Chapter Four

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Aurora p.o.v.

At about 9:00am, I gently wake Noodle so we can maybe avoid Mrs. Scrubbit's wrath this morning. 

"Noodle Caboodle it's time to wake up."

Se groans and begrudgingly drags herself out of my bed, and we both quietly made our way to her room so she could change. I myself wore a simple brown dress with a light tan undershirt with sleeves that went only halfway down my arms. I preferred sleeves like this because it made working easier. 

About an hour later we were out making our deliveries and chatting about a bunch of things when we were passing the Galeries Gourmet and I mentioned what Mr. Wonka had said last night, so we stopped to see if he was there.

He was. He was standing on his big suitcase next to his cane, which...seemed to be standing on its own? We couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, as we were too far away, but we watched him do a magic trick, making two small objects disappear and start singing.

In. A. Jungle near Mumbai,

There's a little hoverfly,

Whose wings go at a thousand flaps a second,

That's no lie!

These microscopic fleas,

Like chocolate more than leaves,

And when asked nicely, lay precisely,

One little egg in each of these.

We watch in astonishment as he takes off his hat and pulls out a big glass jar full of colorful little things. 

When it hatches from its shell,

It gives a happy yell,


How thrilling to be living in a chocolate hotel!

It beats its wings with glee,

And then as you will see,

The chocolate will levitate,

And float most gracefully!

Both our jaws drop as he takes the lid off the jar and the colorful things start to literally float out and into the air.

Well, there's chocolate,

And there's chocolate,

But only Wonka's makes your eyes

Pop out their sock-alettes!

Put your hand!

Into your pock-alette!

Get yourself!

Some Wonka chocolates!

Come now I insist!

You've never had chocolate like this!

No, you've never had chocolate like this!

He finishes with a flourish as the colorful chocolates float neatly back into the jar, the crowd roaring with cheers. Both Noodle and I join right in and clap from our position by the front door. The genuine grin on his face is heartwarming as the crowd splits three ways and Mr. Fickelgruber, Mr. Slugworth, and Mr. Prodnose all come into view. Those three are the most famous chocolate makers in the world, so it's not far off to assume they would be threatened by something like Mr. Wonka's marvelous chocolate. 

Some words are exchanged, too quiet for us to hear, then each of the three try one of Mr. Wonka's vibrant treats. It looks like it's going well at first, Mr. Wonka shouts about an endorsement from Mr. Slugworth himself, but then he stops and makes a very upset face.

My heart goes out to him. I've been around long enough to witness the coming and going of many new chocolatiers, all cast aside by the big three, and it seems like Mr. Wonka will just be the next in a long line of disgraced creators, then something miraculous happened. Mr. Fickelgruber, Mr. Slugworth, and Mr. Prodnose all began rising in the air just like the candies had only moments before!

They began yelling about how Mr. Wonka was crazy and how would they ever get down.

"Who in their right mind wants a chocolate that makes you fly?!" One of them shouts.

I hear the mysterious magician over all the shocked gasps and laughter of the crowd. "Let's see! Who's for a Hoverchoc?!"

He opens the jar as the pretty chocolates, now known as Hoverchocs, resume their funny flying activities. Much of the onlookers grab them, dumping sovereigns into the now empty glass, and follow the actions of the three chocolate makers. Their feet lift off the ground, a few try to swim through the air, and all of them are having fun.

I watch in pure wonderous amazement at the human bubbles, floating around inside the Galeries Gourmet, and finally look back at Mr. Willy Wonka. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest when I realize he was already looking at me. He tipped his tall top hat as if to say 'hello, I see you', with a big smile. The two of us wave back and I can feel my face heating up, but I pray he can't see that from this far. 

The glorious moment didn't get to last long as the police force showed up with hooks and told us to leave. I signaled an 'I'm sorry' to Mr. Wonka before we turned and kept on our route.

"Tell me you saw all that Rory!"

"I did! I really did!"

I let my thoughts drift a little.

"We're gonna help him right?"

"What?" She looks at me, confusion on her face.

"Someone like him...he's got to be planning something big. Levitating chocolate? How is that even a thing!"

She ponders that for a moment. "If I didn't know any better, Rory, I would say you just wanted to spend more time with him."

I gasp, face flushing, and shove her into the cart. She squeals and I grab the handle and start running back to the wash house, laughing.

When we make it back and put the cart back, we didn't see Mrs. Scrubbit or Mr. Bleacher anywhere and realize we didn't have any more chores to do for the night.

"Should we go uh...see if Mr. Wonka got the message?"

I nod sadly and lead her down to the workers quarters, to the room that's been vacant until now, and knocked on the door.

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