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Life finally felt smooth for Taehyung. The weight that had burdened him had lifted, allowing him to take a deep, cleansing breath. He found himself back in the park, the same one Jungkook had brought him to that day. Sitting on the familiar bench, he gazed out at the lake, sunlight sparkling on its surface. It was a peaceful park, and his feet had carried him here almost unconsciously, lost in thought about the day. More importantly, his right ankle – a constant source of pain – felt completely fine. Was it truly the absence of his burden that had healed him? Whatever the reason, a smile spread across his face.

Earlier that morning, he'd visited his grandma at the hospital. He'd brought her some homemade food, along with her favorite sunflowers. Her face had lit up at the sight of them, and she seemed to have settled in well, making friends with other patients around her age.

Jungkook, too, had become a constant presence in his life. He called and texted frequently, mostly updates about his work. He also checked in on Taehyung's grandma and asked the daily question, "Have you eaten?" At first, Taehyung had been hesitant to answer,  ignoring the messages altogether. But now, Taehyung found himself responding to Jungkook's messages, albeit with short replies. Jungkook, ever-attentive, would remind him to eat and even drop him off at home when pressed for time. On days when Jungkook had more freedom, he'd take Taehyung to this park or explore new restaurants. The dynamic was clear – Jungkook did most of the talking, sharing updates about his work, while Taehyung listened attentively. Unfortunately, Taehyung's own life lacked exciting topics for conversation. It revolved solely around the restaurant and his grandma, leaving him with a sense of emptiness. He had no friends to call or interesting places to suggest for outings.

Despite the initial awkwardness, a sense of ease was gradually settling in. There was a time when Jungkook whisked* him away to the cinema. Unaware of the movie choice, Taehyung found himself seated in the darkened hall, a giant bucket of popcorn nestled between them on the armrest. Jungkook held two cups of soda. It had been years since Taehyung had last enjoyed a movie on the big screen. Back in his younger days, he and his grandma would often spend time watching films on their old television.

[whisked: to take somebody]

A smile unconsciously spread across Taehyung's face as he got caught up in the movie's humor.

"You should smile more, you know," Jungkook said, catching Taehyung's expression and reaching for a handful of popcorn. "You look... pretty." The last word was mumbled, almost an afterthought.

Taehyung furrowed his brow, confused. Pretty? "How can I be pretty?" he retorted defensively. "I'm not a girl."

Jungkook's response was a burst of laughter, so loud that many heads turned in their direction. Mortified, Taehyung instinctively reached out and covered Jungkook's mouth to silence him. Caught in the moment, Taehyung yanked his hands away from Jungkook's mouth in embarrassment. He sank back in his seat, refusing to make eye contact.

Leaving the cinema, they headed towards the parking lot. In one smooth motion, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's wrist and pulled him closer. Now, they were practically face-to-face, breathing the same air, their noses nearly touching. In a husky whisper, Jungkook murmured, "You're pretty." Then, just as quickly, he stepped back and walked towards his car.

Taehyung stood there frozen, his heart pounding in his chest. He slowly followed Jungkook to the car and climbed into the passenger seat. As Jungkook started the engine, a sharp ring pierced the silence. Taehyung retrieved his phone and glanced at the caller ID.

"Hello?" he answered hesitantly.

The conversation was brief and vague: "I'm not home right now... uh, hmm... I'll think about it... okay... good night."

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