Chapter Fifteen

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Aurora p.o.v.

We all split up to look for the ledger, but it is literally nowhere to be seen.

"Anything?" Willy asks after a good time of searching.

"Nothing." I'm combing through the bookshelves.

"Keep looking." I think I find him looking at me more than he's looking for the book.

"It's not here, Willy." Noodle sounds exasperated.

"It has to be! Abacus said-"

"Abacus has been in the wash house for the past four years. Maybe all that scrub scrubbing has gone to his head. Because all that's down here is a bunch of stupid, old chocolate!" She grabs a random book and throws it at the wall in front of her, and watches as the panel pops open.

"Guys, look!" She pulls the green ledger out of the hidden hole and holds it up to us.

We both rush over, and I open it, confirming it is indeed what we were looking for.

"We did it, girls! We got them!" Willy holds his hand up for a high five and I go to slap it, but we all jolt as we hear a gunshot.

We spin around to see the Cartel by the door. Slugworth is holding a gun he just fired into the air, and he slowly steps forward.

"Naughty, naughty, Mr. Wonka. You've caused us quite a bit of trouble. You and your...urchins."

"But Noodle isn't just an urchin, is she? Mr. Slugworth? You're family." Willy states, confidently.


"What are you talking about?"

"You know that ring? The one you got from your parents? Mr. Slugworth has one just like it, don't you."

We all look at him, then at the ring on his hand, the one that remarkably similar to the one that Noodle wears around her neck.

"As a matter of fact, I do. That belonged to my brother. Zebedee."

"Was he my father?'

"A hopeless romantic is what he was. Fell in love with a common little bookworm, but died before they could marry. Leaving me the sole heir to the family fortune, or so I thought. Nine months later, your mother turned up on my doorstep. Begged me to get a doctor for her sick little newborn. I said I would help.

"But you didn't. Instead, you put her down a laundry chute." The anger builds inside of me, and I contemplated taking the gun and shooting him instead.

Willy must've sensed my rash thoughts, or maybe he just wanted to get between me and harm's way, but he moved to stand in front of me.

"Mrs. Scrubbit found me...she saw the ring. Thought it was an 'N' and called me Noodle. But it wasn' was a 'Z', for Zebedee." Noodle said.

"When your mother returned, I told her you had died. She was heartbroken, of course, but I gave her a handful of sovereigns and had her escorted from my property."

I look over at Noodle, who has tears in her eyes.

"What was her name?" She asks him.


"Her mom. What was her name." I was getting tired of him and his crap.

"Oh. Let me see,, I don't think I can remember that. You must understand she was very poor."

Mr. Fickelgruber gags and we all flinch, my face contorting in disgust. Willy starts to look through the beginning pages in the ledger.

"Sorry, Felix."

"Her name was...Dorothy. Dorothy Smith. It says so right here." Willy says.

We both look at him, surprised.


"Well, what do you know. I guess you two did teach me to read after all." He looks at me with a goofy smile and I return it.

"Well, this is all very touching, but back to business. We'll take that, thank you very much."

I narrow my eyes at the evil man in front of us, itching to do something reckless, to hurt them. I watch Mr. Fickelgruber very closely as he gets closer and takes the ledger from Willy, just waiting for him to make a move on us. I could take him.

Slugworth returns the ledger to its hidey hole and goes back to stand with the others.

"How much chocolate have you got at your factory, Felix?"

"About eighty thousand gallons."



"And I've got one fifty. That should be enough."

"For what."

He grinned, evilly. "Death, by chocolate!"

He leads us through the watertight door into the chocolate tank, and Fickelgruber stops the large mixing blades.

"On you go." He waved his gun.

We didn't really have another choice, so we walked onto the blade and onto the middle platform. Though I was fully prepared to tackle him so the others could escape.

"Uh...gentlemen? Considering the situation, I wondered if you would do a good deed on my behalf." Willy spoke up.

"A what??" Fickelgruber sounds astonished.

"A good deed. It's a sort of pointless act of selflessness-" Prodnose went to explain.

"Of course, Mr. Wonka. What is it you want us to do?" Slugworth interrupted him.

Willy drapes a scarf over his arm and magically pulls a jar of chocolates out of it. "I wonder if you could give these to someone, only if you happen to see him."

"Who is it?"

"A little orange man. He's about yay high, orange skin and bright green hair. I owe him a jar of chocolates, you see, and well I think these might be the best ones I've ever made."

"Well in that case, I'll make sure he gets them personally." Willy tosses him the jar.

"Farewell, Mr. Wonka...urchins." Fickelgruber starts the spinning blades again and they all walk out, sealing the door tight.

Not too long after, chocolate starts to pour out of two large holes in the ceiling, and we all cling to each other in fear.

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