Night of the Vampiredroid

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My name is Roger. You see, I worked at ADHOC during my last year of high school since I want to save enough money for college. I have been working so hard in my life. You may have noticed that I have been a huge fan of Fandroid ever since. I watched his Vid Splash videos and even followed him on Flyspace. Even my friends from my High School decided to work here. Well only 4 of them. I have worked with them for so long now.

Yesterday. I was just watching my favorite tv show on my television. I got a phone call from ADHOC. They have asked if my friends and I want to do a night shift after school tomorrow. This goes on from 6:00 pm Thru 6:00 am. That sounds like 12 hours for us. I agreed to do the night shift and they told us to come at 6:00 pm on the dot and then hang up. I continued watching Tv for 15 minutes before it was over and decided to get some sleep. The next day after school and while I was heading home, I thought about the dream I had from last night. I was at -ADHOC, and the lights went out. No one was there. Even my friends. Then I heard some loud growl. I turned around at this figure and it lunged at me. I woke up from this dream before I was attacked.

So I guess I forgot my friend's names. Their names were Drake, Caroline, Recce and Simon. Anyways, we arrived at 6:00 pm to do our night shift. The manager was not there. Usually, he would be here when we arrive. But tonight, he is not here. All that is in front of us is this tape recorder. I thought that cassette tapes were obsolete. I guess they're making a comeback somehow so that they can enjoy listening to them again. I picked up the tape recorder and pressed play. "Hello guys. It's the manager. Sorry that I couldn't come to the night shift. However, we would like to thank you for coming here on time. There is something I am obliged to tell you. I must explain a few things before you begin your night shift. First off you need to know that the lights may need to remain on because in the dark it gets difficult to walk through the hallways. However, in case the power goes off, Emergency lighting will be activated. Second, I ordered some pizza for you all. Just in case you are starving. Third, Fandroid probably may make a video at 7:00 pm as usual. He says hi. Oh, and one more thing. I am sure that the pizza guy will arrive at 6:30 on the dot. Also Just try to make it until dawn and make sure nothing goes wrong. Bye. Gotta go."

After we heard everything, we went inside the facility and to the lobby. And we found out that the emergency lighting was on and the lights on the ceiling were turned off. Simon says, "That's funny. The manager said that the lights on the ceiling needed to stay on. Did we come after the power outage?" Caroline says, "Relax. I am sure that the power company will fix it." Roger says, "Well. I guess you were right. Maybe we should wait for our pizza." We waited until 6:30 for our pizza to arrive. Just then, the pizza guy came in. Pizza guy says, "Oh. Hey guys. Working the night shift?" Roger says, "We sure are." The pizza guy says, "Cool. So here is your pizza for the four of you. Oh, and here is a root beer." Roger says, "Thanks." The pizza guy says, "No problem. I am just glad that-" Then we heard a loud growl. The pizza guy asks, "What was that?" Simon says, "I am not sure. Maybe someone left the Bluetooth speakers on or something." The pizza guy says, "I guess I better get going. Need to get back to get my paycheck." Just then, as he was about to leave, the doors would not open. He tried pushing them. But they wouldn't budge. The pizza guy asks, "Do you have any emergency exits in this place?" Caroline says, "It is just across the hallways. You may need to find a map or something to find one." The pizza guy says, "Okay. Thanks." He went to the hallway to find an exit. After 5 minutes, we heard a blood curling scream for 20 seconds, then silence. Drake asks, "What was that?" Caroline says, "I have no clue." Recce says, "Whatever it is, I think it came from the hallways." Roger says, "Well then. Let's go. We can't let him die off." We then went into the hallway, and we saw that the pizza guy was okay. The pizza guy says, "I'm fine. I just tripped and fell off." Drake says, "That's fine." We then continued down the hallway to the breakroom where we would eat our pizza.

I noticed something odd about the pizza guy. He had some red eyes, and his pupils turned into slits. When we arrived at the break room, the lights were on. When we finished our pizza, we went out of the break room.

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