Chapter 4: Dodge Brawl

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"Alright, campers it's time to get up! We got a fun-filled day for you all!" Five more minutes, please. It feels like I got no sleep last night. I flip over, facing the wall of the cabin. If Chris wants me up, he's going to have to drag me out of this bed. Another few minutes pass before another screech comes. "Anyone who isn't out of bed in the next ten minutes has to deal with Chef.~" Which is more important, sleep or surviving Chef? Weighing my choices, I begrudgingly force myself out of bed. I take note of who is still in the cabin, versus who is absent. The twins and Courtney are gone, while Bridget is lightly snoring. I climb down the bed ladder, trying my hardest not to wake her. I guess everyone else went ahead. I'm half tempted to leave Bridget here just to see what Chef will do to her. Pushing my morbid curiosity aside, I lightly shake the blonde. Her eyes slowly open, dull and glossy due to her lack of rest. "Y/N? What time is it?" She looks past me, looking at the empty bunks. "Where is everyone?" I shrug, glancing at my phone. 8:12 seems like Chris wasn't feeling nice enough to let us sleep in. "I think they all went to the mess hall, I'm not sure. I wanted to give you a heads up that if you aren't out of bed before Chef gets here, he's probably going to drag you out." Her dull eyes glance to the door, before back at me. She stretches out, grumbling as she pushes off the bed. Leaving her, I walk over to my duffel bag and pull out dark blue jeans, a white crop, and a red flannel jacket. "Bridget, you want to walk with me to the bathroom?" She nods, still not fully awake. Yawning, I wait for her to grab her clothes and we head to the bathroom. "Did you get any sleep last night?" I already know her answer, the slight bags under her eyes tell me everything. She deadpans and shakes her head. " I did, but it didn't do me any good. Harold's snoring made it restless!" I chuckle, I guess I wasn't the only one suffering last night. Speaking of suffering, if I'm still exhausted, I wonder how Duncan is holding up. He stayed awake the longest, if anyone is feeling shitty, it'll be him. I'll have to check in on him once I and Bridget get finished. In no time, we both step into the bathroom. Not to sound disappointed, but I expected us to be alone. Instead, Heather and Lindsay were doing their makeup, desperately trying to cover up the reminisce of their sleepiness. We silently creep behind the girls to change. "Y/N! Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Lindsay smiles. Clearing my throat, I motion to Bridget to go ahead. She nods and steps into a stall. "I slept fine, how about you ladies?" "I slept fi- Oh my gosh, you look exhausted!" Lindsay cries. Damn, do I look that bad? She quickly grabs my arm, pulling me toward the mirror. Looking at my reflection, it was obvious I hadn't slept well.

Unlike Bridget, who had light purple under her eyes, I had dark circles. Jeez, I do look like crap. Glancing toward Heather, she was staring intently at me. Her face had a hint of sadness, as quickly as it appeared it was gone. "You have to let us help you. There is no way I'm letting you walk out of here until we give you a makeover." Lindsay's face lit up at Heather's words. Lindsay and Heather both grabbed a brush and looked over at me. "You all don't have to do that, I just need to throw on some clothes." I shrug, slowly backing up. Every step I take backward, the girls take forward. Heather wasn't kidding when she said she wasn't going to let me go, was she? I have two options, let them do their magic, or run for my life. That is a tough choice, but I know what I'm picking. I turn on my heels, facing the bathroom door. I'm still in pajamas but I'd rather deal with that than have them do my makeup. I'm able to take one step before Heather and Lindsay pounce. Lindsay grabs my shirt by the hem, and Lindsay pulls my hair. Neither is using a lot of force, so it didn't hurt. Lindsay holds me in place while Heather stands in front thinking. I hear a creek, noticing Bridget finished getting dressed. "Bridget, help me!" I cry, the surfer looks between all three of us and takes a step back. "Bridget?" "Bridget." "Bridget!" I yell as she runs out the door. That dirty traitor, I'm going to remember this. "Now, what to do with you?" I slowly turn my gaze back to the black-haired teen. I swallow hard, I should've just gone in my PJs. "Close your eyes," Heather says softly, bringing a brush to my face. Lindsay begins to mess with my hair, doing god knows what. Since my eyes are closed, these girls could be turning me into a clown for all I know. A few more minutes pass, and finally "Okay, you can look now." Although I'm nervous, I open my eyes. When I meet the mirror I'm surprised at the person looking back at me. My hair was slightly wavy, and a little bit of blush, neutral eyeshadow, and mascara were all noticeable on my features. " Wow, you all are magic." My eye bags are still evident, but they are a lot less noticeable. " You look so good!" Lindsay says pulling me into a hug. Man, I love her, she is such a sweetheart. "Thanks you guys, I appreciate it." The girls start putting away their supplies, and Heather hands me my clothes. "Don't mention it, what are friends for?" She says winking. Friends, she sees me as a friend? Why do I feel a little disappointed? Whatever, she has no reason to see me as anything else, positive or negative. It does make me feel good knowing she doesn't hate me though. I'd be concerned if that was the case. "Thanks, I'll see you all later?" I smile stepping into a stall, waving to them. They take their leave once I'm fully inside. Everyone on this island is so nice, except for Duncan. He sucks, and an unwelcome smile tugs at my lips. Speaking of Duncan, I need to hurry if I wanna check on him. That and I want to get some food. With one last tug of my pants, I'm fully clothed. Adjusting my flannel, I step out and head for the sink. After checking my outfit, I finally began my journey to the mess hall.

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