Chapter 5: Not Quite Famous

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A numbing pain rockets through my brain as a painful screech echos. "Alrighty campers, that's enough beauty sleep! It's time for you to show us what you're made of!" I let out a groan, burying my face into the pillow. I'm not sure if it's the food poisoning or the fact I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night, but I feel like shit. My eyes feel heavy and my throat feels tight. Then again, that could just be me needing a drink. I'm half tempted to just sleep in and face the consequences. At the same time though, one of those consequences could be dealing with Chef. I just need to wake up, that's the better option anyway. Groaning, I force myself into a sitting position. Everyone else seems to be feeling the same way as almost all of them are still lying on their side. I puff out a sigh and lightly hop down from the bunk. I guess it's going to be my job to get everyone up. Which is weird considering I'm the one feeling shitty. I stretch, popping a few bones, and take a step toward Eva's old bunk. I try not to focus on her empty bed too much, instead focusing on the form above me. Courtney is sleeping up top, cuddled into her blankets, facing the wall. Damn, I would kill to be back in bed. Well, if I can't be comfy, neither can she. I smirk and reach up, shaking her. She grumbles, swatting my hand away. This bitch, I narrow my eyes, deadpanning, and snatch the blanket off of her. Was it a little much? Probably, but she did hit me. "Hey!" She shoots up, glancing around. It didn't take her long to figure out I was the one who did it. "It's time to get up, princess." I laugh giving my best Duncan impression. In response she throws her pillow at me, begrudgingly getting up. I'd be annoyed if I woke up to Duncan too. I hand her the items once she makes it down. "I need help waking everyone up. You think you can wake the twins up for me?" She tiredly nods, tossing her stuff onto her bunk. I quickly turn away from the brunette and shift over toward Bridget. I bellyflop onto her back. She groans from under me and attempts to punch me. I don't think she puts any effort into it though because she misses me by a mile. "Come on, it's time to get up." She huffs, tossing the blanket over her head. I smile, getting up from the bed. A symphony of annoyed groans rings out as Courtney and I wrangle the rest of the girls up. It took a while, but eventually, everyone was up and at them. With my job complete, I walk over to my duffel bag, throwing on a tank top and a pair of shorts. It's one of my older outfits, but it's never failed me before. "So, does anyone wanna walk to the bathroom with me?" No one chimes up, giving me my answer. Guess I'll be alone today. I purse my lips and crack open the cabin door. As I step out, I take note of the surroundings. Lindsay and Gwen are heading to the bathroom, Geoff and DJ are hanging outside their cabin and Noah is sitting on the cabin stairs. Hmm, looks like the Gophers are having a slow start to their morning. Ignoring that, I returned my attention to where I was going. It doesn't take long to reach the bathroom. The second I step in, the wind of a blow dryer greets me. Lindsay and Heather are messing around with their hair, while Gwen is in the shower. I took a shower last night, so I think I'll just change. I make my way to a stall when Lindsay grabs my hand. "Y/N! Do you have any fake tanner, I'm completely out." Fake tanner? "No, I don't, sorry." I've never used fake tanner, then again I never leave my house. I'm probably lacking in the vitamin D department. Lindsay pouts turning back toward Heather. "Heather doesn't have any either! I'm going to have to tan... the hot way." Really, the hot way? That's how most people do it, I think. I would go with her, but I don't tan, I cook. If I stay out too long, I burn, and seeing as how I feel like shit already, I'm not interested in that right now. "Do you wanna sun tan with me?" God damn it, can she read my mind? "Lindsay I-"Looking into her eyes, I feel powerless. Her eyes are shining, filled with hope. I'm not sure if that's what they are filled with, but it's what I'd guess. "Okay, I'll sun tan with you, eventually..." She squeals pulling me into a hug. "Thank you!" Heather is side-eyeing us, most likely judging my comment. If she has something to say, she doesn't say it. After escaping Lindsay's bear hug, I make my toward the stall, more than ready to get out of my night clothes.

I let out a yawn, as I strip. I'm beyond tired right now. I feel like shit, and I wanna kill over. Quickly changing, I open the stall. Normally I'd check the mirror and make sure I look good, but that sounds like way too much effort. I lazily leave the bathroom and start to make my way to the mess hall. "Wow, you look rough." I jump slightly but relax after a bit. "Great seeing you too Noah." He chuckles, walking to my left. "Did you get any sleep?" "Not really, I couldn't get comfortable. I think Chef poisoned me." I wouldn't put it past him. He seems like the type to do that. "Are you sick or something?" Am I? My throat is feeling better, but I feel weak. Do I have a cold going on? I don't know, my brain hurts. "I think I'm fine." He cocks an eyebrow, probably unconvinced. "If you say so." "Good morning you guys!" An oddly cheery voice chirps. "Morning." Noah and I respond. As much as I love a little optimism in the morning, I think I'm going to kill Cody if he keeps it up. "Sooo, what do you think the challenge is gonna be?" I shrug and turn to Noah. "Maybe it'll be a talent competition." We both look at each other and laugh. "As if, we'll probably have to run a mile through a burning forest." Honestly, just from what we've been through these past couple of days, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Noah let's put a yawn as the mess hall comes into view. "You excited to join me at the bass table?" He cocks an eyebrow. "Don't expect me to sit next to you sicky." We both smirk at each other, rolling my eyes. Cody narrows his eyes before widening them. "Oh, that's right! You're on the bass team now, I totally forgot." The bookworm deadpans at him, as I start laughing. Damn, his ex-teammate didn't even realize he's gone. I'm wheezing as Noah lightly punches me in the arm. "Sorry Noah..." The blue-eyed boy mutters, rubbing his neck. Noah huffs, speeding up his pace. I'm still giggling as we enter the mess hall. Glancing around at the bass side, there are a few spots available. There is an open spot next to Duncan and Geoff, a spot in between Bridget and Sadie, and a corner spot next to Courtney. I start walking to the corner spot but get cut off by Noah. Screw that introvert. He smirks at me, probably his way of getting back at me for laughing. I glare at him and turn around. I guess that leaves Bridget and Sadie vs Duncan and Geoff. I look over at the two males. Geoff is staring at Bridget, love birds, and Duncan has got his head buried into his arms. I ditch my gaze to the females, Sadie is rambling to Bridget about something, as the blonde stares contently at her. Well... that makes this easier. If Sadie and Bridget are in the middle of something, it'll be more polite if I just sit in between the guys. Geoff seems to straighten up as I approach. "Morning Y/N!" He greets cheerily. I lazily wave, and plop down next to him. I glance at Duncan, who doesn't respond to my presence. I shrug and turn my attention to the blonde. "How are you doing today?" He thinks for a second before smiling, "I'm doing alright, better than him anyway," he jokes motioning toward the punk rocker beside me. "How about yourself?" I stick out my tongue, "I feel crummy, I think I've got a cold or something." Geoff's smile fades into a look of concern as he looks me over. "Do you think you can participate in the challenge?" I roll my eyes, "I'm sure I'll be fine." I hear a mumble come from Duncan but ignore it. Geoff nods, still concerned.

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