Being Human For A Day Is 'Delightful'

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****just so you know I am once again getting the "&quote;" when I use the quotation marks in my Chapter Title which is why I changed it to a apostrophe punctuation mark****

After getting her permission Christopher walks into Avilasa's quarters and instead of asking her if she was ok he tells her about his conversation with the Kerkhov called "Yellow" "it sound like they may not understand the concept of a mixed species or in my case mutts since in a manner of speaking I have more than one species within me"  she says he chuckles then says "by the way Spock loves bacon!"  she chuckles then says "and still hates how George never cleans up after himself!"  he chuckles then nods with a smile "well I'm glad I only put a little bit on the plate then.... the crew must be having a lot of fun, after all he spent his whole life learning how to suppress his emotions and now he has no choice but to feel them for he has yet to learn how to do that from a human standpoint...."  she pauses then says "if you'll excuse me"  he nods with a smile as she rushes out of her own quarters leaving him there.... Avilasa walks into the Crew Lounge just as Ortegas gets Una, Uhura and La'an laughing by saying "so he's like "sorry, I'm only human.... from the neck up".."  which she didn't find as amusing as they did Spock gets "caught up" in the laughter and starts chuckling himself and she smiles at the sound and listens to it for a short while then walks over and gently places her hand on his shoulder as she says softly "though it is nice to hear you laugh there is such a thing as too much Spock"  Spock looks up at her and smiles then says "thank you!"  she replies "finish your drink"  he nods then looks at the cup full of liquid in front of him, picks it up and drinks the contents in a few seconds time he does his best to hide the sadness he feels at the fact that she had let go of his arm and walked away but smiles when he realizes that she came for his sake for she probably figured he'd "overdue it".... a hour or so later Spock rushes to go find Avilasa when he finds out his mother was beaming aboard and asks for her help to hide his more human ears "she knows you T'Gai she'll be able to figure it out but...."  she says as she slowly walks towards him and his arousal peaks to new heights it becomes even worse when she slides the tip of her pointer finger along the edge of his earlobe then gently grips his arm and leads him to the nearest reflective surface "just don't let anyone touch them especially with their teeth!"  she teasingly coos and his body quivers delightfully at the sound of the soft coo in her tone he clears his throat when he realizes she's talking about T'Pring and says "she has never done that!"  she replies "then she has so much more to learn about sexual arousal!"  he smiles for he recalls how it felt in his dreams when she did that then says "indeed!"  she loops her arm through his and walks with him to the Transporter Room and Amanda who was walking towards the door with Christopher at her side seemed quite excitably happy to see Avilasa there which was apparent by her facial expression when she saw the gorgeous Kitsune woman who she has always considered a part of her family and though her expression showed her happiness her words are directed towards Spock as she says "Spock, I am so sorry for surprising you like this, but T'Pring's family is not happy the Engagement Dinner has been moved several times due to your Starfleet schedule, a fact which they're not understanding about we have to do the V'Shal dinner now or the wedding is off"  Spock looks at Avilasa who says "it's somewhat understandable for they could think that you're stalling and don't actually want to marry their daughter"  Amanda smiles at her then says "T'Pring and her family have agreed to have the dinner here tomorrow night"  Avilasa says to Spock "it would be wise to not postpone it again despite current difficulties"  Amanda looks at her oddly Avilasa look at her and says "perhaps a more private setting would be appropriate but the best way to put it is he's going through emotional puberty"  Christopher laughs Amanda smiles "allow me to show you my quarters"  Avilasa says to Amanda who nods with a smile then the four of them head to Avilasa's quarters which Amanda is surprised to find are right next to Christopher's "I'm the Captain's Yeoman and they usually like to keep them close"  Avilasa explains Christopher chuckles Amanda nods with a smile then they all walk into Avilasa's quarters and Amanda instantly falls in love with it "I thought you'd like it"  Avilasa says with a smile "I love it!"  Amanda replies with a smile "sorry about this Spock"  Avilasa says softly as she turns to face him and once again slides the tip of her finger along his earlobe Amanda raises a eyebrow at the fact that Avilasa called her son "Spock" instead of "T'Gai" which she has always done then she smiles when she realizes she does so for everyone else's sake for they probably don't know his full name her eyes widen when the point of Spock's ears disappear "secrets are never good especially between those who love one another!"  Avilasa whispers to Spock who nods with sad eyes "and especially not to your mother who can see through you just like I can!"  she adds he smiles Avilasa turns her attention to Amanda then explains what had happened she even tells her about what Chapel is working on and that she had already said she would not interfere which makes Amanda smile for she knew that Avilasa would have had it done a few seconds to a minute after Spock was made completely human but the actual human nurse is not as capable "how is Sarek!? is he up for a visitor!? he never talks to me or returns my calls I have half a mind to call T'Pau and have her make him call me and I'm quite sure she'll do it too!"  Avilasa says to Amanda who laughs "we have to postpone these rituals have to go perfectly, and clearly I'm not Vulcan enough to pull that off"  Spock says once he gets over the shock of hearing his mother laugh which is a rarity he's heard her softly chuckle or at least seen her smile in a way that tells people she's laughing but never something as "full blown" and  joyous as the laugh he just heard "the situation between our two families is more tense than you realize T'Pring's mother is already skittish about the union because of me"  Amanda replies "you never told me this why you?"  Spock asks "because she's human"  Avilasa replies Amanda nods in confirmation "T'Pril is "old fashioned" and doesn't want nor is she willing to except change she doesn't except those outside her own people which is one of the reasons she's never liked me another is that I had a little too much fun openly defying her every chance I get but the main one is our differences"  Avilasa says "T'Pring's father values a connection to Sarek, which is why he agreed"  Amanda adds "with the way he follows his wife's ruling like it's the human Bible that kinda surprises me"  Avilasa says Amanda chuckles then says "her mother, on the other hand is, proud and as Avi said is not overly fond of humans, and would be all too happy for any excuse to back out"  Spock asks "don't you think discovering her future son in law is fully human would be that excuse?"  Avilasa says "don't look at me I can't help you with this part!"  Amanda chuckles "h-hold on, are we really talking about the end of their engagement just because Spock is temporarily not Vulcan?"  Christopher asks "looks like the Captain isn't that great a listener either!"  Avilasa says she looks at Spock and says "he must get that from you!"  Amanda laughs Christopher smiles....

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