Night of the Vampiredroid 3

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I am Ashley. I was Roger's classmate when we were in high school. Damien was my classmate as well. We used to hang out during lunch periods, study hall periods, and other times when we would hang out. It was a good time for me. However, my life began to change when I found out that both Roger and Damien, along with my other classmates Caroline, Recce, Drake, Simon, Charlie, Marcus, Carrie, Kenny, Olivia, Max, and Raymond went missing. They have been gone for a couple months now. I really missed them very much. They were very good friends to me. I tried to call them, but they could not respond. I have no idea why. I've been waiting for an answer to why they went missing. I have heard a radio broadcast stating that there was some sort of vampire attack going on in my town. However, I think that this could be fake news. To be honest, I am not the type of person who thinks that vampires are real. If they were, I would hide in my room and lock the door. I had watched a few vampire flicks. But I still don't think that vampires exist.

I was walking home from school when I happened to notice a flyer lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up, and I was about to throw it away. But I stopped to see that it was a missing flyer for Damien. I know that I miss him, but that was just a memory for now, so I just threw it away in a nearby trash can and walked home. When I got there, I decided to watch one of the videos that we had done together, like the time we went to Old Sturbridge Village for the Sleepy Hallow Experience. Damien was still freaked out by the Headless Horsemen part. Or the time that we hung out with him and the rest of my classmates at a haunted house attraction. It was pretty good, to say the least. However, I still had my other classmates, which are Marci, Lincoln, Shelly, Jeffery, Louis, Addie, Johnathan, and Lucas. I have been with them since my third year of high school. I am still in junior year and am hoping to get into college soon. I started high school in 2016. But this year is a whole lot of fun. I remember the good times I had when I met new friends on my first day of junior year at high school.

I was just writing in my personal diary when my sister Lucy came into my room. Lucy is my sister, who is in high school too. But she goes to a different high school than mine. Anyway, Lucy wanted to talk to me about something. Lucy says, "Hey Ashley. I just want to tell you something." Ashley asks, "What is it, Lucy?" Lucy says, "Well. Did you miss all of your old friends?" Ashley says, "Yeah. I kinda miss them because they went missing. They didn't even show up at school." Lucy says, "Well, maybe they probably moved out of town or something." Ashley says, "Yeah. But I don't think that is true. After the disappearances, I got a radio broadcast about something involving a vampire attack." Lucy says, "I am sure that someone is pulling a prank. When I heard it, I just turned off the radio and ignored it." Ashley says, "Well. I am sure that this could be fake news after all." Lucy says, "Maybe. Just maybe." She then left my room. I looked at my watch and found out that it was getting late. I have the weekend off and have to be bright and early. I was going to hang out with my friends at the mall tomorrow afternoon. I also had to bring Lucy with me because I wanted to show her my friends I met at school. Just as I was going to bed, I noticed something outside my window. I saw two red glowing eyes in the distance. I am not sure if someone was doing this as a prank or not. I decide to just shrug it off and go to sleep.

When the next day came, I was at the mall with my friends and my sister. We were all at the bookstore looking for some books that we could buy. Me and Marci were in the horror section of the bookstore. Ashley says, "Hey Marci. You think that they have the latest works from Edgar Allan Poe?" Marci says, "Well, not really. I just don't know what kind of book to buy." Lucy says, "Oh my gosh. They have a book by my favorite creator." Ashley says, "Sorry about that. My sister is also into online animators. I watched his videos too." Marci says, "Well, I like him too. I mean, I just subscribed to his Vid Splash channel. I love his videos." Ashley says, "Well, Fandroid sure likes his videos too." Marci says, "Yeah, I know. It's just that I-" Lincoln says, "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I don't know why your sister is kind of interested in animated videos. I have never seen their videos before." Ashley says, "Well, you can check them out. They're really cool." We then bought our stuff that we got in the store and went to the food court for some lunch. After our lunch was done, we decided to just hit the arcade.

