The Moonlight Sonata and Unwelcome Hands

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The rhythmic tap-tap-tap of Taehyung's knife against the chopping board was a familiar counterpoint to the low hum of conversation in the kitchen of Yangnyeom, Seoul's hottest new five-star restaurant. Unlike the vibrant symphony of sizzling pans and shouted orders, Taehyung's movements were quiet, practiced. But the chatter wasn't background noise today. He could feel their stares, the burn of their whispers even as they spoke in hushed tones.

"There he goes again with that ridiculous hair," Ji, a Line Cook* with a perpetual chip on his shoulder, sneered. "Mullets are so over. Makes him look like a girl."

"Maybe that's why he got promoted to Station Chef* so fast, huh, Ji?" Minjoo, a fellow Prep Cook* with a mischievous glint in her eye, chimed in.

"Manager Park has a type, you know." Ji scoffed.

"Yeah, right. As if someone like him would sleep his way to the top."

The last part was laced with a bitterness that spoke volumes about his own thwarted ambitions.

Taehyung's hands tightened around the handle of the knife, knuckles turning white. These rumors, these barbs – they were nothing new. They were a constant drone in the soundtrack of his life, a relentless reminder of his vulnerability. He couldn't escape them, not here, not anywhere it seemed.

The truth, the ugly truth they couldn't even conceive of, burned in his throat like bile. Manager Park's "advances" had been far from welcome, a sickening mix of groping hands and lewd propositions. But Taehyung was trapped. The pay at Yangnyeom was good, the best he'd ever had, and with his grandma hospitalized, it was his only lifeline. He couldn't afford to lose this job, not now.

The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his young shoulders. Gone were the days of carefree dreams. Now, he was the sole provider, the fragile hope that held his grandma's fragile world together. He squeezed his eyes shut for a fleeting moment, picturing her frail figure on the hospital bed. A silent promise formed on his lips – "I'll be strong, Grandma. I'll get you through this."

A sigh escaped him as he glanced at the clock. The hands were inching closer to six, the witching hour when the dinner rush truly began. Today was no different.

A wealthy chaebol's birthday extravaganza had turned the kitchen into a chaotic ballet of clanging pots and harried movements for the past few days. Taehyung hadn't seen the light of day, let alone visit his grandma. The guilt gnawed at him, but the bills piled high on his bedside table were a stark reminder of his priorities. He had secured a two-day leave starting tomorrow, a small window to see his grandma, a stolen breath of normalcy amidst the relentless storm.

"Tomorrow, I'll see you, grandma," he muttered under his breath, a silent prayer for a smooth shift.

Yangnyeom, aptly named after the vibrant Korean spice blend, had taken the city by storm in its three short years. The sleek, minimalist interior hummed with a quiet energy, a stark contrast to the controlled chaos of the kitchen. The air here was thick with the aroma of sizzling Bulgogi and the delicate sweetness of simmering Kimchi Jjigae. Here, amidst the clatter of cutlery and murmured conversations, patrons enjoyed an escape into a world of culinary artistry. A world far removed from Taehyung's reality.

The symphony of the dinner rush reached a crescendo. The Executive Chef* barked orders, his voice a sharp counterpoint to the clatter of dishes. Waiters weaved through the maze of chefs and stations, balancing trays laden with steaming delicacies. Taehyung, lost in the rhythm of his work, barely registered the chaos around him. His focus was laser-sharp, each movement precise, a testament to his dedication and skill.

A faint melody drifted through the kitchen, a melancholic strain of Moonlight Sonata. It was a stark contrast to the usual cacophony, a moment of unexpected serenity. He stole a glance towards the source – a lone pianist perched discretely in a corner, his fingers dancing across the ivory keys, weaving a spell of quiet magic. The music soothed the storm brewing within Taehyung, a temporary balm to the constant anxiety that gnawed at him.

Everything seemed to be under control, a well-oiled machine churning out culinary delights. "Tomorrow," he thought, a flicker of hope warming his chest.

After preparing everything, Taehyung headed to the bathroom to wash his face. As he leaned over the sink, a sudden, suffocating darkness engulfed him. A large hand clamped down over his mouth, muffling the scream that rose in his throat. Panic surged through him as he recognized the sickeningly familiar touch – Manager Park.

'No, no, please no,' a desperate plea echoed in his mind.

In a surge of adrenaline, Taehyung thrashed against the iron grip. He sank his teeth into the fleshy palm clamped over his mouth, a primal cry escaping him as he tasted blood.

A startled yelp pierced the air. Manager Park recoiled, clutching his injured hand. Taehyung seized the opportunity, pushing past the older man and scrambling towards the door. But it was too late.

Manager Park lunged, grabbing Taehyung's arm with one hand and his distinctive mullet with the other.

A sharp pain erupted in his scalp as Manager Park yanked him back. Taehyung cried out, his shirt buttons popping open in the struggle. Wrinkly hands, cold and unwelcome, explored his chest, pinching his nipples with cruel intent.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes, blurring his vision. A choked sob escaped his lips as he pleaded, 'Please, someone, help me!'

He felt trapped, his frantic struggles doing little against Manager Park's superior strength. Just when despair threatened to consume him, the bathroom door burst open with a loud bang. A figure stood silhouetted in the doorway, the harsh light reflecting off a flash of silver.

It was Lee Young Jae.


Line Cook - Following recipes and preparing dishes under the supervision of higher-level chefs.

Prep Cook - Prepare ingredients for the line cooks, chopping vegetables, portioning proteins, and keeping the kitchen organized.

Station Chef - Specializes in a particular area of the kitchen, like the grill station, sauté station, or dessert station. They're experts in their assigned dishes. [Taehyung is station chef]

Executive Chef - The head honcho of the kitchen, overseeing all culinary operations. They manage the menu, staff, and budget.



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