Chapter 3: The Big Sleep

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OH MY GOD, WHAT WAS THAT? I raise immediately trying to figure out what is going on. An air horn was blasting loudly outside of the cabins. What time is it? It's way too early morning for bullshit like this. Outside I hear muffled yelling, most likely a camper ticked off by the racket. I stretch, and grogginess starts to set in. My eyelids feel heavy and I'm on blink away from falling back asleep. Taking all the energy I have, I jump from the bed and glance at the girls. Every one of them is going through the same emotions, anger, confusion, and tiredness. Huffing I pick up my phone to check the time. The light on the screen blinds me momentarily, before revealing that it's 7:01 am. "You've got to be kidding me." A few of the girls are up, and they peak over my should at my statement. "Are you serious? Why are we up at 7?" Bridget whines. "It better be a good reason or I'm going to kill that man," Eva growls. I hate to condone violence but I'm on Eva's side on this one. If she doesn't kill him, I will. Sulking over to my duffel bag and pick out an outfit similar to the last one and head to the bathroom. I'm still a few feet away from it when I hear screaming coming from inside. It's too early for whatever is going on in there, but I don't have much of a choice. I open the door as quietly as possible and see the issue. Leshawna is ranting to everyone in the bathroom, anyone that'll listen that is. " I mean seriously, I'm not a morning person! It's too damn early." She puffs. "I know right? This has got to be a part of the challenge for the day, I don't see how it would make sense otherwise." "I don't care what challenge it is, Y/N, Chris could've let us sleep in a little later." I understand where she's coming from, complaining won't get us anywhere though. Sucking it up I step into the shower and change. The bathroom door clicks open, "Hey, Chris says we have another 20 minutes to get ready, then he's starting without us." Beth explains stepping in. Rolling my eyes, I pick up the pace throw on my clothes, and rush over to the mirrors. "What do you think he's going to make us do?" Heather comments. This early? I'm not sure what he would possibly want. "Maybe it's an eating contest." It goes quiet before everyone begins laughing. "If it was I think we'd have you beat." Gwen laughs. "Yeah, Owen would carry us the whole time." They got a point, we would lose for sure. "On a more serious note, I think it'll be another challenge involving water." "What gives you that idea Bridget?" I inquire. I don't see why would have another challenge involving water. Had Chris told us to change into bathing suits I would understand, but I don't think that'll happen. We all begin going back and forth with possible ideas. Gwen, Heather, and Lindsay guess it'll be something to do with mental abilities, while Leshawna, myself, Bridget, and Beth agree that it'll be a physical challenge. With Chris though, who knows?"

We all start to filter outside and stand in our respective groups. I stand in between Courtney and Eva. Eva has her earbuds in, blasting some kind of music I've never heard of. Cody must not have heard it either because he starts to slowly reach for the music player. Eva catches him, almost biting his hand off. She must seriously like music. "Morning camper's, hope you all slept well." Chris's oddly cheerful voice rings out. Looking around, everyone was either about to drop dead or sucking it up. I guess there are some early birds here, too bad I'm not one of them. "Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts!" My head snaps in Heather's direction. I can't help but give her a side eye, what's she trying to do? "I know," he says giving her a finger gun. I cover my mouth, attempting not to laugh at them. He shut her down fast. "Ok, I hope you all are ready because your next challenge starts in one minute" He grins checking his watch. There is no way, he can't do that can he? We just woke up, he can't expect us to just wake up ready. "Oh excuse me, I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast," Owen comments. He's got a point, even if the food is crummy it is still important. "Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen," I sense something awful coming, "right after you complete your 20-kilometer run, around the lake." There it is, I huff and look at the ground. I'm about to go cry in the cabins. I'm not in the mood to run 20 kilometers this early in the morning. "Oh, so you're funny now?" Eva growls, "You know what I find funny?" She starts stalking toward Chris slowly raising her arm. Geoff, Duncan, and I immediately grab her, to prevent any casualties. I can't tell if she's harder or easier to hold back than Leshawna was. Chris flinches back, attempting to create distance from her. Courtney scoots next to us and whispers something to her. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She yells at Chris, lunging at him. We pull her back barely keeping her stable. "A little, you have 30 seconds," he smirks at her. Can he not tell how mad she is? He is about to get his ass beat if he keeps taunting her like this. "Eva, take a breath, we all want to kill him, but now isn't the best time." I try to spit out. She glared at him before loosing up, nodding. "You're right," she mutters. I rub her back and let her go, signaling the others to release her as well. They both look at each other and let her go. Courtney heads to the confessional, most likely to talk about what happened. I shake my head before turning back to Geoff and Duncan. "That's one way to start the morning." I laugh. "No kidding," Duncan utters rolling his eyes. All three of us follow the rest of the group to the starting line. "I hate to say it, but I'd rather get voted off than run." Duncan nods understanding my frustration. "Well, I'll hang back with you if you want." He shrugs. "I'd rather have Chris himself walk next to me than you." I deadpan at him. He smirks slightly before putting his hand over his heart, "Ouch, I thought we were friends." "Okay runners, on your mark, get set, go!" Chris hollers.

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