We had played a few arcade games until we ran out of points for our power cards. When we did, we decided to get something at the prize counter and head somewhere so that we could chill for a while. I have 4 plushies of my favorite video game, while my friends got other things like a pair of cat headphones, plushies, and other prizes that we bought with our tickets. We hung out near a fountain, like we would usually do sometimes. Shelly says, "I'm sure tired of doing nothing." Lincoln says, "Well, we could go see a movie." Marci says, "A movie? Well, Looks like we have time to see a movie that we might be interested in." Lucy says, "That is a good idea for us to do." Lucas says, "Well. I might know a good movie that we could all see." Jeffery says, "I am not sure what movie we will see, but I am thinking of one that we could all see." We went to the movie theater and bought tickets to see a horror movie. While we were sitting down and watching this film, I happened to see something that distracted me from watching it. I saw a bunch of glowing red eyes in the distance. I only stared at them for a few seconds and then ignored them. I continued to watch the film as if I never looked at the glowing eyes. Nothing can now distract me from watching this movie. I decided that I would have to talk about this after the movie is finished.

As soon as the movie was finished, I asked one of my friends. Ashley says, "Lucas?" Lucas asks, "What is it, Ashley?" Ashley asks, "Did you see some glowing red eyes?" Lucas says, "Well, not that I know of. No." Addie says, "Well, whatever it is, I don't think that someone is watching us." Johnathan says, "I have no idea why you saw that, but we were just watching this film." Marci says, "Yeah, maybe it's just your mind playing tricks on you." Lincoln says, "I am not sure about this. I think that we could be watched or something." Ashley says, "Yeah. It was like someone was watching us. Like the grim reaper." Louis asks, "Umm. Are you sure someone is watching us?" Ashley says, "Well, probably." Lucy says, "I'm sure no one is watching us." When we exited the movie theater, I could see that it was starting to get dark outside. And up in the sky is a blood moon. Lincoln says, "Check it out. It looks like we have a blood moon out tonight." Marci asks, "Yeah, but is that too early for a lunar eclipse?" Ashley says, "I don't think that this is an eclipse." Addie says, "Well, according to Boost Search, this could be a sign of vampires." Ashley says, "Oh, please. Vampires don't exist." Just then, Roger just ran to us. Wait. Was he missing for, like, months? Roger says, "Oh. Hey Ashley. It's been a while since I lost you." Everyone except Roger screamed, "GAAAAAH." Roger was just smiling at us. I noticed that he had some red eyes, and his pupils were slits. I assume he is wearing contacts.

Roger asks, "What have you been doing for these past months?" Jeffery looked a bit scared at his look. Jeffery says, "Now, I have some even more stuff to look at." He then ran away from us and hid somewhere. Ashley says, "Roger. It has been a while since you were lost." Roger says, "Lost? I am not sure what you are talking about, but the missing posters about me, I am sure this is a bunch of coincidence." Marci asks, "Is that your old classmate?" Ashley says, "Yeah. Why is he wearing contacts on his eyes that makes him look like a vampire?" Roger asks, "What contacts?" Roger ran off somewhere. Just then, Jeffery came out of his hiding place. Jeffery says, "That vampire sure is scary." Ashley says, "Well, Roger is probably wearing contacts, but he assumes that he is not wearing any. And is that a vampire bite mark on his neck?" Lucas says, "It's a neck tattoo, I assume." Marci says, "You think? That vampire bite looks very real to me." Johnathan says, "What are you talking about, Marci? There is no evidence that vampires exist." Lucy says, "Yeah. Besides, they are a myth."

