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"When is a moon not a moon!?!"  Spock hears the soft mellifluous voice of the kitsune he loves say from behind him as he sits at his station on the Bridge he turns to face her with a curious expression on his face "how many moons does this planet have!?!"  Avilasa asks "why do you ask!?!"  he asks "cause that one seems out of place!"  she replies pointing to one of the moons on the screen before him "or maybe something is hiding behind it it's.... confusing!.... and giving me a headache!"  she adds his expression becomes one of worry "you know we have yet to have our sparing match the one we were supposed to have turned into a tour of my quarters and dinner!"  she whispers with a slight coo in her tone he smiles then replies "we'll have to rectify that"  she nods then says "after we're done here"  he nods "back to work T'Gai"  she says he nods with a smile then turns his attention back to his station and she walks away and over to Christopher who was sitting in his Captain's Chair then says "I believe there's a ship from the planet somewhere nearby"  just as she says that the Enterprise's sensors pick up the ship she sensed well she sensed the people in the ship but still Christopher clicks on his com and says into it "Number One, we've got a unidentified ship up here we're beaming you back up"  Spock turns and says "the Away Team is on board, Captain"  Christopher looks at Avilasa and asks "what do you sense from them!?!"  she replies "fear and pain"  he asks "colonists!?!"  she replies "I would surmise so"  he smiles "as you humans say imitation is the best sort of flattery and lucky for me he's unaffected by it!"  she jokes he chuckles Spock looks at them with a raised eyebrow she winks at him with a smile he rolls his eyes then turns his attention back to his console "hail them all channels"  Christopher says Ensign Christina does as she's told then turns in her chair and says "no response"  Avilasa says "they may be afraid that we are whatever attacked them fear can blind most people so it's possible they have yet to see that this is a Federation ship"  Christopher nods "Captian, they're hailing us"  Ensign Christina says "on screen"  Christopher says as he stands up out of his chair a woman with a makeshift cloth sling on her arm appears on the screen she breathes a sigh of relief and says "thank god you're Starfleet"  Christopher replies as he walks towards the Viewscreen "this is Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise and you are?"  the woman says "Professor Thandie of Finibus III my apologies, but I needed to be sure"  he asks "what's your status?"  she replies "most of us are injured this is a cargo vessel Life Support is overextended"  Christopher turns when he hears Avilasa say "I know it's what you usually do but transport would not be wise Christopher"  Professor Thandie looks at her and her eyes widen in surprise for she has never seen a Kitsune before then she says as she turns her attention back to Christopher "she's correct this ship is used for hauling radioactive ore the hull is transport resistant"  Christopher says "Zuniga, attach a Deep Space Transport Tube can you tell me what happened?"  Professor Thandie replies "a blast from the sky took out our main colony structure we then all heard a loud ringing sound everything gets blurry after that"  Christopher turns and looks at Spock who looks at him and though what Avilasa said when she first entered the Bridge flows in the back of his mind he replies "no signs of any other vessels no residual warp signatures"  Christopher turns his attention back to the Viewscreen nods then says "hang on everything's going to be alright".... Avilasa left the Bridge after Christopher ordered Crewman Zuniga to attach the Deep Space Transport Tube to the colonists ship and helped bring the injured that were on it to Sickbay then she stayed and helped M'Benga take care of them even though she would quite possibly be needed everywhere soon right now this seemed like the place she was going to be needed more.... Spock finds out what Avilasa had sensed earlier after La'an calls through the com to the Bridge to scan for Polarized EM Signatures which he does and he finds a slight optical distortion near the second moon which turns out to be some form of a hologram.... Avilasa walks over to Una and says as she helps her walk into the Sickbay "you may be able to fool some people but you can't fool me Riley, let's go!"  then she calls out "Joseph!"  M'Benga rushes over and sees Una's wounds which are 5 deep puncture wounds from shrapnel and helps Avilasa bring the First Officer to one of the beds with Sickbay basically turned into a triage thanks to the fact that everything is offline within it and they are low on supplies M'Benga is grateful for the fact that Avilasa decided to stay for she has been a big help in many different ways from taking care of all the patients the best she can to keeping the patients as calm as she can he was surprised how much "ancient" "archeological" medical practices she had knowledge of "being the adventurous spirits that we are my parents and I traveled a lot and have been to many different planets in many different types of Universes many of which aren't as advanced as Earth has become throughout the years and since I like learning things I've always been able to find people willing to teach me and though it wasn't always as hands on as I preferred I was able to watch a few of them"  she informs him he smiles the only one who wasn't happy Avilasa was there was Christine who seemed to think she stole her "glory" because M'Benga seemed to be "smitten" by her especially when he tells the Captain how much he appreciates having his (Christopher) Yeoman helping him out how much of a "life saver" the Kitsune is sure having her there made the work easier but did he have to.... unintentionally.... "rub it in Christine's face"!?.... "great not only do I have to help you fix the people but I have to help Hemmer fix the ship! good going Christopher!"  Avilasa jokes as she stands next to M'Benga who was giving Una his blood so she would survive the surgery M'Benga chuckles....

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