🎼🎵🎶A Song For You

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Christopher takes a deep breath out then turns and faces his crew he smiles when he sees Avilasa and asks as he walks towards the Captains Chair "why do you look so worried!?!"   everyone looks at her "he may listen for he seems to be a "seasoned" soldier probably tired of fighting but there are others who are younger and probably hunger for it, I worry because your speech and his "answer" to it may cause discord between those on his ship perhaps even a mutiny and or insubordination not to mention there are quite a few crew members of this ship and quite possibly what is remaining of Jim's as well who had family who fought and died in the war against the Romulans who think of them as La'an does the Gorn or if possible worse than that and who knows what the outcome will be of either!"  Avilasa replies as he sits down in the Captains Chair and she places a comforting hand on his shoulder and he pats it gently "sensor readings suggest the Romulans have stopped forward movement"  Spock informs Christopher "I wonder what they're doing over there"  James says "hopefully.... same thing we are"  Christopher replies as Avilasa walks off the Bridge.... a few minutes later Avilasa rushes to Sickbay when she feels a immense pain within her heart and knew Spock was injured and possibly dying once inside Sickbay she walks over to the Biobed he is laying on, sits down next to it and enters his mind "not to sound "too human" but still as handsome as ever T'Gai!"  she says with a smile Spock who is just as injured in his mind as he is out of it turns and faces her and asks "where are we!?!"  she replies "within your mind mine's a little too crowded at the moment!"  he smiles "massive cerebral trauma major blood loss Spial fractures radiation burns across 40% of his body I'm not sure that he will recover from this but if he does.... he will not be the same" they hear Chapel's voice echo throughout the part of his mind they're in her voice becomes rude was she says "and she's been sitting there motionless ever since she walked in!"  Avilasa says to Spock "excuse me for a moment!"  Spock nods with a smile Avilasa looks up at Christopher and says "sorry we were arguing about his sideburns!"  Christopher chuckles she looks at Chapel and says "did you know you can Mind Meld without touching someone!?"  she slides the tips of her fingers along Spock's scarred cheek lovingly as she continues "but touch does enhance the potency of it"  Chapel scowls Avilasa stares at Spock's body and goes back into his mind "what's wrong with my sideburns!?!"  Spock asks "they're way too long!"  she replies he rolls his eyes "who do you wish to give your Katra to!? I'm here so is Christopher, Joseph and your favorite nurse!!"  she asks his lips twist into a scowl at the mention of Chapel and he sighs she takes a step towards him and nuzzles her cheek up against his then rubs the tip of her nose along his and he kisses her letting go of all the emotions he hid within him for far too long and though he knew it was just within his mind he loved the sensation of it especially when she allowed him to make love to her "you!"  he whispers as he gently thrusts into her for he knew it was her first time with a male for she had been "waiting for him to show initiative" she nods and as he makes love to her he places his Katra into her for he knew he was not going to make it "I'll make sure you get home!"  she whispers he nods then kisses her lips surprisingly enough he was ok with dying this way he feels no pain, he's finally doing what he should have done years ago and showing the Kitsune that he loves with his whole heart how much he loves and trusts her she stays within his mind to his very last breath and he tells her about everything he regrets especially when it comes to the two of them but it was his fault and no one elses she had given "her side" to him years ago saying though people say you should fight for what you love she believed that forcing him to follow through with their mating bond would have made their relationship worse not better they may have ended hating each other for it was not BOTH of their choices for as the humans say "it takes two to tango" and for the mating bond to work properly both hearts had to be in agreement and though his heart was in agreement with hers his mind refused to allow his heart to gain what it wished to have for he needed to be true to his people so in a way they both sacrificed their love for each other for someone else her for him and him for his people and the thought of that hurt his heart....

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