Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers

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Disclaimer: Everyone is going to be 18 in this story, I know that's not really accurate but deal with it. Also to make it a choose your own read the author's note at the bottom

  To say I was shocked was an understatement. Never in a million years would I have guessed I would make it one a real tv show, a reality show nonetheless. I'm not expecting to win, if anything I'll probably be voted off early. I don't like being in the spotlight and am a massive people pleaser. Looking back on it, that's an awful personality to have on a reality show. However, I can look on the bright side, I might make friends, hell maybe even get a date. That or I can make a total fool of myself on national television, either way, I get a chance at fame, but I can't blow it, especially since I've not even arrived yet.

        "Hey, we are almost there, get ready to make an impression when you get off the boat. It'll help people understand the kind of person you are." A man yelled. I'm approaching the 5-star resort, or what it's supposed to be, to start the show. The boat hummed, and the smell of the water wafted around. " Uh, what should I do? When I get there I mean." My voice shakily called, to say I was confident would be a lie. I've never been on tv, if I mess up, the whole world would see it. I'm not sure I can handle that pressure, even on the best days. "Well, that would depend on how you want people to see you. You can be yourself, over the top, rude, or play stupid, it's really up to you. I would recommend you be, or at least act, confident! Players will respect you more and target you a little less. I'm not on the show, but that's my recommendation." Taking a minute, I tried to let the guy's words sink in. Confident. Be confident. That's easier said than done, but he is probably right. If I come off as timid I'm going to be an easy picking. The gutsier I come off the high my chance of staying.

        Within a couple of minutes, a run-down beach came into view. Glancing back at the brochure I'd been given, all I could was shake my head. I should've known I wasn't lucky enough to get a comfortable summer vacation. I can't see very well, based on the distance from the dock, but a few people were already gathered there. The boat's rapid hum started to sputter until coming to a full stop before the dock. "Give a warm welcome to our hometown sweetheart, Y/N.." An older man smiled offering a handout. Everything in me screamed to just stay on the boat, go home and forget this ever happened. My heart was racing, and anxiety was slowly taking hold of my body. As faint as I was feeling, I breathe in and out. Confident, just act confident Y/N.

        I take the host's hand and step onto the dock. A quiet creek echoed out as I stepped down. As anxious as I'm feeling, I plaster a smile and shake his hand. "So how are you feeling right now?" Chris asked as he pulled his hand back. The question rang in my head. Every answer could affect how people perceive me. The boat guy said I can be whoever I want, but who exactly did I want to be? Then something hit me, my introduction, well Chris's introduction of me, 'hometown sweetheart.' I could play that, just gotta be warm and friendly. I think I can manage that. " Honestly Chris? I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited to meet some new people! That doesn't mean I'm gonna let them win the money though, that dough is gonna be mine." I say in the sweetest voice I can muster. Glancing behind Chris, a colorful cast of characters could be seen. "I'm rooting for you!" He chuckles as he motions over to where the group stood. Picking up my two suitcases, I walk over to the group waving at the others with a smile.

        I find a spot between a guy with a pinkish button-up on, with no buttons closed, on my left and a meaner-looking guy with a bright green mow hawk on my right. It wasn't my ideal spot, especially not next to a delinquent, but it is what it is. The guy on my left shifted closer to me before speaking. " Pst, hey, my name's Geoff, it's nice to meet you!" I smiled and extended my hand out to him. He returned the handshake and went back to waiting for the next contestant. I look over to my right, giving a glance at the other guy. Within the few seconds I took to look at him, he managed to meet my eyes. One of his eyebrows went up and a smirk met his lips. " Take a picture, it'll last longer." I was taken aback by his words, I try to come up with something to say but falter to say anything in return. All I manage to do is scoot closer to Geoff and flush in embarrassment. A chuckle erupted from the guy and Geoff just offered a reassuring smile. Quietly Geoff bent down to ear level. " Ignore him, he's been acting like that since he's gotten here. Duncan is just overly flirty." I couldn't help but laugh and give Geoff a grin in return. Geoff smiled, straightened up, and looked toward the end of the dock. I can already tell me and Geoff are going to be good friends.

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