Night of the Vampiredroid 5

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Kendall was at the ADHOC Research Facility developing a cure for her sister Jennifer and her friends while listening to the radio he had with him. He tuned into the news station to find out about the latest news about the vampire pandemic going on in his neighborhood and soon the entire planet earth. The news anchor says, "This just in. We have now received more disappearances in our area according to our local police department. Although despite rumors of there being vampire sightings in our town, we yet have no official confirmation on whether these were real. Some people say that most of the disappearances are mostly them being lost. But people are now debating whether vampires do or don't exist despite fake broadcasts. However, caught on CCTV cameras in some areas we might have seen some reports of what appears to be what assumes to be vampires which are rumored to be the missing people. Police are unable to confirm this rumor as not enough evidence can be found. We will have more details on this will be available as soon as possible and that we are hopeful that these missing people will be found and brought home safely." Kendall says, "This whole vampire invasion has gotten out of hand for long enough. I will soon have a cure ready soon."

Present Day

A cold autumn breeze flows in the air as it was starting to get dark out. I was walking down the street while listening to music on my phone. The song was part of a playlist I had created on my phone a few months ago. I had stopped a few blocks after I had seen a newspaper that had been littered on the sidewalk in front of me. I picked it up and read one of the articles. "ARE VAMPIRES REAL OR A MYTH?" After reading the article in the newspaper I threw it away in a trashcan nearby. I was never the type of person who had to believe in vampires my entire life. And to be honest I had never seen a real-life vampire in all my years even though I had seen a bunch of vampire movies. I then started to walk straight home after I had been through a nice relaxing walk. Maybe watching a movie on TV would be my last thing on my agenda for the day. I suppose I can tell you about myself before I go further. I'm Alexander. I was born after my parents came here from Britan. I am currently 16 years old. Ever since I attended high school, I met some friends. Their names were Omar, Carlos, Lisa, Spencer, Joey, Anthony, Carla, And Sam. I also have a girlfriend that goes to my school. Her name was Susan.

Just a note with a few of my friends. Sam had an interest in music from the 1980s, Joey had the same interest as Sam because they were brothers, Carlos was a fan of so many horror films, and Anthony was into Anime. Okay now on with my story now that I have explained everything. When I got home, I went to my room and watched a sci-fi show on TV. I then received a call from my friends on Capriwave. I joined in their video chat. Joey says, "Hey Alexander. What's up?" Alexander says "Nothing much. I'm just watching TV while I am relaxing in my room." Sam says, "Same here." Susan says, "Have you heard about what's going on right now." Omar says, "No. What?" Spencer says, "I just heard that there had been some disappearances in another town. I just read the newspapers." Carla asks, "You mean the rumors that vampires exist?" Spencer says, "Yeah. I just don't think they are real. People go missing because either they were lost or something. I just might need to think about how these things might have happened."

Carlos says, "That isn't what we are talking about. But that is pretty much a bizarre topic. Anyways there is going to be a huge party I am throwing tomorrow. And I know where to throw it off." Anthony asks, "The graveyard?" Sam says, "No. He is throwing it off at the park. It will be at a nearby lake." Carlos says, "I didn't say we were having a party at a nearby lake. We're doing it in the woods. You could come after school and help me if anyone wants to volunteer." Alexander says, "That sounds like a great location to have a party. Will there be a DJ at this party?" Carlos says, "Yes. My neighbor does music before at other parties like the Halloween party at our school." Spencer says, "Your neighbor is the coolest. I saw him on a 4th of July party about 2 years ago." Carlos says, "I was there too." Alexander says, "I didn't know the DJ that was at the Halloween party was your neighbor." Carlos says, "I know. I didn't tell you that yet."

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