Through Adversity To The Stars

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When Chapel, M'Benga and Avilasa reach the Medical Tent Oriana rushes over and gives M'Benga and Avilasa a hug "well, looks like our cover's blown"  Chapel says hiding the fact that Avilasa got a hug and she didn't "I'm so glad to see you guys my parents...."  Oriana says then she walks them over to where her mother is M'Benga uses his Medical Tricorder to scan the woman on the cot then says to Chapel once he finishes "try an inducing recombination to repair genetic damage"  Chapel nods as she gets into "nurse mode" and hides the smugness she feels that he was having her help him and not Avilasa who was actually walking around and helping others to the best of her ability "this should have you feeling better in about a day"  Chapel tells the woman laying on the cot as she injects the woman with a hypospray "thank you"  the woman sitting next to the one on the cot says "yeah"  Chapel replies as she cups the woman's shoulder Chapel looks around and sees that Avilasa is no longer with them and she scowls Avilasa does return to where they are as a Klingon woman and two humans walk over to where Chapel and M'Benga are "nice tech you medical?"  the Klingon woman asks "just in from off world looking to trade at Market"  M'Benga replies "I hate to bust up your plans but we could use your services"  the Klingon says "sounds like their own got hurt when they caused this mess!"  Avilasa whispers as Chapel asks "who's we?"  the two humans raise their guns and points them at Chapel, M'Benga and Avilasa as they arm them "you two are awfully  jumpy, she just asked a question!"  Avilasa says she takes a step towards the male human and says with a soft threatening tone "now lower your gun before I use it on you!"  the Klingon hides a smirk and watches as Avilasa swiftly takes the gun out of her comrades hand and.... points it at her "or maybe I should use it on you instead!"  Avilasa says as she stares into the Klingon's eyes "Lasa!"  M'Benga says with a soft tone of warning "I like you! you would make a excellent Klingon"  the Klingon woman says to Avilasa who replies "sorry but the scent or your kind repulses me so that will never happen!"  the Klingon laughs Avilasa moves the gun so that it points to the one the human female holds and shoots it out of her hand "now ask nicely and we'll think about going with you! if you don't we'll stay here where we know we're needed!"  Avilasa says to the Klingon as the human woman stares at her (Avilasa) in shock "I'm Klingon we don't do nice"  the Klingon says "then have one of them do it!"  Avilasa replies as she takes apart the gun she still holds the Klingon looks at the human male who stumbles with his words as he says "p-please come with us"  Avilasa replies "well since you asked nicely!"  M'Benga smirks the Klingon laughs then M'Benga, Avilasa and Chapel follow the Klingon and her comrades to a cave and Avilasa who felt Spock's worry allowed him to connect with her so that he could see that they were alright by allowing him to see through her eyes where they were "I'm not a cave person, but this is for sure the biggest I've ever seen"  Chapel says once they walk inside the cave "decades of dilithium mining"  M'Benga whispers "how do think they got that in here?"  Chapel asks when she sees a Federation ship in the center of the cave  "I think they built it"  M'Benga whispers "I would have done a better job!"  Avilasa replies softly M'Benga chuckles then says with a smile "I bet you would!"  she nudges his arm gently and they start moving Chapel follows them "she's smart too!"  the Klingon woman who brought them says to her comrades as they follow them M'Benga, Avilasa and Chapel are taken inside the "Federation Ship" where the Klingon woman's people who are sick and injured are and the three of them get to work trying to help the sick and injured "Ion burns everywhere this level of scarring is normally too deep to treat but, fortunately, your dermal system is redundant"  M'Benga says softly to the Klingon male he was looking over "you've treated Klingons before where?"  the Klingon asks "it doesn't matter"  M'Benga replies "tell me or I'll cut out your tongue so you spread no more lies"  the Klingon threatens Avilasa who was working near them says as she turns and looks at the Klingon "and you will die a honor-less death!"  the Klingon stares at her with narrowed eyes "oh please I get that all day from the white haired one! you think yours is going to scare me!?!"  she says rolling her eyes at him M'Benga chuckles then says to the Klingon as Avilasa turns her attention back to her patient "years ago I was stationed on the moon of J'gal"  the Klingon replies "now I know you are lying if you had served on J'gal, you'd be dead"  M'Benga says "do you know that after the battle of ChaKana, there was so much blood in the air the rain turned red?"  a Klingon male walks over and asks M'Benga's patient "Ror'Queg are you fit for duty now?"  M'Benga says "I'm done with him"  Ror'Queg stands up and walks away the Klingon who came to get him follows him out of the room "what do you think you're doing!?!"  M'Benga asks Avilasa who replies "Klingons answer to strength not weakness and I most certainly won't let them push me around so I'm just showing a different sort of strength than you are and you heard the woman who brought us here she "likes" me!"  he smiles "they're on this ship"  she says he looks at her curiously "the torpedoes the only problem is with all the other smells I can't pinpoint their location"  she tells him he nods "though I'm betting your new buddy can be.... coaxed into giving you the info we desire.... if they are in the Torpedo Bay so help me....!"  she adds ending with a tease he chuckles she smiles then whispers "Spock knows where we are and that we're safe but.... I had to cut the connection before we entered this area so I could concentrate on the patients"  he nods then whispers "so I was right!"  she replies in Swahili for she knew he whispered so that Chapel didn't hear him "as I once told T'Pring he chose her and his people over his heart the only problem is we're both suffering the consequences from it!"  he frowns "hey I'm the one who let him have his own life! and it isn't like I didn't get my "second chance".... with a female but still!"  she says in Swahili he chuckles then asks in Swahili "how does that work!? I thought the mating bond was for life"  she replies in Swahili  "normally it is but.... the best way to explain it is that the rules are different here and much like he did with his emotions I pushed it back and "locked it away" so to speak it still exists but.... it's best for both of us for it to stay where it is"  he nods sadly "I've always believed that the heart knew how one person feels for another and not only how strong that emotion is but whether or not it's real before they do which is how the mating bond is formed but it's up to those two people to make it strong I may never know if I will get the chance to be with him but I'm betting that with the sacrifices we've made.... me for him, him for his people.... though if you ask my opinion I believe it has more to do with him trying to make his father proud while still making a life of his own"  she says in Swahili he smiles as she continues in Swahili "but all in all it's up to the two people who are connected by said mating bond to make it last for a lifetime or if one believes in such things longer than that"  he nods with a smile....

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