Chapter 2.5: Water Shenanigans

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The chirps and sun peaking through the window would normally be a pleasant thing to wake up to, normally. Today though it feels like the bain of my existence. Did I stay up too late yesterday? Rubbing my eyes I sit up and dangle my feet off the bed. I wonder what time it is, I hope I haven't slept in. Looking around it seems like I'm not the only one sleeping in. Both Sadie and Katie are peacefully passed out in their bunks. As quietly as possible, I hop off my bed and check my phone, 9:47. Hm, that's the easiest I've woken up in a while. I don't think it's going to be a good idea for me to walk around in a tank top and shorts, so I need to change before anything else. I pick up my cameo-colored duffle bag and stalk out to the communal bathrooms. "Morning Y/N!" Geoff calls. He is slumped up against the railing of his cabin, "We are all heading to the mess hall, you want us to wait up for you?" At the mention of food, Owen pokes his head out, followed by DJ and Duncan. "Yeah give me a quick second and I'll be with y'all," I yell back and swing the bathroom door open. The smell of burning hair meets my nose as I take my first step in. " Morning girls." Heather turns her head in my direction, glaring. I guess she isn't a morning person. Lindsay gives a quick wave and turns back to the mirror, applying some eyeshadow. One of the few showers is on, so someone else is in here. I stride over to an open stall and throw on a lazy outfit consisting of a loose t-shirt and shorts. Coming out of the stall, I notice Leshawna and Gwen have taken Heather and Lindsay's spots. "Morning, how are y'all doing?" They both shrug. "As good as I can be this early." Gwen nods, agreeing with Leshana's claim. I laugh a little and go through the morning routine of brushing my hair and teeth. Giving the others a wave I head outside. "Alright, I'm ready to go. What about you guys?" An affirmative hum comes from everyone and we all head to the mess hall.

"Good morning Chef, how are you doing?" He looks at me, places 'food' on my plate, and nods. He isn't very chatty, is he? I nod back at him before taking a spot at our table. The rest of the guys take a spot somewhere at the table. "What are y'all planning to do today?" They all look at each other, and Geoff turns to me. "We are thinking of having a massive water fight down by the beach. Duncan and I are going to be team captains!" He exclaims, practically bouncing up and down. "We've been convincing people to join us all morning, so far we've gotten Bridget, Harold, Lindsay, and Noah to join!" I'm a little surprised they got Noah to join. He doesn't seems like the type to join groups. I mean that in the nicest way possible. He's just a lone wolf in my eyes. "You all know I'm joining for sure." I grin at the boys. "That's awesome to hear! Now we have even teams," He smiles. As we finish eating, more contestants arrive at the mess hall. Including Noah and Bridget. " Do we know who's going to be on what team?" I shrug turning my attention to the two. " All I know is Duncan and Geoff are team captains. What team do you all want to be on?" Neither of them cares and focuses back on their breakfast. "So who's going first?" DJ inquiries. We all glance at Duncan and Geoff waiting for their response. "I'll let him go first." Duncan motions to Geoff. He thinks about it for a second and points to DJ, "You're on my team, big guy." Duncan rolls his eyes and links my arm to his. "You're on my team doll." My eyes widen, I was kind of hoping to be on Geoff's team but I can't complain. I shrug and slowly remove my arm from his. "I'll pick a girl too then," Geoff looks between Bridget and Lindsay, "Lindsay, you mind joining me?" Did he pick Lindsay? I thought for sure he would pick Bridget considering they've had a little bit of chemistry. "Well, Bridget guess you're on our team." Nice, she's already used to water, I'm sure she'll be an awesome water warrior. The only people left, and I'm not super shocked, are Noah and Harold. If I was going to guess their reasoning, it's because they are scrawny in comparison to us. That doesn't make them less valuable just not as sought after. God that comes out harsh no matter how I say it, doesn't it? "I'll give Harold a shot" Geoff decides. I pay a seat on my left offering Noah a spot on our team. Duncan groans, clearly unhappy with this outcome. I know they aren't best friends or whatever, but I don't think they dread each other. I can't speak for them though.

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