Chapter Thirteen

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Aurora p.o.v.

Time moved on, and morning eventually came, but I could not make myself move or get out of bed. Willy's note kept replaying in my head.

Dear Aurora,

If you are reading this, it means I'm already gone and on a ship to the north pole.

I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for leaving you and Noodle without a proper goodbye, and for how awful I was to you in the shop. I really did not mean any of what I said, and I truly hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

I promised you both freedom from this life, and the only way you're all getting it is if I leave and never sell chocolate again.

I only wish I could explain how wonderful you are. How I look into your eyes and never get used to how beautiful they are. How the sound of your voice is enough to get my heart racing and leave me breathless. How your presence lights up any room you walk into. How much you really mean to me, and how much I love you.

You've left me at a loss for words, Aurora, and even if I could speak it, it wouldn't even come close to how big of an impact you've made on me. I'll never ever forget you.

Send my love and regrets to Noodle, and remember that it will always be you.


Your Willy Wonka.

More tears fell each time I went over it, until there were no more tears left. Noodle came in and found me in such a state, and came over to comfort me more. Once I had gained some sort of control over myself, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for work. Even if I was depressed, I still had a job to do.

Noodle and I arrived downstairs to find everyone else lined up in the parlor, and we were ushered to join the line in front of Mrs. Scrubbit.

"My, my, what a lot of long faces this morning. It's almost like you lot had a sneaky little scheme to try and wiggle out of your contracts, which spectacularly misfired." She laughed, wickedly I might add. "I got some good news for you lot, not that you deserve it. Your friend, Mr. Wonka, done a deal with Mr. Slugworth. Gave up his dream to settle your accounts. Mr. Crunch."

It broke me to hear his name, and more tears slipped out as Mrs. Scrubbit pulled the contract book and flipped to Mr. Crunch's page, then gives it a big old stamp.

"You're free to go."

Nobody moves for a second, everyone startled, until Mr. Bleacher yelled.

"Scram, bookworm!"

Mr. Crunch finally moves, taking his receipt and leaves.

"Bell." She takes her receipt and leaves.


"You don't gotta tell me twice."


"You've been a terrible audience, goodnight!"

"Yeah, well, you ain't been much of a comedian mate."

"I know." He goes to leave but Mr. Bleacher stops him and whispers something to him.

One by one they all got their ticket punched and fled the building, to freedom. A part of me was happy for them, but the overwhelming sense of loneliness left by Willy shadowed every other feeling.

"And finally. Aurora and Noodle. Biggest pile in the lot, but this isn't to pay your bill. This is to keep you here." She grins.

"What do you mean?" Noodle asks.

"My friend, Mr. Slugworth doesn't think nasty little urchins like you should be out on the streets, lowering the tone." She looks at me. "And of course you need a friend to keep you company in here, we are family after all. Ain't that right, Aurora?"

I tensed up. I hadn't really expected my freedom, but Mrs. Scrubbit was never supposed to reveal that little fact to Noodle.

"Rory...are you related to Mrs. Scrubbit?"

I turn to Noodle, and slowly nod, feeling horribly ashamed.

"So, he have me this money to keep you down in the wash house for good, and I'm only too happy to oblige!"

Noodle charges at her, furious. "I hate you!!" She screams.

Bleacher grabs her from behind and holds her arms as she flails helplessly.

"Look at her go, Lord Bleachowitz!" Scrubbit cackles.

"Lord Bleachowitz?? You don't still think he's a lord, do you??"

She looks at Noodle, confused.

"We made it up, you stupid old hag!"

Scrubbit's face contorted into one of horror, then embarrassment, then she settles on anger as she rounds the counter and grabs Noodle from Bleacher. "Right! That's it! You horrible little brats! You're both going in the coop, my girls!"

She drags both of us all the way to that horrible place, far too small for both of us, and throws us in, locking it tight behind us.

Noodle sheds a tear, and I can tell she thought she was going to be free from this wretched place. I hug her tighter to me to share my warmth, and whisper small comforting words.

Suddenly, a loud bang comes from the outside, and we back against the door.

Then, to our big surprise, a very familiar face pops in the little hatch.

"Hello, girls."

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