Chapter 4.5: All Day Everyday (Break Day 1 of two)

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(Okay, so everyone voted and it looks like all/ most of the characters are going to be love interest. Since everyone is going to be a love interest I'm going to do something special for y'all! 😉)

Last night before everyone went to bed, Chris made an announcement. Since we hadn't gotten a break day the other day, he was going to give us two. Meaning we'd get a chance to spend two days mingling. Which is oddly kind of him to do. Then again after the drama from last night, I'll take anything I can get.

"Y/N!" A sweet voice calls, shaking me awake. Huh? Come on, I was planning to sleep in today. Groaning I roll over facing toward whoever was running my dreams. Cracking an eye open, a blonde female stands in front of me, beaming. "Lindsay? What are you doing up? What time is it?" Lindsay glances at a clock sitting at the bedside table. "It's already 8! It's time to get up anyway," she giggles "Tyler asked me to go on a walk with him. I thought it would be nice of you to join!" A walk, this early in the morning? "Yeah, I'm going to pass. There is no way you're getting me up." I huff closing my eyes again. I wait for a second, but I can still feel Lindsay standing by me. Slowly opening my eyes again, I see a pathetic sight. Lindsay is standing in front of me, pouting. Normally a pout wouldn't get a reaction out of me. However her baby blue puppy dog eyes, combined with her sad look, is doing something. I don't want to get up, no part of of me does. On the other hand, I'm going to cry if she keeps looking at me like that. Sighing, I sit up. Her face lights up at the move. Letting out a small squeal she heads for the door. "I'll meet you outside!" She grins making her way outside. I can't believe I sold my morning just to go on a walk with Lindsay and Tyler. Wait- oh my god- did I? Shit I'm going to crash their date! Everyone knows they have a thing for each other. Knowing how oblivious Lindsay is most of the time, she probably didn't register it as a date. Rubbing a hand through my hair I clamber out of my bed. Damn, Tyler is going to be annoyed. "Y/N?" A voice groggily mutters. Turning around it's Bridget, still peacefully laying in her bed. Ignoring the jealousy in my heart, "What's up?" "Why are you up so early?" I shrug in response. "Lindsay and I are going out," Bridget's eyes narrow slightly, most likely due to tiredness. "Can you wake me up in an hour or so? I don't want to waste my day sleeping." She gives a half-lidded smile snuggling into her bed. God, I wish I could do that too, "Yeah, I'll wake you up as soon as I get up." Her eyes slowly close as she yawns. "Thanks..." she mumbles something under her breath. Oh well, I'm sure that wasn't important for me to hear anyway. Stretching I head over to my duffel bag switching quickly into ripped jeans and a dark green hoodie. I glance around hoping no one just saw me changing. Luckily enough, no one seems to have seen me. Letting out one final yawn I step outside to find Lindsay.

"Y/N you're coming? Oh, that's awesome!" Wait what? He doesn't mind I'm coming along? That's... surprising to say the least. Maybe it wasn't a date and I'm just overthinking things. Letting out an awkward chuckle I nod. I haven't gotten much time with either of these two anyway, so this should be fun. "Oh my gosh guys, do you think we'll see any animals?" Lindsay grins. Uh, after what Duncan did to the deer on the first day, the animals will probably stay 500 yards away from us. "I'm sure we will, if it's a forest there are animals. Therefore we'll see them." Tyler's reasons fueling Lindsay's optimism. These two share one brain cell, I swear, but even then, I have to admit their enthusiasm is cute. What kind of person would I be if I killed it? "That makes sense. I'm sure they'll be a squirm or two." Lindsay smiles almost hopping with excitement. I didn't know she was such an animal lover. She almost reminds me of a kid, she gets so excited over little things. "What are we waiting for, let's get going!" Tyler grins pulling us along with him. We walked for a bit before reaching a pathway into the forest. The trail itself is littered with sticks, and it's difficult to see down the trail. It's not scary by any means, but it's mildly concerning. I take a few steps, getting closer to the entrance. I turn around, noticing neither of them following me. "Aren't you all coming?" Both of them look past me before turning to each other. "It looks spooky down there what if something happens?" I deadpan at her, she's worried about something happening, in broad daylight? Sure the forest is a little foggy but it's nothing too crazy. "Don't worry Lindsay, I'll protect you." Rolling my eyes I smile at their love-struck gaze. A twig suddenly breaks from within the forest catching our attention. I almost die laughing as Tyler practically jumps into my arms. How the hell is he going to protect Lindsay if he's such a chicken? These goobers are perfect, and no one can tell me otherwise. "And while you are protecting Lindsay, I'll make sure to cover your back." He relaxes a tad bit, hesitantly pulling away from me. "Alright, let's get going, team." I smile in an attempt to boost their confidence. Lindsay takes Tyler's hand, and Tyler grabs mine. Huh, not what I thought would happen, but it could be worse. Once we all link up we, in sync, take our first step forward. Nothing happens, giving us all a sense of relief. It's not like expected anything, but it's good knowing nothing is going on. After a few more steps, Tyler and Lindsay finally relax, still keeping our hands together.

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