Make Sure You Get My Good Side

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When Christopher is brought to a I suppose we'll call it alternate future he finds himself officiating a wedding for two members of his crew that he doesn't know the names of luckily he hears a familiar soft mellifluous voice whisper "Angela Marti...

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When Christopher is brought to a I suppose we'll call it alternate future he finds himself officiating a wedding for two members of his crew that he doesn't know the names of luckily he hears a familiar soft mellifluous voice whisper "Angela Martine and Robert Tomlinson"  he turns to his right and sees Avilasa smile at him and he secretly sighs in relief for he knew she knew he was not the Captain of this "present" which is in quotation marks because it's a potential future for him he smiles at her then says as he turns his attention to the bride "we unite you Angela Martine"  he looks at the groom and says "and you Robert Tomlinson together in matrimony"  just then a Red Alert sounds throughout the ship "all decks, Red Alert repeat, all decks, Red Alert"  the Computer says the bride and groom take one another's hand and kiss as the people who came to their wedding head to their stations then they walk away from each other as Christopher whispers to himself "thank god"  he hears Avilasa chuckle and smiles his expression turns to one of confusion when he hears Spock say through the com "Number One to Captain Pike Outpost 4 reports they are under attack by a space vessel, identity unknown"  Christopher replies "copy, Mr. Spock on my way"  he looks at Avilasa who says "you will find quite a bit has changed from whenever you came from"  he asks "has he...!?"  she shakes her head "he's a fool"  he tells her "well he is Vulcan"  she replies he laughs "to the Bridge Captain!? don't worry it's still in the same place"  she says he chuckles then nods and they head to the Bridge side by side "I'm glad you're here"  he says "I'm your Yeoman and you refuse to get rid of me"  she replies "then I'm the smart one"  he says she chuckles then replies "a little less logical though"  he chuckles.... once they reach the Bridge Avilasa walks over to Spock who is sitting in the Captain's chair and whisperingly warns him in Vulcan "he's a bit out of place so proceed with caution"  Spock looks at her with a curious expression on his face then hears his Captain ask "what's the situation, Mr. Spock?"  and he replies "Lieutenant Uhura can brief you"  he stands up out of the Captain's chair so that the true Captain can sit in it and walks to his station looking at Avilasa with sad eyes as he passes by her Christopher walks towards the Navigation Console as Uhura turns in her seat at her station and says "Outpost Four reported under attack, Sir then the message terminates"  after a pause Christopher asks as he walks over to the Operations Console where Uhura is "any word from Two or Three?"  Uhura replies "Two has not responded to our hails and Three has also gone silent"  Christopher turns and asks "how far out are we, Erica?"  Ortegas replies "8 minutes from Outpost Four at this velocity, Sir"  Christopher asks Uhura "did Outpost Four say anything else about the attacking vessel?"  Uhura shakes her head and replies "no identification, Sir"   Avilasa says "it could be possible that the ship that attacked has a cloaking device"  Ortegas says "I'm guessing it's the same attackers, Sir the Romulans"  Christopher walks over to the Captain's chair and sits down then says "let's not make guesses just yet I'd like to avoid a war if I can maintain course alert me when we're two minutes out Mr. Spock, could you join me in the Ready Room, please"  Spock turns and nods then he and Avilasa follow Christopher into the Ready Room "how is he "out of place"!?"  Spock whispers to Avilasa in Vulcan "I think he may be from a earlier timeline or a alternate universe of some kind he didn't even know who Amritiya and Jaival are and became confused mid speech when officiating their wedding"  she replies in Vulcan with whispered tones he raises his eyebrow at her.... Once inside the Ready Room Avilasa sits on the couch while Spock and Christopher sit across from each other in two chairs and she starts giving Christopher the information he's missing "wait, did you say 2266!?!"  Christopher asks she nods "seven years into the future"  he says "a time crystal!"  she whispers he nods Spock looks at them "if you need proof Spock the best thing to try is a Mind Meld"  Avilasa says he nods then stands up out of his chair, walks over to the one Christopher is sitting in, kneels before him cupping the arm of the chair with one hand and reaching up and touching the side of Christopher's face Christopher closes his eyes as Spock says softly "my mind to your mind my thoughts to your thoughts"  he sees the accident Christopher was shown that kills him (Christopher) and two Cadets then he moves his hand away from Christopher's face and says as Christopher opens his eyes "you.... carry the weight of a terrible future, Chris the accident in question was 6 months ago"  then he stands up, walks back over to his chair and sits down then says "in this timeline, there were no Cadets at the Reactor incident to save no one was even hurt"  Christopher says "I need your help, Spock I was sent forward to this moment in time for a reason we have to figure out why"  Spock replies "I would posit that in this present, you were never injured in the training accident, thus, you remained Captain of the Enterprise, putting you in charge at a crucial moment in the ship's existence"  Christopher says "a moment where the whole future hangs in the balance"  Spock replies "all we can surmise is that, in the Prime Future, some other Captain of the Enterprise must have commanded it differently thus, it is imperative you do not change what you would normally do on the ship"  Christopher says "I thought we were trying to avoid a terrible future"  Avilasa replies "that may not be possible for all we know this one could somehow be worse"  Christopher says with a slight chuckle in his tone "thanks for the vote of confidence"  she replies "you're welcome, but in truth Christopher the only way to figure out if this future is better or worse than the one you "shared" with Spock is to let it play out and if you change in any way it may confuse the crew besides I doubt your older self would bring you here if this future ends up better"  he nods then sighs "you're going to make this worse for me aren't you!?"  he asks "but what!? showing you what the Cadets you're trying to save in your timeline are doing in this timeline, you never told me their names, you told Una but not me so if you want to know you can look them up yourself, I will however show you what the "missing" members of your crew are doing now so you don't become lost and confused like you did during the wedding you were conducting"  she replies then she stands up, walks over to him and places a tablet in his hands then walks out of the room "moon"  Spock says softly as he stands up and follows her Christopher smiles at their departing figures then reads up on some of his "old" crew he turns and looks at the door Spock and Avilasa just went through and finally realizes why she used "beloved moon" in Vulcan as her name when Angel came aboard the Enterprise pretending to be Dr. Aspen and chuckles it wasn't like Spock to let something like that.... a affectionate nickname for the "unattainable".... slip but he did and Christopher wonders why what happened between them that caused what may be a rift in their relationship!?....

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