Just then, something cold touched my shoulder. I turned around and saw no one. I could have sworn that someone touched my shoulder. We knew we had to get home. I followed my friends to my house because I decided to let them stay overnight. Roger appeared next to a stop sign in our neighborhood. Roger says, "Ashley?" Ashley says, "What?" Roger says, "I need to ask you something, but don't take it to seriously." Ashley says, "Ask me anything, Roger. I missed you. And that is a nice Halloween costume this year. Good thing it is October." Roger asks, "Did I tell you that this is a Halloween costume? And most importantly, did you think I would wear any contacts at all?" Marci says, "Well yeah. Vampires are a myth. And they don't even exist." Roger says, "Well I haven't tried on any contacts today and haven't been wearing any costumes recently." Ashley says, "Roger. You better be joking. Of course, this is a costume. You are not a real vampire." I forgot to notice that he also had two sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth. Marci says, "Yeah. Save that for October 31. It looks fake anyway." Lucy says, "Well, Roger. If this is one of your tricks you are playing on us, I guess it is time to cut it out." Roger asks, "Does this look fake to you?" Jeffery says, "No." Everyone else except Roger says, "Yes." We then began to laugh like a bunch of hyenas. But our laugh was cut off when Caroline, Simon, Recce, Drake, Charlie, Marcus, Damien, Carrie, Kenny, Olivia, Max, and Raymond walked behind Roger. They were also vampires.

Roger asks, "Does this look fake now?" Lucy says, "It still looks very fake. Nice try, Roger. You are just playing practical jokes on us." We were going to laugh our heads off, but then our laughter was cut off again when Roger grabbed some random person, bit into their neck, and drank their blood. The victim collapsed onto the ground. Just then, something cold touched my shoulder. I screamed, my friends turned around, and Fandroid was behind us. He had blue wings on his back, red-slit pupils, and two fangs sticking out of his mouth. Fandroid says, "Jokes on you all. Vampires don't have to be a myth. Now that we have found you, we will drink your blood." Melody says, "So will I" I also noticed that Melody was a vampire too. Jeffery says, "I TRIED TO TELL YOU ALL. VAMPIRES DO EXIST. YOU DID NOT LISTEN TO ME. NON OF YOU." Ashley says, "Let's get the heck out of here." We then ran away from the vampires that were going to attack us. Raymond says, "Hey. They're getting away." Fandroid says, "Get them. Don't let them get away." Then all of the vampires who were my friends were now chasing us.

We had to run across town to get away from the vampires. Marci asks, "What are we gonna do? hide until dawn so that we could be safe?" Ashley says, "If we do find a hiding place, we certainly would be safe from them. " Lincoln says, "Or we could buy some garlic to keep them away from us. That works in some vampire movies." Addie says, "But we don't have garlic. There must be some other way." Louis says, "Let's go this way." We took a left to the rest of the town. We hid near a store, but we couldn't go in because the door was locked. We turned around, and we saw no vampires chasing us. Very good sign. Ashley says, "We should be safe by now." Lucas says, "Yeah. Now why don't we just get somewhere for dinner while we wait for this to be over?" Johnathan says, "Yeah. We haven't eaten since this happened." We went to a nearby diner to get our food. When we finished our meal, we had a conversation. Shelly says, "So. You think the vampires noticed that we were in here?" Lucy says, "If the answer was yes, could we run somewhere even safer?" Lincoln says, "Yeah. I just had enough vampires for one day." Addie says, "If they have found us here, we could try to defend ourselves." Jeffery says, "Well. I guess we could be the only ones who know that vampires do exist. But at least we are safe now." Marci asks, "So is everyone going to split the bill?" Ashley says, "Well, I could ask." The waitress says, "Oh, no need to, and that's fine. Also, why are you all talking about vampires and stuff like that? They're just a myth." Johnathan says, "Oh, I know. I think the people that are chasing us are probably cosplayers doing a prank." The waitress says, "Probably. I just don't even know if they exist or not, but that is something that I knew that they might be out there." Ashley says, "I know."

