Arcade Day

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Taehyung wasn't sure what to wear for the arcade. With a limited wardrobe, choosing an outfit felt like an insurmountable task. He worriedly chewed on his lip, his brow furrowed in concentration. The room seemed to mirror his disarray, clothes strewn across the bed and floor.

A rustle from the doorway drew his attention. He looked up to see his grandma approaching, a gentle smile on her face. In her arms, she held a carefully selected outfit. "Wear this, Tete," she said, her eyes twinkling. "You'll look handsome in it."

Taehyung gratefully accepted the clothes - a crisp white shirt, paired with knee-length denim shorts and a matching denim jacket. It wasn't flashy, but it felt comfortable and put-together.

Bidding farewell to his grandma, Taehyung set off for the address Jungkook had sent. A knot of nervous excitement twisted in his stomach. This was the first time he'd ever hung out with classmates outside of school, and the first time venturing into an arcade. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he arrived at the destination.

There, waiting for him, were Jungkook, Young Jae, and Yejun. Taehyung approached hesitantly, his shoulders hunched slightly. Before he could even utter a greeting, a hand clapped down on his shoulder.

"Yo, you came, Tete!" Young Jae boomed, flashing a wide, toothy grin. "We actually made a bet on whether you'd show or not. Guess who won?"

Taehyung instinctively recoiled, shoving Young Jae's hand away. He wasn't exactly fond of Young Jae's loud and boisterous personality.

Sensing the tension, Jungkook stepped in. "Young Jae, shut your mouth," he muttered, his gaze flickering to Taehyung. "Let's just get inside, alright?"

Young Jae chuckled and backed off, leaning over to Taehyung and whispering conspiratorially, "I won."

Taehyung shot him an angry glare, the urge to retort a sharp comeback burning on his tongue. Instead, he opted to ignore Young Jae and pushed past him, eager to put some distance between them.

The arcade itself was a sensory overload. A labyrinth of flashing lights, loud music, and excited shouts filled the air. Rows upon rows of arcade games lined the walls, each one more enticing than the last. Taehyung, overwhelmed by the sights and sounds, felt like a fish out of water. He'd never played any of these games before, and a wave of uncertainty washed over him. What was he even supposed to do here?

Overwhelmed by the cacophony of sounds and the dizzying array of flashing lights, Taehyung stood frozen in place. Yejun and Young Jae had already disappeared into the throng of players, their excited shouts barely audible above the din. Taehyung couldn't even identify the games they were absorbed in, the strange controllers and unfamiliar interfaces a foreign language to him.

A hand clamped on his shoulder, startling him. He whirled around to find Jungkook standing beside him, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Let's go over there," Jungkook declared, gesturing towards a row of claw machines.

A knot of apprehension tightened in Taehyung's stomach. He'd seen claw machines in movies, but the prospect of actually operating one filled him with dread. Before he could voice his hesitation, Jungkook grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the machines.

Taehyung watched with wide eyes as Jungkook expertly inserted coins into the machine. Jungkook's movements were fluid and practiced, a stark contrast to Taehyung's own clumsiness. "It's easy," Jungkook explained, noticing Taehyung's apprehension. "You just use the joystick to move the claw over the prize you want, and then press the button to grab it."

Taehyung took a tentative hold of the joystick, his fingers trembling slightly. He fumbled with the controls, his attempts to maneuver the claw ending in a series of frustrating misses. Disappointment gnawed at him as he watched his limited playtime dwindle with each failed attempt.

Jungkook chuckled good-naturedly. Taking the joystick from Taehyung's grasp, he expertly maneuvered the claw. Within seconds, a fluffy white bunny was secured in its grasp. "See?" Jungkook said with a triumphant grin. "I told you I'm good at everything."

"Take it," Jungkook teased playfully, nudging Taehyung with his shoulder.

Taehyung's jaw dropped in surprise. He stammered, "B-but you won it. You should keep it."

Jungkook smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. "Nah," he said, shoving the bunny into Taehyung's hands. "I don't need this thing." Ignoring Taehyung's weak protests, Jungkook tugged him towards another game, leaving Taehyung clutching the soft bunny to his chest, a bewildered smile spreading across his face.

The next game involved testing their strength with a giant mallet. Jungkook held the bunny for Taehyung, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. Taehyung gripped the mallet tightly, determined to impress. He swung with all his might, aiming for the target, but the score fell short of the average. Jungkook burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the arcade. To Taehyung's surprise, Jungkook handed him the bunny back with a wink.

Emboldened by the gesture, Taehyung approached the next game with renewed focus. He didn't care about winning or losing anymore; all that mattered was the shared experience with Jungkook. As the games progressed, a pattern emerged: Jungkook dominated, while Taehyung consistently fell short. Yet, a strange contentment filled Taehyung. The thrill of competition, the camaraderie with his classmates, and the unexpected moments of kindness from Jungkook-these were experiences he wouldn't trade for anything.

Yejun and Young Jae approached, announcing it was time to head home. They decided to end the night with a friendly bowling game. Yejun bowled first, showcasing surprising skill. Young Jae's turn resulted in a disappointing clatter of pins, but he took it in stride with a playful groan.

Taehyung's heart pounded with nervous anticipation as he stepped up to the lane. He gripped the bowling ball, a deep breath steadying his nerves. With a smooth release, he sent the ball rolling down the lane. To his astonishment, all ten pins tumbled down in a satisfying crash. A whoop of delight escaped his lips, a wide grin splitting his face. Young Jae gaped in surprise, while Yejun erupted in cheers. Jungkook, his expression unreadable, watched Taehyung with a flicker of something in his eyes.

Finally, it was Jungkook's turn. He strolled up to the lane with effortless confidence, his every move practiced and precise. Just as expected, he struck down all the pins with ease. The game ended with Jungkook the clear victor, but the outcome mattered little to Taehyung. He had discovered a newfound confidence within himself, and more importantly, he had enjoyed a memorable afternoon with his classmates, especially a certain smirking someone with bunny-gifting tendencies.

The vibrant glow of the arcade faded behind them as they stepped out into the twilight. The once bright sky was now painted with soft hues of orange and purple, a gentle transition into the approaching night. Ice cream cones were clutched in hands, a sticky testament to their sugary indulgence. Taehyung held his bunny close, its soft fur a comforting weight against his palm.

Yejun and Young Jae's chatter filled the air as they walked, their voices gradually fading as they reached their own bus stop. Jungkook walked beside Taehyung, their steps falling into a comfortable silence. Taehyung stole a glance at him, his heart skipping a beat as their eyes met for a brief moment. Jungkook looked away quickly, his gaze drifting upwards towards the star-speckled canvas above.

The arrival of their bus brought an end to the evening's adventure. With goodbyes exchanged, Taehyung boarded the bus, a wave of contentment washing over him. He replayed the day's events in his mind, a smile tugging at his lips. The arcade's chaos, the thrill of competition, the unexpected gift of the bunny - these were all experiences he would cherish.

As the bus rattled down the street, Taehyung reached for his bunny. Its soft fur felt comforting in his hand, a reminder of the day's shared laughter and newfound connection.

He drifted off to sleep that night, the image of Jungkook's face under the starry sky lingering in his dreams.

𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏 ❜ 𝐕𝐊Where stories live. Discover now