Facing Your Past While Finding Strength To Face Your Future

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Spock visits Avilasa once again before he has to go to Court mainly to show her his Dress Uniform the sight of him in it made her smile which made him happy though he also saw the sadness in her eyes and wondered what brought it into them she was ...

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Spock visits Avilasa once again before he has to go to Court mainly to show her his Dress Uniform the sight of him in it made her smile which made him happy though he also saw the sadness in her eyes and wondered what brought it into them she was glad he came over for a few minutes before he came to see her she had met with Admiral Pasalk who tried to get her to be put on the stand which she blatantly refused which seemed to piss him off.... "I may be a friend of Sarek's but you are not a friend of mine! nor do I owe you any favors! and you're not that persuasive! but I'd love to see you try to force me to a place I would be of no true use which if you truly think about it isn't very logical, and if I recall correctly that's all you Vulcans are supposed to be!.... your partner has already tried and failed what made you think you would succeed!?! because YOU know Sarek!?! because you're a Admiral!?! NO ONE has that kind of pull over me no matter who they are or what title they hold so no Pasalk I REFUSE to go against a friend by abiding YOUR law! now if you'll excuse me I have more important things to do after all I'm on duty!"  she asks Pasalk who scowls then leaves.... "what's wrong!?!"  Spock asks softly "like you did earlier I had a "lovely" little meeting with our "buddy" Pasalk"  she explains a hint of sarcasm could be heard when she says "lovely" and "buddy" he frowns "don't apologize for him he's not worth it! you look nice by the way"  she says he smiles then says "thank you"  she  says "it's definitely nicer and more decorated than Nyota's"  he chuckles then asks "what did he want!?"  she replies "to have me take the stand with you, La'an and Joseph but I refused which pissed him off.... which is actually quite easy to do if I recall correctly though that could be only when he deals with us!"  he smiles then bids her farewell for he was do on the stand in a few minutes.... Spock raises his eyebrow as he watches Avilasa walk into the Court Room in a gorgeous gold dress "oh I'm sorry I thought Spock promised me a dance!.... that must have been later!.... much, much later! though this room is big enough for it!"  she says with a slightly playful tone "I guess I got overdressed for nothing once again!"  she says with a shrug as she looks at Spock who was at that moment being questioned and he hides a smile "though I'm sure Christopher now knows that my words rang true gold is horrible for a woman with my complexion!"  she says "you would be wrong you look radiant in it"  Spock replies she playfully looks down at his hand which still lays on the light "how dare you make a mockery of this court!"  Pasalk says as he stands up out of his chair and stares at her with narrowed eyes "this court makes a mockery of itself! from what I can tell the only true issue you have with Una is WHAT she is not WHO she is! after all her service record should speak for itself! as far as I know the only thing that's wrong on it is that she lied about what she is but everyone has their secrets I'm sure if you went around the room and Mind Melded with everyone in it you would find something they've hid that is against the Federation rules or worse....!"  she says she pauses then says "did you know that it was Chiv who "welcomed" me into the Academy!? that he learned what I am through a Mind Meld for thanks to the fact that I have fox ears and too many tails for a "normal" being to carry attached to my ass!.... well a little bit above it but you get the idea.... I hope! he just like Batel who also thought I "got away" with lying about being a augment myself which in any case I have never heard about anyone being stupid enough to "sew" tails to their lower backside and or cut their normal ears off and replace them with a animals ears "for fun" or "to be different"! it's not the augmentation that makes one dangerous it's what they do with their "added strength" and all Una's ever done is do her best to help people she's only harmed when someone threatened her or the people she considers friends and or family as as far as I know the only strength her people added to themselves was a way to adapt to the unadaptable not turn themselves into weapons, I haven't been on the Enterprise very long and I am very cautious when it comes to who I "make nice" with and she is one of the few on that ship that are.... in my eyes worthy of such a feat! I even consider her a friend and trust me when I tell you becoming a friend of mine is harder to do than one may think! especially when the Captain makes you his Yeoman without the rest of the crews knowledge and or permission.... oh wait that was me not her.... sorry!"  she pauses again then says "sorry for barging in unannounced.... even though I was "invited", I'll be going now!"  she points at Spock and says "you owe me a dance I'd ask Christopher but I fear he may step on my toes and since I never wear shoes that may be a problem especially if I end up in Sickbay while Christine's "in charge".."  Spock tries not to laugh as she bows then walks out of the room she stops when she hears Pasalk ask "did you know of Una's....!?!"  Avilasa turns and says "disfunction"!?!.... sorry One.... yes my ears and tails aren't the only thing special about me I can always tell when there is something different about a being of any species but I had never met a Illyrian before I met her so I didn't know what she was though now that I do I'd say she.... what is that human phrase!?!.... "gives them a good name" and proves that even the Federation can be wrong about someone as well as their species just like Spock and Chiv do for you Vulcans you could learn something for the two of them if you tried hard enough! but even Sarek couldn't teach you "proper" manners so maybe not!"  Spock once again tries very hard not to laugh as she continues "to answer your next question I knew she was different from the moment I met her but her secrets are not my secrets, her fears though in many ways justifiable are not my fears and her stories are not my stories to tell so I didn't after all that's not the best way to make friends and I most certainly would not want her as my enemy! and not because she's a augment if you get her angry enough she'd be dangerous without her augmentation so I try not to get her angry!"  she winks at Una who smiles at her then she turns and looks at Spock then says "you know what I've changed my mind I'm going to let Una become my dance partner and let her step on my toes all she wants and hopefully Joseph will be back on duty to fix them for me after the dance is over!"  then she turns back around and continues her way out of the room Spock who was once again hiding his laughter was surprised to find out that Star Fleet Commander Chiv was the one who brought Avilasa into Starfleet yet knowing that she allowed the dark skinned Vulcan to Mind Meld with her told him that she trusted that very Vulcan which in some weird way made him happy what surprised him even more was that no one but Pasalk reprimanded her for her behavior as a matter of fact all the judges seemed used to it hiding their own amusement for a lot that she has said and done just like her friends who are also in the room and the thought makes him smile mainly with his eyes so Pasalk doesn't see the "twitch" of his lips that would create it in a more outward way....

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