The waitress says, "So. Anyone wanna split the bill now? it's almost closing time." Addie says, "Oh, alright." As soon as we paid for our food, Roger just jumped through the window and growled. The waitress says, "Um. Sir. I am sure that is not how you enter a diner, and you owe me money for a new window. Also, we were shutting down for the night so could you please lea-" Her sentence was cut off when Roger bit the waitress in the neck. The waitress says, "Ow. You maniac, I'm not on the menu." Roger also drank her blood. The waitress then collapsed on the ground. Roger says, "Don't think that you could get away from us." We ran out of the diner when this occurred. We had to run to my neighborhood and hid in one of the bushes. Addie says, "That was close." Ashley asks, "You think that Roger would find us here?" Jeffery says, "I don't think so." Marci says, "We could be safe for now." Just then we heard a bunch of gears getting slower. I knew that Fandroid is finding us. Fandroid says, "Were are you my victims?" We stayed quiet in hopes that he won't find us. That is until Fandroid's claw reached to the bush we were hiding in. Fandroid says, "THERE YOU ARE. YOU'RE NOT THAT GOOD OF HIDING IN HERE." We panicked and ran away. We ran away and ended up in the woods.

We kept running until we got tired and had to stop. Marci says, "Aw man. I think we are lost." Lucas says, "Don't worry. I think we can get back home safely." Lucy says, "How can we get home? I think we could start walking back to the way we came." Ashley says, "Yeah. Maybe I should have at least stayed at home today." We found our way back to our neighborhood shortly after we walked. I think that the vampires aren't around anymore. Addie says, "They are gone I guess." Shelly says, "Yeah good thing our necks were not bit." Roger says, "Were we?" He grabbed Jeffery by the shoulders and bit him on the neck. We ran away from this to prevent the same thing from happening to us. We hid in my house and locked the door and shut all the blinds on the windows.

Ashley says, "Okay, so we are all gonna stay here until it's over. In the meantime, we can watch some television." Lucas says, "Good thinking." We then watched reruns of a classic 90s show on my television. Little did we know that Caroline was behind us. Caroline says, "So I guess this is your home. Pretty nice." Ashley says, "How did you get in here." Caroline says, "Oh, I guess that cannot be explained right now. But I know what I want." She then grabbed Addie and bit her in the arm. We ran out of my house and back to the woods. We had to keep on running until eventually we got tired. We stopped in the streets when we got out of the woods. Ashley says, "Did they smell our blood." Marci says, "I don't know." Shelly says, "Oh my gosh. I am freaking out. There are a lot of vampires out tonight, and we are the victims. We need to find somewhere to hide." Lucas says, "Relax, Shelly. We are gonna be fine. All we need to do is come up with a plan to stop those vampires. Shelly says, "I don't know about this. I still have a feeling they are on us." Ashley says, "Look." We have found something in the distance. That is, of course, the ADHOC Research Facility. Marci asks, "Anyone going in?"

If you haven't noticed, I have worked in the ADHOC Research Facility with my friends, whom I have been hanging out with since I started junior year at high school. I knew that I could save enough money for college. We went inside the facility and hid in the break room. Ashley says, "Okay everyone. All we need to do is to stay there and wait it out." Marci says, "The vampires got Addie, Jefferey, and the Waitress." Lucas says, "Were the only ones left that could stop the vampires." Johnathan says, "I don't know how Fandroid got turned into a vampire or something. And I have realized something." Ashley says, "What is it, Johnathan?" Johnathan says, "It turns out that Fandroid has turned your old friends you once hung out with into vampires. I don't know how this all started, but I assume that Fandroid was bitten by some digital vampire bat or something." Marci says, "We need to do something to end the madness." Just then, something came into the break room. We stared at this robot that looks like Fandroid but has legs with speakers built in and a green bowtie. His screen and eyes were also green.

