that they weren't on the ship they were always on some imagined planet playing out their relationship from beginning to end like it was SUPPOSED to happen like there was truly no one else but them for one another the way it should have been from the very start but they both gave that up to save him and T'Pring from being completely shunned, dishonored and removed from their Vulcan heritage and though they didn't experiment yet in reality they did a lot in their dreams he even took her advice and tried to imagine what it would be like to make love as a Human with all his emotions attached and he absolutely loved that but still there is nothing in any universe that beats the real thing happening in reality where he called her his "moon" she calls him her "shooting star" "yes I know there are many stars but shooting stars are a rare sight to see and you are quite a rarity!"  she had told him when she first started calling him that and he had smiled at those words he thinks it was his first actual smile but she claimed that she had seen many before that "just for me smiles" she once called them which was another thing that made him smile their lovemaking of this present morning lasted for hours or at least it seemed like hours both Spock and Avilasa were tired and energetic when they headed to be on duty their bodies tingled with the memory of what they had done a few minutes prior luckily for Spock he was back to being "more Vulcan" now so though he felt like smiling all the time thanks to the memory of making love to the Kitsune he loves for the first time outside his dreams on HIS bed he could hide it.... "I don't like this place it's full of pain! I think we're hurting something but I'm not sure what!"  Avilasa whispers to Una as they work in the Bavali Station Refinery Una looks at her with a curious expression on her face she's learned to trust what the Kitsune at her side senses "I can't stay here!"  Avilasa says Una nods then allows her to leave as Avilasa walks away from Una she stops grips her head and screams in excruciating pain as the machine turns on and stops once the machine turns itself off and she continues on her way as Pelia walks over to Una with a worried expression on her face "I'm fine P"  Avilasa assures her the curly haired blonde woman nods with a worried smile as Avilasa continues on her way.... once Avilasa teleports back to the Enterprise.... the "normal" way.... she looks for Spock who she finds playing 3 Dimensional Chess with Chapel in the Crew Lounge.... "I think something lives within the Deuterium!"  Spock hears Avilasa whisper from his right as Chapel thinks about her next move twirling the pawn in her hand between her fingers he turns to face her and sees pain flicker in her eyes he shoots up from his seat and asks with a rushed worried tone "are you alright!?!"  before Avilasa gets a chance to answer he says with the same tone as before "let's get you to Sickbay!"  he turns his attention to Chapel and says "I'm sorry but I must go, we should play again some other time"  Chapel's head shoots up in shock as she watches him gently grip Avilasa's arm and lead her out of the Lounge and she becomes pissed at the sight she hits the Chessboard and the pieces on it go flying all over the place.... Avilasa looks over at the bar and sees a familiar man in a Gold shirt "give me one second I would like to say hi to a friend before he disappears!"  she says to Spock who looks at her "after I say hi I'll let you take me to see Joseph, I promise! though I will tell you right now he will not be able to help!"  she says he nods then lets go of her arm and watches as she walks over to the bar and as she walks she says with a playful projected tone "what are you doing on my ship James Tiberius Kirk!?!"  the man in the gold shirt at the bar turns and asks with a smirk "your ship!?!"  she replies "well I am the Captain's Yeoman and from what I understand that makes me Baby Momma Number 2.... Una's Number One cause she's the First Officer but she's more of a strict momma and I'm more.... compassionate!"  he chuckles as he stands up, walks over to her and gives her a hug "it's good to see you Nav"  James T. Kirk says as he steps back and looks into Avilasa's eyes "you as well JT"  she replies with a smile "you ok!?!"  he asks with a concerned tone she nods then replies "just feeling someone else's pain"  he says "man, that must suck!"  she replies "well if I'm correct it may be the only way whoever's pain I'm feeling can communicate either it doesn't understand our language, we don't understand theirs or it may not have one which I'm not sure is possible but perhaps it isn't a vocal one if you understand my meaning"  he chuckles then replies "yea I do, when did it start!?"  she says "when we arrived here so about 10 days ago"  he raises a eyebrow at her "if I'm correct I believe whatever it is lives within the Deuterium but we can't call up Starfleet and say "we need to destroy the station for everytime it turns on Avilasa buckles and screams in pain"!"  she says he chuckles as she continues "now if there were more than one person being affected by it it may be considered less of a coincidence but as far as I know it's just me so far so I hate to say it but we may need more people to sense what I sense in their own way" ....

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