Vampire 404

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I was in the apartment building, waiting for the elevator to take me to the top floor. I was coming back home from a long day at school. Holding my binder in my hands, I was prepared for what would be tomorrow's event. Our high school's science class was selected to visit ADHOC for this year's invention showcase, where we would come up with a team project to compete against other students from different schools. While the showcase was this evening, me and my classmates were lucky enough to get our projects done in time. We've spent several months since the start of the new school year getting to work on this project. This new project will revolutionize the world, they said. Well, I couldn't doubt it.

Do I feel as though I could be prepared for the invention showcase? That didn't matter anyway, because we were almost done with it. We only spent time working on this after school hours, so we could get it done in time for the big day. As for our homework, I had to do it during study hall, so I don't have to rush home. Besides, with all the upcoming pop quizzes and the finals approaching us, it would really be a headache if I didn't study well. Usually when I get back to my apartment, I would head to my laptop to visit Vid Splash and see some Fandroid videos. I haven't seen him in a while, but I did hear that my brother works here to help Fandroid, Melody, Fr0gbot, and Beep-0 with the Fandroid livestreams.

I have never visited there before, but this could be my chance to see what it's like. I could even meet my brother there. I might even get the chance to meet Fandroid. For what I heard from him, he's possibly attending the event. Though sadly it won't be streamed on Vid Splash, I couldn't wait to see what me and my team had accomplished. When the elevator arrived, I walked right in. I could see someone standing in the corner next to me. It was my friend, Chloe. We've meet on the first day of high school. So far, we have been together for 3 years. We couldn't wait for both of us to graduate and head to college. She is on my team for the project we are working on together.

Chloe asks, "How was school today, Grace?" Yes, that was my name. I wasn't much of an engineer or a tech expert, but I've wanted to work on robotics one day, so I could produce animatronics for certain places like theme parks and restaurants. Grace says, "Hey, Chloe. It wasn't much exciting as I hoped it would be. The library wasn't available, I had to study for an algebra test, my friend had to leave early to see the dentist, and I also missed my ride back home. Chloe says, "I'm sorry that your day didn't go as planned. Anyways, excited about the showcase tomorrow?" Grace says, "Well, my project isn't finished quite yet. But we are staying after school to get it done in time."

Chloe says, "You seem to be almost done with it. What's your project about?" Grace says, "I won't tell you what it is yet. Besides, you weren't on my science team. But my science teacher said that I can take you with me, if you don't spoil the big surprise." Chloe says, "It's alright. You don't have to tell me yet. I was only getting a bit curious." Grace says, "Well, you know what they say. Curiosity kills the cat." Chloe laughed a little bit before I pressed the button to go to the top floor. When the doors closed, the elevator started to move up.

Grace asks, "Did something happen in school today?" Chloe says, "Not a lot of stuff happening, but I noticed something a bit strange earlier." Grace says, "Oh really? Tell me about it." Chloe says, "This morning, I was supposed to get on the bus on my way to school. However, it didn't arrive for me. So, I had to call my friend, Denver, to drive me to school today. I didn't know what happened at first, until I got a call saying that the bus wouldn't be arriving today because of an emergency meeting they're having. I think it might have to do with something about the schedule or anything going on in this town. Possibly an event they announced."

Grace says, "I just checked Flyspace and noticed that the reason they had this emergency meeting is because it was something about many parked cars that were found on the road. No one was in them, but I assume they got off for what appears to be a camping trip. Turns out, some people were stating that the cars had broken down. When they waited for help, they vanished without a trace." Chloe says, "This is some strange news I have ever heard." Grace says, "Yep, and that's not all I heard. They've found out that something might've sabotaged the cars. Maybe it was some sort of strange defect or something." Chloe says: "Well, this didn't happen to his car last time I checked. I think it has something to do with the car's battery malfunctioning. They did some checks if I can recall."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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