Ashley says, "Woah. Who are you?" The robot seemed to look at us and introduce itself. Chuckles says, "Chuckles. At your service." Lucy says, "I need something to tell you, Chuckles. Why is Fandroid a vampire?" Chuckles asks, "What? Fandroid is a vampire? How did you know?" Ashley says, "We saw him." Lincoln says, "Yeah. And he nearly bit our necks and turned us into one of them. I also noticed that he had turned Ashley's old friends into vampires. Is there a reason why this is happening?" As Lincoln had finished his sentence, Chuckles revealed green wings, and his eyes turned red and into slits. He had also grown two sharp fangs that were sticking out of his mouth. Chuckles says, "Oh. I knew about this, and I became thirsty for your blood." Marci says, "Wait. Don't bite us, please." Chuckles says, "I am so sorry. I just couldn't help it." He tackled Johnathan and bit him right in the shoulder. We ran away from this as quickly as possible.

We tried to exit the building, but two security guards who are also vampires blocked us. A security guard says, "Sorry everyone. No one leaves the facility." We ran to Fandroid's room even though there was a vampire attack going on in the facility. I heard Fandroid's voice in the distance. Fandroid says, "I think they are in the facility. Find them in here." I had to lock the door to make sure that no vampires can get in. Marci asks, "Wait? Where is Johnathan and Shelly?" Johnathan says, "Don't worry. We are just hiding in the recording studio." We then heard someone banging on the door. Roger says, "Why are you all in Fandroid's room? Can you come out of there so that we can drink your blood." Ashley says, "No." Roger found a way to unlock the door and went in. Fandroid says, "I knew you would be in there." We then ran away. Unfortunately for Johnathan and Shelly, Fandroid and Roger bit them on the neck. Then Drake grabbed Louis and bit her in the neck. Simon even blocked us. Simon asks, "What? Trying to get away, are you? Well, I think you don't mind if I have a drink of blood tonight." Ashley says, "BACK OFF" I pushed Simon out of the way and ran down the hallway.

We hid safely in a closet. Marci, Lucy, Lincoln, Lucas, and I were the only ones left. Marci says, "Well. Looks like we are gonna stay there for a while." Lucas says, "I don't know about this. There should be an exit." Lincoln says, "We will find one. Or better yet, we can't stay here forever. We gotta stop this." Just then, Chuckles opened the closet door and grabbed Lincoln. Chuckles says, "There is no use escaping me Lincoln. There is no way out." Lincoln says, "Chuckles. Please no. Snap out of it." Chuckles says, "Snap out of it? I don't think that will be necessary right now." He then bit his neck and drank his blood while we made a dash across the halls. As we were running we were about to hit Marcus and Recce. Recce asks, "Hey. Why are you running away from us?" Marcus says, "Yeah. I think it is time that we get something to drink." Lucy, Marci, and I survived. As for Lucas, he was nabbed by Recce and got his shoulder bit. Marci says, "Oh my gosh. They got Lucas." Lucy says, "I know. We need to end this now."

We hid inside the break room where we would be safe. Lucy asks, "What do we do now?" Marci says, "Yeah. I don't want to end up looking like a vampire." Ashley says, "I am quite sure that we could be there until dawn. But that will not be the lucky ticket out of here. So I have another plan." Lucy says, "Okay. So if we stay there, we could be safe." Ashley says, "Yes. But I will try to get out of this break room and find out what caused all of this." Marci says, "I don't know. That sounds a bit risky. I should go with you." Ashley says, "Okay. Lucy, you should walk home now while we are here for a while. We need to end this." Lucy says, "Okay. Have fun." Lucy then checked the emergency exit to make sure no one was looking. She then ran to the exit, and she was out. Meanwhile, we were walking down the halls to figure out how this whole thing happened. One of the security guards noticed us. Security Guard says, "Hey. I think you need to come with us." We both ran and found 3 elevators. We got into one of them and pushed the button to get to the basement. Marci asks, "You think they could smell our blood?" Ashley says, "I don't know. I just don't want to get bit by some creature of the night." Roger says, "Tell me about it." The doors closed on Roger, and we were safe in the elevator.

