Chapter Seven

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Aurora p.o.v.

It was nightfall. Mr. Wonka and I were hiding behind a truck near the entrance of the zoo, waiting for Noodle to return. After a few moments pass, she appears next to us.

"Well done, Noodle." He whispered to her, leaning dangerously close to me. It's like he's got no concept of personal space.

"So, what is it really?" She asked him.

"It's called 'A Big Night Out,' a single chocolate that perfectly mimics a night on the town. The outer layer is champagne truffle. The next is white wine, followed by red. That's when the singing and dancing starts. It's when he hits the layer of whiskey fudge that he'll get emotional. He might do something reckless. Finally, some old port from the back of the cupboard and..."

He trailed off and we all peeked over the truck to see the guard passed out. 

"Let's go!" We didn't even have time to be amazed as he rushed us forward.

We walk around the zoo with flashlights. I watch Noodle's face as she admires all the animals, then I watch it fall when we get to the flamingos.

"Why don't they fly away?" She asks in a hushed tone.

"I don't know. Perhaps they haven't thought of it." Mr. Wonka responded, in all seriousness, but Noodle scoffed.

"You're kidding."

"No, I'm serious. That's the thing about flamingos, they need someone to show them the way." He said as we walked into the entrance.

We wandered around for a bit, looking for the door to the Giraffe enclosure.

"Ah! Giraffe!" He said and opened the tiger door before we could stop him. 

Noodle and I slam the door just before it could touch him.

"You have got to learn how to read!" I said, a shake evident in my voice.

"Why?" He asks, genuinely confused and not at all concerned that he was almost cat food.

"You were nearly eaten by a tiger!" Noodle whisper yelled at him.

He put his finger up. "'Nearly' is the key word there. I've nearly been eaten by a lot of things, and none of them got more than a nibble!" He said with a smile and in such a tone I couldn't help but giggle.

Noodle led us over to the actual Giraffe door and pointed to the sign. "Giraffe."

"Okay, I'll learn how to read." He opens the door and walks confidently inside, whereas Noodle and I took a bit more caution walking into a somewhat wild animal's pen. 

"Good evening, Miss..." He trailed off, and I quickly turned my flashlight to the label on the wall.


"Abigail." He repeats, bowing at the waist.

The magnificent animal takes a couple startling steps forward and Noodle hides behind me, but Mr. Wonka puts one hand up to the Giraffe and shoves the other into his pocket.

"Woah there! Easy now...I've brought acacia mints." He says and holds out a handful of little teal bean shaped candies.

Abigail leans her head down and sniffs them, clearly curious, then sticks her tongue out to eat a couple of them. 

"Giraffes are just crazy about my Acacia mints." He starts, speaking low. "Love them more than anything else. Except being scratched on the chin, you see?"

We watch, enthralled, as he takes a step forward and starts to scratch the animal's chin. He wasn't lying, she really did seem to be enjoying the experience. 

"Wanna give it a go?" He asks, looking at Noodle, who was still half hiding behind me.


"Yeah. Why not?"

She was nervous and looked to me for guidance. I nodded, a little apprehensive myself, and nudged her forward. I mostly trusted Mr. Wonka but his sense of danger left something to be desired. "Go ahead. I won't let anything happen to you."

She took a couple slow steps forward and reached her shaky hand up to scratch right next to where Mr. Wonka left his hand. Abigail responded eagerly to her touch, by turning and licking up the side of Noodle's face. I laughed at the young girl's shocked face.

"I think she likes you!" Mr. Wonka laughed as well, his bright demeaner filling the whole room. "Miss Abigail, if my colleague here gives you a good scratch, do you think you could possibly spare us a pint or two of your milk?"

She slow blinked as a response, so we took that as a yes. Before he did anything else, he walked over while a big smile, and my heart leapt when I met his eyes.

"Please, will you hold onto my coat?"

"Of course." I happily took it from him and placed it over my arm. He then took his hat off as well and placed it on my head. I giggled and looked up at him, only to find him looking down at me.

"Beautiful." Was all I heard before he turned and sped away to get to work, leaving me a flustered mess. 

A few minutes later, he was sat on a chair milking Abigail while Noodle was up on a ladder scratching her chin. I sat to the side, watching them with a smile on my face. 

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