Chapter Sixteen

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Aurora p.o.v.

Chocolate was filling the room, and despite its size, it wouldn't take long before we actually drowned in chocolate. We now had to not move to avoid slipping and falling.

"W-what are we gonna do, Willy?" Noodle was understandably nervous.

"I don't know. I'll think of something."

I looked around the room for something that could help us, anything.

"I've got it!" He starts taking things out of his pockets and dumps them into the chocolate, now up to our knees. "If we're going to drown in chocolate, and let's face it, we're going to drown in chocolate, it's going to be Wonka chocolate!"

"We're not going to drown in chocolate! Look! There's a window up there!" She points up to a window in the ceiling. "We'll let the chocolate lift us up, then we bang on the glass and pray someone hears us."

"That's a much better idea!"

It doesn't take long before we're rising to the top and hitting the window as much as we can. A shadow! We see shadows moving as the people that own them approach, but much to our dismay, the cartel's ugly faces appear in the window.

"I'm sorry, girls..." Willy says, when they walk away.

"Don't be. You found my family. A mom...who loved me. That's all I evee wanted." Noodle weakly smiled at him.

"Deep breath now..." Willy said, and I reached over to hold his hand. He gripped mine tight.

We all inhaled as much as we could as the chocolate rose the last few inches, and completely covered us. 

A minute or two passed, but it felt like hours, and suddenly we were able to breathe again! The chocolate was draining and each of our heads popped out of the surface, all of us took many deep breaths. The blades spun us into a vortex of chocolate as we cheered and screamed and thanked nothing in particular.

"What's going on??" Noodle called out.

"What's happening??" I laughed.

"It's draining girls! We've been saved!"

"By who??"

Willy looks up at the window and points to it. "The little orange man!"

We both look up to see that Willy had been telling the truth the entire time we knew him. Standing up on the window looking down at us, was a small orange man with green hair.

Noodle was the first to yell. "THANK YOU, LITTLE ORANGE MAN!!!!"


We all climb out of the chocolate and Noodle runs to get the ledger, but Willy pulls me aside and hugs me, his breathing shaky.

"I'm so glad we're alive...I would've gone to the grave guilty knowing you drowned in chocolate because of me..."

I just giggled and kissed his chocolate covered cheek before taking his hand and leading the two of them back up.

We run to the doors of the cathedral to see all the police and the cartel standing right there.

"...thieves broke in, but I'm afraid they met with a little accident." We catch the end of Slugworth's sentence.

"In which they died." Prodnose chimes in.

Willy calls out to them. "I wouldn't be so sure of that."

Everyone turned to look at us, covered in chocolate, and Noodle turns to hand the ledger to the deputy. "Officer, would you kindly take a look at this?"

"Wonka!" Slugworth shouts.

"It details every illegal payment these men have ever made." Noodle looks at them. "Thousands of them."

"Don't listen to them, Affable. They're lying!"

"Well, of course they are!" Slugworth scoffs.

"They're not sir..." Deputy Affable flips through the pages. "They're absolutely right. It's...incredible."

"Oh, well..." The Chief walks up to Affable and tris to take the ledger. "That sounds like a case for the chief of police. Give it to me, Affable. I'll take it from here."

He keeps tight of the book. "I can't do that, I'm afraid sir." 

"And why's that?"

"Because your name's in here...a lot." Affable reveals to everyone.

The Cartel starts to sense they aren't getting away with this. 

"Gentlemen? Run!" They start to take off.

Willy holds my hand tighter as I start to run after them, keeping me from moving. "Just give it a second."

I watch, confused at what he means, until all three of them start to rise, just like they did in the Galeries Gourmet.

They all held on to the frozen fountain as they screamed. Willy confidently saunters up to them.

"You didn't eat any of those chocolates, did you Mr. Slugworth?"

"Why?" He snaps at Willy.

"Because they're Hoverchocs! Delayed action, but extra strong."

Slugworth glares at him. "You think you're so clever, don't you, Wonka?! Well there's a billion sovereigns of chocolate beneath our feet! We'll get the best lawyers, bribe the judge, rig the jury if we have to! We'll be fine!"

"Oh...I wish I'd thought of that..." He looks up at them with a cheeky grin, then signals to me and Noodle. "Girls?"

We giggle between ourselves and bang on the fire hydrant next us with wrenches we found.

We hurry over to Willy just in time to feel the ground rumbling beneath our feet. I stumble on my feet and fall, but luckily Willy is there to catch me. He holds me against him, and we watch, as rich chocolate breaks through the frozen and starts to pour in the fountain. The outburst also causes the Cartel to let go, sending all three of them flying through the air.

"Don't worry, gentlemen! You'll come down eventually!" He calls out to them. "Probably. I think. But until then..." He steps up on the fountain and takes more stuff out of his pockets and dumps it into the fountain, then turns to address the crowd just as the wash house gang crawl out of the sewers.

He offers his hand to me, and I take it, then he effortlessly pulls me up on the fountain next to him and wraps his arm around my waist to keep me steady. "Ladies and gentlemen! Willy Wonka and friends invite you to enjoy our chocolate!"

Everyone clambers forward, anxious to try the magical creation, and they cheer out.

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