Once we got to the basement, we saw some robots that were powered off. The lights were on but were flickering. Melody then came in front of us. Melody says, "I am quite thirsty right now." We ran away from her and discovered the button that could set off the alarm. Marci ran to the button and tried to push it. But the waitress we saw at the diner earlier grabbed her hand to stop her from pushing the button. The waitress says, "That's not a good idea." She ran away from her. We decided to take the elevator back. But when the elevator doors opened, Damien was inside. Damien says, "I have lost my patience for you. Now why don't you give me your blood?" We both ran away from him and to the stairs. When we got there, we ran up the steps. When we got up the stairs, we opened the door to the next floor. We ran across the halls and went inside the storage room to hide.

Marci says, "I think we should make a run for home now. If we stay home, they will not suspect us." Ashley says, "Good plan." As we ran to the lobby of the facility, Roger grabbed Marci by the shoulder. Marci says, "Don't do this, Roger. Please. I beg of you." Roger says, "Well.... I am blood thirsty after all, am I?" He then bit her on the shoulder and drank her blood. I rushed to the exit, and I was out of the facility for sure. I ran all the way back home in hopes that Lucy would be okay. When I got home, I went inside and upstairs to my room. I locked the door to my room so that they wouldn't get me. I also pulled the curtains so that they wouldn't suspect that I was here. Ashley says, "Well. Looks like I am safe for now." I then got myself ready for bed. I did not go to sleep just yet. I decided to read something before I went to sleep. After what seemed like 15 minutes, everything was very quiet and peaceful. No vampires were in sight. But then I heard a sound of glass breaking. Someone broke into my house, I thought to myself. I could hear Fandroid coming into my room, so I hid in the closet.

I knew I had to be as quiet as possible. When Fandroid came into my room, he was searching for me. This went on for like 2 minutes until he approached my closet. I hid somewhere in the closet so that I wouldn't get caught by him. When he opened the closet doors, he tired of looking for me. I looked away from him, hoping that he wouldn't find me. When suddenly. Fandroid says, "FOUND YOU ASHLEY." He then grabbed me and grabbed me by the shoulders to make sure I won't escape. Ashley says, "Don't do it Fandroid. Please. I don't know how you got turned into a vampire or whatever, but you need to snap out of it." Fandroid then stared at me with his eyes. Fandroid says, "Ashley. I am pretty thirsty, which is why I am here. You won't feel a thing." He then showed me his fangs and licked them with his tongue. He then slowly approached my neck. I was then starting to feel very scared by what he was doing.

Then he rapidly bites my neck and begins to drink my blood. As he did, I started to feel dizzy and groggy. My skin then turned pale, and my eyes then turned red. As Fandroid was still drinking my blood, I felt two fangs grow in my mouth and stick out. I was then going to pass out of the room, but I managed to regain consciousness. Fandroid then stopped drinking my blood and let me go. I then looked up at Fandroid and he smiled at me. Ashley asks, "Why did you do this to me?" Fandroid says, "Ashley. I did this for you. You were trying to run away from me. Now that you are a vampire, I guess you won't be scared anymore." I then smiled, realizing that being a vampire is not a bad choice. Ashley asks, "Really?" Fandroid says, "Yes. Hopefully you will get used to this someday." Ashley says, "Oh, Fandroid thank you." Then I hugged Fandroid and he hugged me back.

The next day, me and my friends, including Lucy, were now vampires, and we could not tell anyone about this. I know this seems pretty weird that we are now vampires, but drinking blood is what we could do now. Of course, we still do normal stuff like go to the movies, play arcade games, read books, and even hang out at the mall. Yep. Being a vampire isn't that bad after all. But at least we could wear shades when it is sunny outside. It is our protection against sunlight. I know that we could find victims to drink blood, but I guess our effort to do that is worth a try. At least now everything is back to normal, and vampires can exist after all. 

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